EMD/11495 Page 7 of 33
Bidders are requested to read the following carefully and comply with.
1. Bidders must submit the “letter of undertaking” on non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value as per Performa enclosed.
2. Bidder must fill and submit “Declaration”, “vender details” and “Statement of Deviation” complete in all respect along with the tenders.
Tenders with incomplete information are liable to be rejected.
3. Bidder must sign each and every page of the enclosed tender document and submit the same in sealed envelop super scribing the NIT No.,
Name of work, Bid opening date and EMD particulars.
4. EMD should be submitted in a separate envelope, super scribing NIT No. and EMD particulars.
5. The Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of the value as indicated in NIT shall be submitted in any one of the following forms:
a) Banker cheque/ pay order duly pledged in favour of NTPC Ltd./ A Crossed demand Draft in favour of NTPC Ltd./ payable at state
bank of India, Shaktinagar (Code No.5767) or Union Bank of India, Shaktinagar (Code No. 541486).
b) An irrevocable bank guarantee of any nationalised or secheduled bank, in favour of NTPC Ltd provided the EMD amount is more than
Rs. 50,000/-. For which a copy of Performa of Bank Guarantee is enclosed.
c) A copy of standing EMD certificate of NTPC, Singrauli as per details given below:
Value of Work Amount of Standing EMD
Up to Rs 1.00 lac Rs 5,000/-
Up to Rs 5.00 lac Rs 10,000/-
Up to Rs 10.00 lac Rs 20,000/-
Up to Rs 15.00 lac Rs 30,000/-
Up to Rs 25.00 lac Rs 50,000/-
Up to Rs 40.00 lac Rs 80,000/-
Up to Rs 50.00 lac Rs 1,00,000/-
Up to Rs 75.00 lac Rs 1,50,000/-
6. The earnest money shall be made payable without any condition/demur to the Bid-Guarantee in any form of EMD as indicated above .
Bank Guarantee towards EMD shall remain valid for a period of 45 days beyond the original Bid validity period (180 days) or beyond any
extension in the period of Bid validity subsequently requested.
7. Total EMD as asked in the NIT is to be furnished as per Sl. no 05.
8. The tender not accompanied by EMD in accordance with aforesaid provision may be rejected by NTPC as “NON-RESPONSIVE BID”.
9. No interest shall be payable by the owner on the said amount covered under bid-guarantee/other security documents.
10. The EMD shall be forfeited in any of the following circumstances without any notice or proof of damage to the employer.
a) If the Bidder withdraws or varies its bid during the period of Bid validity.
b) If the Bidder does not accept the correction of its Bid Price pursuant to ITB Sub-Clause 23.2.
c) If the Bidder refuses to withdraw, without any cost to the Employer, any deviation, variation, additional condition or any other mention
anywhere in the bid, contrary to the provisions of bidding documents.
d) In the case of a successful Bidder, If the bidder fails, within the time limit.
(i) to sign the contract Agreement in accordance with ITB clause 27.0 and/or
(ii) to furnish the required Security Deposit in accordance with GCC clause 19.0.
e) If the bidder / his representatives commit any fraud while competing for this contract pursuant to Fraud Prevention Policy of NTPC.
f) In case the bidder/ contractor is disqualified from the bidding process in terms of section 3&4 of integrity pact.
11. GCC of NTPC LTD shall form part of this tender irrespective of the fact whether it has been issued with tender documents or not. If the
same is not issued, it would be referred to in our office.
12. NTPC reserve the right to reject any or all the quotations/tenders without assigning any reason therefore.
13. NTPC reserves the right to split the work in whole or part among two or more bidders as the case may be in the interest of the
organization. The bidder will not have any right for enhancement of rates or any other compensation due to such split of work.
14. All quoted rates/amounts should be given in figures as well as In words. Overwriting on the quotation/tender is not allowed and such
tender are liable to be rejected. In case of any discrepancy between figures & words , the rate in words shall be considered for the purpose
of evaluation
15. No condition regarding providing quarter shall be accepted for award of the contract. However, if the contractor requires a quarter for the
work at Shaktinagar, he may apply directly to the authorities through Engr-in-charge.
16. The bidders are required to quote their rates inclusive of all the cost towards labour, (Excluding GST) & duties, cost of men material and
T&P etc. supply of the same at site and all other sundry expenses required for execution of the work.
17. For the purpose of evaluation of the tenders and considering them for award, all the Tenderers shall keep their tenders valid for period of
six months from the date of opening of the tender. During this period, the tender agrees not to vary, alter or revoke his tender either in
whole or in part. If the tenderer, fails to keep his tender valid for six months or varies it terms and conditions during the said period, NTPC
shall be entitled to forfeit the bid-guarantee amount without any notice or proof of damages etc.
18. The bids shall be evaluated on the basis of BOQ units, quoted rates, any deviation to our specifications terms and conditions shall be
loaded and this evaluated total amount shall be the basis of evaluation.
19. The bidders may visit the site and get themselves apprised of the work before quoting.
20. The bidders are advised to go through standard ITB and GCC for O&M work before bidding against Tender Documents.