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(Domestic Competitive Bidding)
Bidding Document No.: CW-CM-9912-C-O-M-002 Date:24.09.2018
Tender ID. : 2018_NTPC_10191_1
1.0 NTPC Limited, on behalf of Odisha Coal and Power Limited (OCPL), invites online bids through e-
tender on ‘Single Stage- Two Envelope’ compliant bid basis Envelope -I (Techno-Commercial) Bid
Envelope-II (Price) Bid from eligible bidders for aforesaid Package.
The scope of work comprises of construction of 33 kV double circuit overhead transmission line
including the following:
a) Complete design and engineering of all the line, material and services.
b) Manufacturing, supply, testing, packing, transportation and insurance form the manufacture’s
work to the site including port and customs clearance, if required.
c) Receipt, storage, insurance, preservation and conservation of equipment at the site.
d) All civil works as required.
e) Fabrication, pre-assembly (if any), erection, testing and putting into satisfactory operation of all
the equipment/material including successful commissioning.
f) Supply of spares on FOR site basis.
g) Satisfactory conclusion of the contract.
3.0 OCPL intends to finance the aforesaid Package through External Commercial Borrowings/ Own
4.0 Detailed specification, scope of work and terms & conditions are given in the bidding documents,
which are available for examination at the address given below at para 12.0 and as per the
following schedule:
Bidding Document No. CW-CM-9912-C-O-M-002
IFB No. / Tender Id
Document download commencement
Date & time
24.09.2018 from 09:00 hrs
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Last Date and Time for Bid submission 22/10/2018 up to 17:00 hrs
Technical Bid Opening Date & Time 24/10/2018 at 11:00 hrs
Price Bid Opening Date & Time shall be intimated separately
Cost of Bidding Documents in INR Rs. 4500/-
Pre-Bid Conference Date & Time Not Applicable
Last Query date 08/10/2018 up to 17:00 hrs
*The above dates shall be modified, depending upon approval of IFB by
the Competent Authority
5.0 All bids must be accompanied by Bid Security for an amount of Rs.10,00,000/- (Rupees Ten Lakh
In addition to the satisfactory fulfillment of the requirements stipulated in Section ITB
(Instructions to Bidders) the following shall also apply:-
6.1.0 Technical Criteria
6.1.1 The Bidder should have erected/supervised erection and commissioned/supervised commissioning
of at least 5 (five) km. of Transmission Line, in single project of 33 kV or above voltage class on
tower which should be in operation for at least one (1) year prior to the date of Techno-commercial
bid opening.
Notes: a) Bidder shall submit certificate of successful completion and operation from the Owner.
b) Projects executed by Bidder’s group company, Holding Company or Subsidiary Company shall
not be considered as Bidder’s experience for meeting the QR.
c) In case the award for the reference works has been received by the Bidder either directly from
owner of plant or any other intermediary organization, a certificate from such owner of plant or
the intermediary organization shall be required to be furnished by the Bidder along with its
techno-commercial bid in support of its claim of meeting requirement stipulated above.
Certificate from owner of the plant shall also be furnished by the Bidder for successful operation
of the reference plant.
6.2.0 Financial Criteria:
6.2.1 Financial Criteria of Bidder
The average annual turnover of the Bidder, should not be less than 61 million (Indian Rupees
Sixty One millions only) during the preceding three (3) completed financial years as on the date
of Techno-Commercial bid opening.
In case a Bidder does not satisfy the annual turnover criteria, stipulated above on its own, its
Holding Company would be required to meet the stipulated turnover requirements as above,
provided that the Net Worth of such Holding Company as on the last day of the preceding financial
year is at least equal to or more than the paid-up share capital of the Holding Company. In such an
event, the Bidder would be required to furnish along with its Techno-Commercial bid, a Letter of
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Undertaking from the Holding Company, supported by the Holding Company’s Board Resolution,
as per the format enclosed in the bid documents, pledging unconditional and irrevocable financial
support for the execution of the Contract by the Bidder in case of award.
6.2.2 Net Worth of the Bidder as on the last day of the preceding financial year should not be less than
100% (hundred percent) of Bidder’s paid up share capital. In case the Bidder does not satisfy the
Net Worth criteria on its own, it can meet the requirement of Net worth based on the strength of its
Subsidiary(ies) and/or Holding Company and/or Subsidiaries of its Holding companies wherever
applicable, the Net worth of the Bidder and its Subsidiary(ies) and/or Holding Company and/or
Subsidiary(ies) of the Holding Company, in combined manner should not be less than 100%
(hundred percent) of their paid up share capital. However individually, their Net worth should not
be less than 75% (seventy five percent) of their respective paid up share capitals.
Net worth in combined manner shall be calculated as follows:
Net worth (combined) = (X1+X2+X3)/(Y1+Y2+Y3) X 100%
Where X1, X2, X3 are individual Net worth which should not be less than 75% of the respective
paid up share capitals and Y1,Y2,Y3 are individual paid up share capitals.
6.2.3 In case the Bidder is not able to furnish its audited financial statements on standalone entity basis,
the unaudited unconsolidated financial statements of the Bidder can be considered acceptable
provided the Bidder further furnishes the following documents for substantiation of its qualification:
(a) Copies of the unaudited unconsolidated financial statements of the Bidder along with copies of the
audited consolidated financial statements of the Holding Company.
(b) A Certificate from the CEO/CFO of the Holding Company, as per the format enclosed with the
bidding documents, stating that the unaudited unconsolidated financial statements form part of the
consolidated financial statements of the Holding company.
In case where audited results for the last financial year as on the date of Techno- Commercial bid
opening are not available, the financial results certified by a practicing Chartered Accountant shall
be considered acceptable. In case, Bidder is not able to submit the Certificate from a practicing
Chartered Accountant certifying its financial parameters, the audited results of three consecutive
financial years preceding the last financial year shall be considered for evaluating the financial
parameters. Further, a Certificate would be required from the CEO/CFO as per the format enclosed
in the bidding documents stating that the Financial results of the Company are under audit as on
the date of Techno-commercial bid opening and the Certificate from the practicing Chartered
Accountant certifying the financial parameters is not available.
NOTES for Clause 6.2.0
(i) Net worth means the sum total of the paid up share capital and free reserves. Free reserve means
all reserves credited out of the profits and share premium account but does not include reserves
credited out of the revaluation of the assets, write back of depreciation provision and amalgamation.
Further any debit balance of Profit and Loss account and miscellaneous expenses to the extent not
adjusted or written off, if any, shall be reduced from reserves and surplus.
(ii) Other income shall not be considered for arriving at annual turnover.
(iii) “Holding Company” and “Subsidiary Company” shall have the meaning ascribed to them as per
Companies Act of India.
(iv) For turnover indicated in foreign currency, the exchange rate as on seven (7) days prior to the date
of techno-commercial bid opening shall be used.
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7 NTPC reserves the right to reject any or all bids or cancel/ withdraw the Invitation for Bids without
assigning any reason whatsoever and in such case no bidder / intending bidder shall have any
claim arising out of such action.
8 A complete set of Bidding Documents may be downloaded directly from the GePNIC portal by
following the link i.e. (https://eprocurentpc.nic.in/nicgep/app) & entering the Tender ID
8.2 While submitting the bid online for the subject work, please upload the details of Tender Fee/ Cost
of Bidding Document and EMD/ Bid security online along with your offer and submit the DD/BC/BG
on account of Tender Fee & EMD offline at NTPC Consultancy, Noida failing which your offer will
not be considered for opening.
8.3 Tender Fee is non-refundable & No claim in this respect will entertained. Tender Fee can be
submitted offline at NTPC Consultancy in the form of DD/BC/Payorder in favour of “NTPC Ltd”,
payable at New Delhi/ Noida and the details of which may please be uploaded on GePNIC Portal.
8.4 First time users not allotted any vendor code are requested to approach NTPC at least tend working
days prior to document Sale close date and submit the following:
a) For Creation of vendor Code;
i) Request letter on company’s letter head of the bidder
ii) Copy of GST Registration, PAN No.
iii) Valid E-mail-ID
iv) Address Proof
v) Cancel Cheque & EFT Form (to be verified by bank)
Note: Format of E.F.T (Electronic Fund Transfer) from is attached along with tender document.
b) For registration in GePNIC (Govt. Eprocurement National Informatics Center)
i) Go to site: https://eprocurentpc.nic.in/nicgep/app
ii) Click on online Bidder enrollment & fillup your details
iii) Send the copy of registration in GePNIC at following address and get user ID encrypted
with digital signature.
Mr. Satnam Singh, Manager(C&M)
E-mail: satnamsingh@ntpc.co.in
9 Issuance of bid documents to any Bidder shall not construe that such bidder is considered to be
qualified. Bids shall be submitted online and opened at the address given below in the presence of
Bidder’s representatives who choose to attend the bid opening. Bidder shall furnish Bid Security,
Power of Attorney, Integrity pact / Deed of Joint Undertaking/JV Agreement (as applicable) in
physical form as detailed in Bidding Documents before the stipulated bid submission closing date
and time at the address given below.
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10 Address for communication:
Addl. General Manager (C&M),
Consultancy, NTPC Ltd,
Room No. 217, EOC Annexe,
A-8A, Sector-24, Noida,
Gautam Budh Nagar-201301 (UP).
Tel. No. 0120-42410386/ 9650998187, 9650990382
Fax No. 0120-2410602.
E-mail: bkacharya01@ntpc.co.in
Websites: https://eprocurentpc.nic.in/nicgep/app or www.ntpctender.com or www.ntpc.co.in