8. Qualifying Requirements of Bidders:
In addition to the requirements stipulated in section ITB (Instruction to bidder), the Bidder
should also meet the qualifying requirements stipulated hereunder:
Technical Criteria :
The bidder should have executed b RCC Workb and b Bituminous Road Workb
(Bituminous Concrete b With/Withoutb Sub-Base Course/Base Course) as per
following criteria against same/separate work order in any NTPC
station/SEB/Govt./Semi Govt./PSU/ b NSE or BSE enlisted Companyb within the
preceding seven (7) years prior to the date of Techno-Commercial bid opening.
(a) A cumulative progress of at least 2900 cum of b RCC Workb in maximum two (2)
work orders and
(b) A cumulative progress of at least 300 cum of b Bituminous Road Workb
(Bituminous Concrete b With/Withoutb Sub-Base Course/Base Course) in
maximum two(02) work orders.
Notes for Technical Criteria :
(a) The word b executedb mentioned in clause 1.0 means that the bidder should
have achieved the specified criteria with any of the following conditions:
(i) The work/order is started earlier to the stipulated period, but completed
within the stipulated period. In such cases, entire executed quantity/value
of the relevant work vide that work order shall be considered for
(ii) The work/order is started and completed within the stipulated period. In
such cases, entire executed quantity/value of the relevant work vide that
work order shall be considered for evaluation.
(iii) The work/order is started within the stipulated period but not completed
as on the last date of stipulated period. In such cases, b In Progressb
executed quantity / value of the relevant work vide that work order as on
the last date of stipulated period, shall be considered for evaluation.
(b) Certificate/documentary evidence from the owner shall be required to be
furnished by the Bidder along with its bid in support of its claim of meeting the
qualification requirement as per Clause 1.0 with any of the conditions mentioned
in Notes (a) above.
(a) The average annual turnover of the Bidder, in the preceding three(3) financial
years as on the date of Techno-Commercial bid opening should not be leas than
Rs.4.57 Crores (Indian Rupees Four Crores and Fifty seven Lakhs only).
In case a Bidder does not satisfy the annual turnover criteria, stipulated above on
its own, its Holding Company would be required to meet the stipulated turnover
requirements as above, provided that the Net Worth of such Holding Company as
on the last day of the preceding financial year is at least equal to or more than the
paid-up share capital of the Holding Company. In such an event, the Bidder would
be required to furnish along with its Techno-Commercial bid, a Letter of
Undertaking from the Holding Company, supported by the Holding Companyb s
Board Resolution, as per the format enclosed in the Techno-Commercial bid
documents, pledging unconditional and irrevocable financial support for the
execution of the Contract by the Bidder in case of award. For Joint
Ventures/Consortiums, all the partners of the Joint Venture/Consortium shall be
collectively required to meet the turnover criteria.
(b) The Net Worth of the Bidder as on the last day of the preceding financial year, of the
date of Techno-commercial Bid opening, shall not be less than 100%, of the bidders
paid up share capital. In case the Bidder meets the requirement of Net Worth based
on the strength of its Subsidiary(ies)/or Holding Company and/or Subsidiary (ies) of
the Holding company wherever applicable, the Net Worth of the