NTPC Limited
(A Government of India Enterprise)
Kahalgaon Super Thermal Power Station
PO-Kahalgaon, Dist-Bhagalpur (Bihar)
(Domestic Competitive Bidding)
1.0 NTPC invites bids from eligible Bidders for “Strengthening of existing road by RCC
for heavy vehicles movement in steel yard including other locations inside plant area.
through e-tender
2.0 Brief Information of NIT
NIT Subject
Strengthening of existing road by RCC for heavy
vehicles movement in steel yard including other
locations inside plant area.
NIT No. /Date
Completion Period
08 (Eight)
Document Download Start Date &
26.11.2018; 12:00 AM
Document Download
Close Date &
13.12.2018; 03:30PM
Source of IFB/NIT Kahalgaon Super Thermal Power Station
Contract Classification
Works Contracts
Last Date for seeking clarification
Last Date and Time for Bid
13.12.2018; 03:30PM
Technical Opening Date & Time
15.12.2018; 03:30PM
Price Bid Opening Date & Time To be informed later
Cost of Bidding Documents
EMD Amount in INR
Submission of Bid Security (EMD)/
Tender Fee
DD/Banker’s Cheque sha
ll be made in favour of
NTPC Ltd. preferably payable at SBI CSTPP Area Branch
Colgong (Branch code:6949) or Allahabad Bank, Branch
code:0211932, NTPC Township Branch and should reach
NTPC, Kahalgaon
The Bid Security (EMD) should preferably be sent by Regi
Post/ Speed Post
well in advance so as to reach us before the
due date & time of bid submission. Otherwise their
BIDs shall be rejected.
Exemption of EMD/ Tender Fee not allowed.
Tender fee is non-refundable.
resently, submission of tender fee
in offline mode (Bidder may take careful).
View/ Download the Bidding/
Tender document
Bidders can view/download bidding/ tender documents
However, in order to participate in tender bidders has to pay
requisite tender fee and EMD off-line before the due date &
time of bid opening failing which their online bids will be
considered non-responsive.
Downloading tender paper and
Online bid submission
The bidding document is available online. A complete set of
Bidding Documents may be downloaded by any interested
Bidder from the NTPC tender website
The Bidder would be required to register on the website. First
time users are required to register/enroll themselves online on
NTPC tender website https://eprocurentpc.nic.in by using the
option “Online Bidder Enrollment” and filling up the required
Possession of a Valid Class III Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)
in the form of smart card/e-token in the Company's name is a
prerequisite for registration and participating in the bid
submission activities through this web site. Digital Signature
Certificates can be obtained from the authorized certifying
agencies, details of which are available in the web site under
the link “Information about DSC”.
Users whose email address has not been linked to a vendor
code allotted by NTPC/ first time users not allotted any vendor
code by NTPC, should send a copy of the registration details to
the e-mail address specified in this NIT under Address for
Communication with following details at least three working
days prior to Technical Opening Date:
a) Request on the letter head of the Company
b) Copy of GST Registration Certificate,
c) Copy of PAN Card,
d) Email ID and Contact No.
e) Name and Designation of the contact person
f) Cancelled cheque & E.F.T form duly verified by bank
Note: No Hard Copy of bidding documents shall be issued.
The web site has user manuals with detailed guidelines on
enrollment and participation in the online bidding process. The
user manuals can be downloaded for ready reference.
In case of any difficulty, please contact help desk no- 1800-
3070-2232, Mobile no.: 7878007972 and 7878007973.
3.0 Package Co-ordinator :
1) Ms. Snehalata Sahoo, Sr. Manager (CS), NTPC Kahalgaon, Mobile No. : 8544414306
e-mail: snehalatasahoo@ntpc.co.in
4.0 Address for Communication:
Sr. Mgr.(CS), NTPC, Kahalgaon,
Kahalgaon Super Thermal Power Project
Dist: Bhagalpur
State: Bihar, PIN: 813214
5.0 Bid Security: (EMD):
Bidder has to submit earnest money deposit (EMD) in hard copy (offline) of
requisite value in a separate envelope super scribing “EMD Envelope”, which
must reach the office at the address for communication before the bid submission
i. “EMD Envelope” should contain the EMD of requisite value, strictly in valid
ii. If Bid Security (EMD) in Original of any agency is not received in a
sealed envelope, their bid shall not be opened. If the EMD amount
submitted by any agency is less than the stipulated EMD, their offer shall be
iii. EMD may be furnished in any of the following forms:
a) For EMD amount of any value:
Pay Order / Cross Demand Draft / Banker’s Cheque in favor of NTPC
Limited and drawn preferably on SBI, CSTPP Branch, Kahalgaon
(Branch Code-6949) or Allahabad bank, NTPC Township Branch,
Branch Code-0211932
b) In case EMD amount is >Rs 50,000.00 then, besides above:
Bank Guarantee (BG) from a Nationalized Bank / other banks (as per
NTPC approved list) also will be acceptable. Format of BG against Bid
Security and List of Banks for Bid Security are attached as Annexure-I
and VII respectively. BG should be unconditional and irrevocable and
should be valid for a period of 45 days beyond the bid validity period.
The Bank Guarantee Verification Check List duly filled in as per format
attached as Annexure-V has to be submitted in this regard. Bidder shall
ensure that all the points of check list are replied in “Yes”.
6.0 No Deviation Certificate:
No deviation, whatsoever, is permitted by the Owner to any provisions of bidding
The acceptance of above is an attribute of the on line Bid Invitation and the Bidders
are required to confirm acceptance of Compliance to All Provisions of Bidding
Documents (NIL Deviation Certificate) on line as per format enclosed at Annexure-
III placed in Schedules and formats section. Only after acceptance of the above
condition the bidder shall be allowed to submit the bid.
In case any deviations, variations and additional conditions are found anywhere in
the bid (Techno Commercial Bid & Price Bid), the same shall not be given effect to
in evaluation and it will be considered that the bidder complies to all the terms and
conditions of Bidding Documents without any extra cost to the Owner irrespective of
any mention to the contrary, anywhere in the bid, failing which the Bid Security of
the Bidder be forfeited.
7.0 Clarification on Bidding Documents:
Bidder can seek clarifications through e-mail or in hard copy up to the time specified
as mentioned in the bidding document.
The queries will be answered by NTPC and posted online as corrigendum. The
bidders can view all queries and all answers once they are posted.
8. Qualifying Requirements of Bidders:
In addition to the requirements stipulated in Section ITB (Instructions to Bidder), the bidder
should also meet the qualifying requirements stipulated hereunder:
01. The bidder must have successfully executed the work of “Any Civil Works have RCC Works” in
any NTPC Station/SEBs/Govt./Semi Govt./PSU/”NSE or BSE enlisted Company” during
preceding seven (07) years prior to the date of techno-commercial bid opening as per the
following criteria.
Three works/orders each costing not less than Rs. 31.18 lakhs
Two works/orders each costing not less than Rs. 39.98 lakhs
One work/order costing not less than Rs 62.37 lakhs
02. (a) Average annual financial turnover of the bidder during preceding three (03) financial years
prior to the date of techno-commercial bid opening shall not be less than Rs. 77.96 Lakhs.
(b) In case the Bidder is not able to furnish its audited financial statements on stand-alone entity
basis, the unaudited unconsolidated financial statements of the Bidder can be considered
acceptable provided the Bidder further furnishes the following documents for substantiation of
its qualification.
i) Copies of unaudited unconsolidated financial statements of the Bidder along with copies of
audited consolidated financial statements of its Holding company.
ii) A certificate from the CEO/CFO of the Holding company, as per the format enclosed with the
bidding documents stating that the unaudited unconsolidated financial statements form part of
the Consolidated Financial Statements of the company
In cases where audited results for the last financial year as on the date of the Techno-
Commercial Bid opening are not available, the financial results certified by a practicing
Chartered Accountant shall be considered acceptable. In case, Bidder is not able to submit the
Certificate from practicing Chartered Accountant certifying its financial parameters, the audited
results of three consecutive financial years preceding the last financial year shall be considered
for evaluating the financial parameters. Further, a Certificate would be required from the
CEO/CFO as per the format enclosed in the bidding documents stating that the financial results
of the Company are under audit as on the date of Techno-Commercial bid opening and the
Certificate from the practicing Chartered Accountant certifying that financial parameters is not
(a) The word “executed” mentioned in clause 01 means that the bidder should have achieved the
criteria specified in clause 01 with ANY of the following conditions:
Case-I: The work/order is started earlier (prior to the period stipulated in Clause-01) but
completed within the stipulated period as mentioned in clause 01. In such cases,
entire executed value of the relevant work vide that work order shall be considered
for evaluation.
Case-II: The work/order is started and completed within the stipulated period as
mentioned in clause 01.
Case-III: The work/order is started within the stipulated period as mentioned in clause 01 but
not completed as on the last date of stipulated period. In such cases, “In Progress”
executed value of the relevant work vide that work order as on the last date of
stipulated period, shall be considered for evaluation.
Remarks: (i) Any of the above cases as mentioned in Note - (a) and satisfactory operation as
mentioned in clause - 01 shall be supported by documentary evidence issued
by the owner.
(ii) In case of composite work/BOQ, the bidder shall have to furnish Certificate
from owner certifying the value of specific nature of work, as mentioned at
(b) Other income shall not be considered for arriving at annual turnover.
(c) “Holding Company” shall have the meaning ascribed to it as per Companies Act of India
9.0 Following documents must be uploaded failing which the offer shall be
liable for rejection:
I. Qualifying Requirement: Total credential to fulfill all the criteria as mentioned
in Qualifying requirement of the NIT.
II. Technical Bid:
a. All TECHNICAL DATA SHEETS as per the format provided in the
tender document duly filled.
b. Any other data/information as sought in our tender document
III. Company/Firm Details:
a. Document related to legal status of the Bidder (i.e., Sole
Proprietorship Concern/Partnership Firm/ Private Limited Companies/
Public Limited Companies and Statutory Corporation/ Consortium/
Joint Venture), Name and address (es) of the sole proprietor /
partners / Board of directors.
b. Memorandum and articles of association/photocopy of partnership
deed/affidavit of proprietorship.
IV. Copy of GST Certificate
Copy of valid independent PF code no. issued by concerned RPFC.
Copy of PAN card.
Copy of ESI Certificate/Under
taking for submission of ESI (As per
mentioned in the bid document)
Participation in the tender does not automatically mean that the bidders are
considered qualified. NTPC shall evaluate the qualifying requirement of each bidder as
per NIT after opening of technical bid and the bids of the bidder who is not meeting the
qualifying requirement shall not be considered.
NTPC reserves the right to reject any or all bids or cancel/withdraw the invitation for
bids/IFB without assigning any reason whatsoever and in such case no
bidder/intending bidder shall have claim arising out of such action.
NTPC will not be responsible for any loss/late receipt/non-receipt of applications for
tender documents/bids due to any postal delay or delay, in any form, in transit.
If the last date for receiving applications/ selling of bids/ date of bid opening coincides
with holiday, the date will be shifted to the next working day.
Tender document is not transferable.
15.0 For other details related to this tender, please refer bid details of NIT and tender
documents in website.