कू डगी
Ref.: 1046/C&M/Pur.2899/9900170033 Date: 29.11.2018
, , ಬಸವನ , -೫೮೬ ೧೨೧
कू डगी सुपर पावर , पो.आ. कू डगी, तहसील: बसवन बागेवाड़ी, िजला:, -586121
Kudgi Super Thermal Power Project, P.O. Kudgi, Taluk: Basavana Bagewadi, District: Vijayapura – 586121, Karnataka
Phone No.08426-200201 / 280064, FAX NO.08426-280078
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All above details shall be uploaded in the appropriate tab. Bidders may please note that all the
attachments shall be converted into .pdf format before uploading.
6.0 Procedure of bid opening:
For submission of bids, the date and time mentioned at Para 1.0 (a) at Page.1 shall be treated as cut-
off line, and accordingly, the bids shall be frozen. The online bidding system will not a llow bid
submission after the respective specified expiry date and time. Make sure the bid submission is
completed well in advance of the time.
Technical Bid Opening: NTPC shall open the Technical Bids of all such bidders on the scheduled Bid
Opening Date & Time, whose tender fee, EMD (or granted exemptions) are received at C&M
Department of NTPC-Kudgi and submitted their bids on or before the cut-off date and time
mentioned at 2.0 (b) above.
All such bids opened as above shall be evaluated for fulfilment of Qualifying Criteria, EMD/Tender fee
conditions, technical suitability.
Price Bid Opening: Price bids of the all the qualified vendors shall be opened at a later date. The date
of opening of price bids shall be intimated to all qualified bidders.
If the scheduled Bid Opening Date happens to be a closed holiday, the next working day shall be
treated as Bid Opening Date.
7.0 The Technical Bid shall be evaluated for conformity to NTPC's requirements. Wherever clarifications are
required, same shall be taken through exchange of correspondence.
No deviation, whatsoever is acceptable from our tendered specifications or terms and conditions.