Enlistment Document No: RE-CS-0000-004(Mod-2)-9 Date: 26.11.2018
1.0 NTPC Ltd. invites online applications from eligible bidders on Single Stage single
Envelope for enlistment of SPV Module Package for Solar PV Power Projects of NTPC.
Brief Scope of Work to be executed by enlisted bidders are as under:
Manufacturing, Supply, Packing and Forwarding, Transportation, Unloading/Supervision of
Unloading, Storage/Supervision of Storage at site, Installation and
Commissioning/Supervision of Installation and Supervision of Commissioning of Solar PV
Modules (Crystalline {Minimum 300Wp rating} / Thin Film Based {Minimum 112.5Wp
rating}) at Site.
The detailed scope of work is as defined in the Enlistment Document No.: RE-CS-0000-
3.0 Detailed Terms & Conditions are given in the enlistment documents, which can be obtained
free of cost through email by sending a request email to concerned person mentioned at
Para 9.0 below and as per the following schedule:
4.1.1 Route 1: The Bidder should have manufactured and supplied Solar Photo Voltaic (SPV)
Modules of cumulative capacity of 40 MWp or above, out of which at least one such supply
Enlistment Document No. RE-CS-0000-004(Mod-2)-9
NIA date 26.11.2018
Last Date and Time for receipt of Enlistment Application
11.12.2018 at 14:30 Hrs (IST)
Date & Time of opening of Applications
11.12.2018 at 15:00 Hrs (IST)
order should be of 10 MWp or above capacity, prior to the last date of submission of
Application for Enlistment.
4.1.2 Route 2: The Bidder should be Group company/Holding Company/Subsidiary company of
the module manufacturer meeting the requirements of Clause 4.1.1 above. In such a case,
Bidder shall furnish an Undertaking jointly executed by the module manufacturer and the
Bidder along with its Application for Enlistment for complete performance of the contract (in
case of award) jointly or severally as per format enclosed in the Enlistment document, failing
which the Bidder’s Enlistment Application is liable to be rejected.
a. The reference supply order of minimum capacity of 1MWp or above only shall be
considered for cumulative capacity determination in Clause 4.1.1 and Clause 4.1.2.
b. SPV based supply order for Roof-top solar power projects, which are grid connected, shall
also be considered eligible for QR purposes.
c. Bidder shall submit certificate of successful completion of supply order from the Owner.
d. In case the award for the reference works has been received by the Bidder either directly
from owner of Solar PV plant or any other intermediary organization, a certificate from such
owner of Solar PV plant or the intermediary organization shall be required to be furnished
by the Bidder along with its Application for Enlistment in support of its claim of meeting
requirement stipulated above.
4.2.1 The average annual turnover of the Bidder, should not be less than INR 1200 Million
(Indian Rupees Twelve Hundred Million only) during the preceding three (3) completed
financial years as on last date of submission of Application for Enlistment.
In case a Bidder does not satisfy the annual turnover criteria, stipulated above on its own,
its Holding Company would be required to meet the stipulated turnover requirements as
above, provided that the Net Worth of such Holding Company as on the last day of the
preceding financial year is at least equal to or more than the paid- up share capital of the
Holding Company. In such an event, the Bidder would be required to furnish along with its
Application for Enlistment, a Letter of Undertaking from the Holding Company, supported
by the Holding Company’s Board Resolution, as per the format enclosed in the Enlistment
documents, pledging unconditional and irrevocable financial support for the execution of
the Contract by the Bidder in case of award.
4.2.2 Net Worth of the Bidder as on the last day of the preceding financial year should not be less
than 100% (hundred percent) of Bidder’s paid-up share capital. In case the Bidder does not
satisfy the Net Worth criteria on its own, it can meet the requirement of Net worth based on
the strength of its Subsidiary(ies) and/or Holding Company and/or Subsidiaries of its
Holding companies wherever applicable, the Net worth of the Bidder and its Subsidiary(ies)
and/or Holding Company and/or Subsidiary(ies) of the Holding Company, in combined
manner should not be less than 100% (hundred percent) of their total paid up share capital.
However individually, their Net worth should not be less than 75% (seventy five percent) of
their respective paid up share capitals.
Net worth in combined manner shall be calculated as follows:
Net worth (combined) = (X1+ X2+X3) / (Y1+Y2+Y3) X 100 where X1, X2,X3 are individual
Net worth which should not be less than 75% of the respective paid up share capitals and
Y1,Y2,Y3 are individual paid up share capitals.
4.2.3 In case the Bidder is not able to furnish its audited financial statements on standalone entity
basis, the unaudited unconsolidated financial statements of the Bidder can be considered
acceptable provided the Bidder further furnishes the following documents on substantiation
of its qualification:
a) Copies of the unaudited unconsolidated financial statements of the Bidder along with copies
of the audited consolidated financial statements of its Holding Company.
b) Certificate from the CEO/ CFO of the Holding Company, as per the format enclosed in the
bidding documents, stating that the unaudited unconsolidated financial statements form
part of the consolidated financial statement of the Holding Company.
In case where audited results for the last financial year as on date of submission of
Application for Enlistment are not available, the financial results certified by a practicing
Chartered Accountant shall be considered acceptable. In case the Bidder is not able to
submit the Certificate from a practicing Chartered Accountant certifying its financial
parameters, the audited result of three consecutive financial years preceding the last
financial year shall be considered for evaluating financial parameters. Further, a certificate
would be required from the CEO/CFO as per the format enclosed in the bidding documents
stating that the Financial results of the company are under audit as on submission of
Application for Enlistment and the Certificate from a practicing Chartered Accountant
certifying the financial parameters is not available.
Notes for Clause 2.0:
i. Net worth means the sum total of the paid up share capital and free reserves. Free
reserves means all reserves credited out of the profits and share premium account
but does not include reserves credited out of the revaluation of the assets, write
back of depreciation provision and amalgamation. Further any debit balance of
Profit and Loss account and miscellaneous expenses to the extent not adjusted or
written off, if any, shall be reduced from reserves and surplus.
ii. Other income shall not be considered for arriving at annual turnover.
iii. “Holding Company” and “Subsidiary” shall have the meaning ascribed to them as
per Companies Act of India.
iv. For Turnover indicated in foreign currency, the exchange rate as on seven (7) days
prior to the date of submission of Application for Enlistment shall be used.
5.0 NTPC reserves the right to reject any or all bids or cancel/withdraw the Invitation for
Application without assigning any reason whatsoever and in such case no bidder / intending
bidder shall have any claim arising out of such action.
6.0 A complete set of Application Documents can be obtained free of cost through email (only)
by sending a request in attached format to the concerned person as mentioned at Para 8.0
Note: No hard copy of Application Documents shall be issued.
7.0 Issuance of Enlistment Application Documents to any applicant shall not construe that such
Applicant is considered qualified. Application duly filled in and signed alongwith the
relevant documents/Certificates in original shall be submitted at the address given
below before the stipulated Enlistment Application submission closing date and
8.0 Address for communication:
NTPC Limited, RE-Contracts Services
Room No. 220, R&D Building,
Engg. Office Complex. Annexe,
Plot A-8A, Sector 24, Noida-201301,
Distt. Gautam Budh Nagar,
State of U.P., India
Tel No. 91-120- 4947380/ 2410722
Email: - skdas01@ntpc.co.in / ratansingh@ntpc.co.in
Corporate Identification Number: L40101DL1975GOI007966, Website: www.ntpc.co.in
Format for Request for Enlistment Document
(In the letterhead of your Company)
Ref.: Date:
NTPC Limited,
Renewable Energy- Contract Services
Room No. 220, R&D Building,
Plot No. A-8A, Sector-24, NOIDA - 201 301,
Sub.: Request for sending Enlistment Documents for “Enlistment of Bidders for SPV
Module Package for Solar PV Power Projects of NTPC Ltd, Document Reference
No. RE-CS-0000-004(Mod-2)”
Dear Sir,
In reference of your Notice Inviting Applications (NIA), Enlistment Document reference No.
RE-CS-0000-004(Mod-2)-9 dated 26.11.2018, we request you to issue us the Enlistment
Document for “Enlistment of Bidders for SPV Module Package for Solar PV Power Projects
of NTPC Ltd”
Details are as under:
1. Name of Company…………………………………..
2. Address of Company……………………………….
3. Name of Contract Person……………………………
4. Email id………………………………………………..
We understand that issuance of NIA documents shall not issuance of Enlistment / Bidding
documents to any prospective bidder shall not construe that such bidder is automatically
considered qualified.
Yours faithfully,
Name & Designation