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The vendors already having NTPC vendor code with them, need not to submit the EFT form
however they have to submit their user id (created in e-tender website) for mapping with the
existing vendor code.
Vendors already having user id mapped with NTPC vendor code, need not submit any EFT
form or user id etc.
E. Bid Secuirity/Earnest Money Deposit(EMD) & Tender Fee
Tender Fee and Bid Security (EMD) shall be submitted in a sealed envelope separately in physical form
super-scribing the details of Tender Reference Number, EMD/Tender fee and Bid opening Date by the
stipulated closing date and time for bid submission at the address given below. Any bid without an
acceptable Tender Fee and Bid Security (EMD) as on Last Date & Time for submission of bids
shall be treated as non-responsive and shall not be opened.
(i) The Tender Fee shall be paid in the form of a Crossed Demand Draft/Pay Order/Bankers
Cheque in favour of NTPC Limited payable at Sundargarh, Odisha.
(ii) The Bid Secuirity/Earnest Money Deposit(EMD) shall be paid in the form of a Crossed
Demand Draft/Pay Order/Bankers Cheque in favour of NTPC Limited payable at Sundargarh,
Odisha or an unconditional and irrevocable Bank Guarantee (BG) from any of the banks
specified in the bidding documents. The format of Bank Guarantee towards bid security shall
be in accordance with the ‘Proforma for BG’ included in the bidding documents. While getting
the Bank Guarantee issued, Bidders are requested to ensure compliance to the points mentioned
in Bank Guarantee Verification Check List in the bidding documents. Bidders are required to
fill up this check list and enclose the same along with the bank guarantee. EMD for an
amount less than or equal to Rs.50,000.00 and Tender fee shall not be accepted in the form
of bank guarantee.
(iii) EMD and Tender fee shall not be accepted in any other form other than the mentioned above
(i & ii).
(iv) Validity of EMD &Tender Fee: The bid security(EMD) shall remain valid for a period of
forty five (45) days beyond the original bid validity period or beyond any extension in the
period of bid validity subsequently requested.
(v) Exemption of Tender Fee & EMD/Bid Security:
The agency with Udyaog Adhar Memorandum(UAM) registration issued by MSME , NSIC
SSI/MSME units and Registered Cooperative Societies of Land Oustees, for the items / services for
which such units are registered, shall be exempted from payment of Tender Fee & Bid Security /
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) only. This shall be subject to submission of a self-certified legible
hard copy of valid registration certificate giving details, such as ‘items / services for which
registered, validity, monetary limits etc’ in the EMD & Tender Fee envelope (to be submitted in
the tender Box of NTPC-DARLIPALI).
Any bid without an acceptable Tender Fee and Bid Security (EMD) as on Last Date & Time for
submission of bids shall be treated as non-responsive and shall not be opened.