Contact No.: 8544414306/06429-272340
Fax No-06429-226644/226281
participate in tender bidders has to pay requisite tender fee and EMD off-line
the due date & time of bid
opening failing which their online bids will be considered
Downloading tender paper and
Online bid submission
available online. A complete set of Bidding Documents may
be downloaded by any interested Bidder from the NTPC tender website
The Bidder would be required to register on the website. First time users are required
to register / enroll themselves
online on NTPC tender website
https://eprocurentpc.nic.in by using the option “Online Bidder Enrollment” and
filling up the required details.
Possession of a Valid Class III Digital Signatu
re Certificate (DSC) in the form of
smart card / e-
token in the Company's name is a prerequisite for registration and
participating in the bid submission activities through this web site. Digital Signature
Certificates can be obtained from the authorized c
ertifying agencies, details of which
are available in the web site under the link “Information about DSC”.
Users whose email address has not been linked to a vendor code allotted by NTPC
first time users not allotted any vendor code by NTPC, should se
registration details to the e-
mail address specified in this NIT under Address for
Communication with following details at least three working days prior to Technical
Opening Date:
a) Request on the letter head of the Company
b) Copy of GST Registration Certificate,
c) Copy of PAN Card,
d) Email ID and Contact No.
e) Name and Designation of the contact person
f) Cancelled cheque & E.F.T form duly verified by bank
Note: No Hard Copy of bidding documents shall be issued.
The web si
te has user manuals with detailed guidelines on enrollment and
participation in the online bidding process. The user manuals can be downloaded for
ready reference.
Other Important Conditions:
1.0 Participation in the tender does not automatically mean that the bidders are considered qualified. NTPC shall evaluate
the qualifying requirement of each bidder as per NIT after opening of technical bid and the bids of the bidder who is not
meeting the qualifying requirement shall not be considered.
2.0 NTPC reserves the right to reject any or all bids or cancel / withdraw the invitation for bids /
IFB without assigning any
reason whatsoever and in such case no bidder / intending bidder shall have claim arising out of such action.
3.0 NTPC will not be responsible for any loss / late receipt / non-receipt of applications for tender documents /
Envelope due to any postal delay or delay, in any form, in transit.
4.0 If the date of “Bid Opening” coincides with holiday, the date will be shifted to the next working day.