of work/placement of order, which will actually be determined during evaluation of qualifying requirement
documents for each tender as specified and bid evaluation after receiving of completed set of bid from the
Commercial/ price bids of only those bidders who meet the qualifying requirements & whose Offers are
technically acceptable, shall be considered for Opening/evaluation.
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KBUNL reserves the right to access the capacity and capability of bidders after scrutiny of applications
and reserves the right to reject any or all application / tenders without assigning any reasons.
KBUNL reserves the right to extend the bid opening date also, if required.
The Earnest money deposit (EMD) of stipulated value in prescribed form for each tender as specified in
the tender documents is to be submitted in separate envelope along with Technical bid & Price Bid
Bid security / earnest money deposit (EMD ) may be submitted in form of Demand Draft / Pay Order /
Bankers Cheque in favour of kanti Bijlee utpadan Nigam limited payable at S. B. I Kanti thermal power
station (Branch Code: 7033) or an unconditional and irrevocable Bank Guarantee (BG) from any of the
banks specified in the bidding documents.
Bids without earnest money deposit (EMD) / inadequate amount of EMD/ without any valid document
towards EMD exemption (as permitted in tender document) are liable to be rejected
The Technical Bid Opening date (EMD, QR & Technical Bid) is stated above and also has been
mentioned in the tender documents. The Price Bid opening schedule will be intimated on later stage to all
technically accepted & qualified bidders.
ESI Act is applicable in KBUNL / Bihar. Accordingly, party has to comply for the same during execution of
contract and financial liability of the same is in scope of agency.
Following credentials are to be submitted by the bidders along with bid documents (in QR envelope) in
support of meeting the qualifying requirement as stipulated for each package.
I) Legible Copies of Award letter / work order with Bill of Quantities of similar nature, job completion
certificate, copies of MB (bills/receipts) etc. in proof of value of work executed, clearly indicating the
executed value of the work. Proofs of execution of orders value, turnover and other requirements to meet
the QR for the work, as mentioned above.
II) Audited Balance sheet and Profit & Loss account.
And any other required relevant document specific to QR clause
Bidder should also submit following additional document in addition to document related to specific
QR clauses (as stipulated for individual cases ) in EMD envelope :
a) Document related to legal status of the Bidder (i.e., Sole Proprietorship Concern/Partnership Firm/
Private Limited Companies/ Public Limited Companies and Statutory Corporation/ Consortium/ Joint
Venture), Name and address (es) of the sole proprietor / partners / Board of directors.
Memorandum and articles of association/photocopy of partnership deed/affidavit of proprietorship.
b) Copy of PF code allotted by RPFC.
(The bidder should have independent P.F. code number allotted by Regional Provident Fund
Commissioner. Copy of PF code allotted by RPFC must be submitted)
c) Copy of GSTIN
d) Copy of PAN and Service Tax Registration (if applicable )
e) ESI Code / Undertaking for ESI (if applicable)
f) Copy of Power of Attorney of Authorized Signatory (if applicable)
Address for communication: AGM (C&M), KBUNL, (Kanti Bijlee Utpadan Nigam Limited ), Muzaffarpur
Thermal Power Station, P.O. Kanti Thermal , Dist. Muzaffarpur , PIN. 843130, BIHAR . (Phone No.
06223--267371/56 Fax No.06223-267310, Mob:9471001303 )