NTPC Limited
(A Government of India Enterprise)
EOI No. 031/EoI/2018/SSTPS/01 Date: 24.10.2018
Invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI) for enlisting and selecting of Venders Ash
Handling System Equipment and Spares for Regular Procurement
Expression of Interest (EOI) for enlisting and selecting of Venders Ash Handling
System Equipment and Spares for Regular Procurement
1.0 Introduction: NTPC Limited (established in 1975, formerly known as National
Thermal Power Corporation Limited) is a leading Public Sector Enterprise under
the Ministry of Power, Government of India. Singrauli Super Thermal Power
Station (SSTPS) is the Flag Ship Station of NTPC Limited. At present SSTPS is
having a total installed capacity of 2040 MW with a blend of Thermal (major
5X200 MW + 2X500 MW), Solar (16 MW) and Hydro (2X4 MW) Power
2000 MW Generation at SSTPS is based on seven units of Coal based Thermal
Power Generating Units which are more than 30 Years old. Coal Consumption at
SSTPS is in the tune of 9.6 MMT per year with Ash Content of about 30-35%.
NTPC being Maharatna PSU is committed to dispose and utilize the Ash
Generated at its Thermal Power Stations in an efficient manner. In this direction to
run the Ash Handling System at SSTPS, NTPC intends to maintain the existing
Ash Handling Plant (AHP) Equipments in a healthy and efficient condition.
2.0 Intent of Expression of Interest
The purpose of EOI is to enlist and select reputed vender, who have developed
and own equipment manufacturing Facilities which may fulfill needs of aging
Equipment and regular requirement of Spare.
The venders enlisted based on their participation in this “Expression of Interest
(EOI)” may be considered further for business partner selection for fulfilling the
requirement of SSTPS in a long run.
The Expression of Interest is open to any Indigenous company which may
meet the consumption requirements of SSTPS. For fulfilling the requirements
of manufacturing, the available Drawings and Data Sheets shall be shared with
the shortlisted venders.
3.0 Scope of Expression of Interest:
Interested venders may submit the Expression of Interest for association with
NTPC-SSTPS in the areas of development of Equipments and Spares for
available Drawings and Data Sheets shall be shared. Further, the intending
Venders may also visit the SSTPS for exploring the detailed information, if feel
4.0 Information Required:
Interested venders are required to submit information related to Company
Profile, General Details, Experience of doing business in related areas &
Company’s financial as per Annexure-I, II & III respectively.
5.0 Procedure of Obtaining EOI Documents
The complete set of EOI documents along with forms/annexure/appendix can
be downloaded from NTPC tender website http://www.ntpctender.com.
6.0 Submission of Application of EOI
The interested venders shall submit documents in the format, as per
Annexures, provided along with this document. The proposals along with the
documentary supports shall be submitted on or before the prescribed date and
time, at the address given under:
Mr. Neeraj Kumar, AGM(C&M-P) /
Mr. Shiva Kumar Gupta, Sr. Manager(P)
Administrative Building, 1st Floor
NTPC Limited
Singrauli Super Thermal Power Station
P.O.: Shaktinagar - 231222
Distt: Sonebhadra, (UP)
Fax No.:-05446- 232187
Tel. No.:05446- 232761,
E-mail: neerajkumar02@ntpc.co.in / skgupta03@ntpc.co.in>
The application for EOI must also be submitted through e-mail on or before
24:00 hrs (IST) of 10.11.2018.
Any EOI received by NTPC after the due date & time prescribed above will not
be considered and returned unopened to the Vender. NTPC shall not be
responsible for any delay/non-receipt of EOI and reserves the right to reject
any or all offers without assigning any reasons thereof.
NTPC may ask for additional information from interested parties. NTPC
reserves the right to modify, abolish or alter the EOI without assigning any
reason thereof or prior notice.
7.0 Right to Accept or Reject Application:
Applicants may note that mere submission of EOI and/or submission of
additional information do not automatically entitle them to any claim.
Notwithstanding anything contained in this EOI, NTPC reserves the right to
annul the process and abolish at any time without any liability or any obligation
for such acceptance, rejection or annulment without assigning any reason
Standard Format for Expression of Interest
Additional General Manager ( R&M-P),
Administrative Building, 1st Floor
NTPC Limited
Singrauli Super Thermal Power Station
P.O.: Shaktinagar - 231222
Distt: Sonebhadra, (UP)
Subject: Expression of Interest (“EoI”) for development and selecting
venders for supply of Equipments and Spares for Ash Handling
System for Singrauli Super Thermal Power Station of NTPC
Dear Sir,
In response to your public advertisement at NTPC Tender Website on
24.10.2018 inviting EoI for development and selecting venders for supply of
Equipments and Spares for Ash Handling System for Singrauli Super Thermal
Power Station, we hereby submit our EoI.
We have also attached information in the format as per Annexures. The
information furnished by us in this EoI is true, correct and accurate to the best
of our knowledge.
Sincerely yours,
On behalf of the firm/company/organization:
(Person signing the EoI and supporting documents should be an Authorized
Signatory supported by proper authority)
Name of signatory: Designation: Company Seal/stamp
A: COMPANY Profile
Profile of the Vender and its activities
Name of the firm
Telephone no.:
Fax No.
Date of Establishment
Core Area of Expertise of the Firm
Whether - Public Ltd. / Pvt. Ltd. / Partnership
Firm / Individual (with date of incorporation)
Names of major owners/ shareholders:
Manpower details (staff strength, their
qualifications etc.) in each area of business:
Details of Manufacturing Facilities
Casting Facility Yes / No, if Yes, Details
thereoff Annexed
Forging Facilities Yes / No, if Yes, Details
thereoff Annexed
Machining Facility Yes / No, if Yes, Details
thereoff Annexed
Fabrication Facility Yes / No, if Yes, Details
thereoff Annexed
Assembly Facilities Yes / No, if Yes, Details
thereoff Annexed
Contact Person Details:
Name :
Telephone No.:
Fax No:
Mobile No.:
Work Experience
General Experience of the firm during the last five (5) years:
Details of various Ash Handling System Equipments Manufactured power projects undertaken for
Title of the
Brief scope
of work
Name of the client – Dept./
utility, Address & contact
Time and
Duration of Work
Value of Contract
Any other information Vender may like to share
I/We declare that the information stated here in above is accurate.
Place: Date:
Name :
In the Capacity of:
Duly authorized to sign the application for and on behalf of:
(Seal of the company)
Copy of audited annual report for the last three years of the Party may be submitted
FY 2015
FY 2016
FY 2017