(i) The word “executed” mentioned in clause 1.0 means that the Bidder should have
achieved the specified criteria with any of the following conditions
Case-I: The work / order is started earlier to the stipulated period, but completed within
the stipulated period. In such cases, entire executed quantity / value of the relevant work
vide that work order shall be considered for evaluation.
Case-II: The work /order is started and completed within the stipulated period. In such
cases, entire executed quantity/value of the relevant work vide that work order shall be
considered for evaluation.
Case-III: The work / order is started within the stipulated period but not completed as on
the last date of stipulated period. In such cases, “In Progress” executed quantity / value of
the relevant work vide that work order as on the last date of stipulated period, shall be
considered for evaluation.
(ii) Other income shall not be considered for arriving at annual turnover.
Small Scale Industries registered with NSIC or having Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum are exempted
from submission of EMD on submission of documentary evidence.
(a) All the documentary evidence like Possession of P.F.Code, GSTIN , concerned work order
copies / completion certificate, supporting documents, documents of annual turnover e.g. balance sheet
or profit & loss account sheet etc. are to be enclosed with the Technical Bid to fulfill all the above
mentioned Q.R.
(b) NTPC shall not responsible for any delay in receipt or non-receipt of applications caused due to
postal delay or any other reasons.
(c) The EMD value for each tender as specified should be given in the tender documents, which is to be
submitted along with Technical & Price Bid.
(d) The Bid Opening date (Tender Fee, EMD, QR & Technical Bid) is stated in the above with
individual work details and will also be mentioned in the tender documents. The Price Bid opening date
shall be intimated to the agency, which has qualified after scrutiny of the Technical Bid.
(e) The above specification is only indicative and details will be available in the tender documents.
However, interested parties are advised to visit the site and familiarize themselves with actual site
conditions, wherever applicable.
(f) If last date of receipt of application is a closed holiday for NTPC-Farakka, then the date shall be
shifted to the next working day.
(g) NTPC reserves the right to assess the capacity and capability of bidders after scrutiny of the
applications and reserves the right to reject any or all applications.
(h) Application with all relevant documents should reach in the office of AGM (CS) as per above
mentioned individual job detail. (Last date receipt of request for issue of tender documents)