All the MSME registered with District Industries Centers or Khadi & village industries
commission or Khadi & village industries board or coir board or NSIC or Directorate of
Handicrafts and Handlooms or any other body specified by ministry of micro, small and
medium enterprises shall be issued the Bid Documents free of cost subject to their
producing documentary evidence with regard to eligibility.
Initial Steps for
in our e-tender is as per the table mentioned below:
1. The agency can login e-tender site for participation in our tendering. The agency can
reach our e-tender site directly through below mentioned address.
2. Demand Draft can be prepared in favour of NTPC Ltd., Payable at Shaktinagar and
shall be submitted alongwith the documents being submitted to NTPC in Hard copies
as mentioned in ITB/BDS, else Bid shall not be opened by NTPC.
Bid Security shall be submitted in a sealed envelope separately offline by the
stipulated bid submission
date and time at the address given below. Any bid
without an acceptable Bid Security shall be treated as non-responsive by the
employer and shall not be opened.
The Bidder who wishes to participate in the bidding shall satisfactorily establish
that it fulfils the Qualifying Requirements stipulated hereunder:-
"In addition to the satisfactory fulfillment of the requirements stipulated in section ITB,
the following shall also apply:
6.1 The Bidder should have designed, supplied, erected/supervised erection and
commissioning of at least one (01) no. sewage treatment plant of capacity 950
Cu.m/day or above, based on "Moving Bed Bio Film Reactor" (MBBR) process
for waste water (effluent), including associated civil works, which should have
been in successful operation for at least one year prior to the date of Techno-
commercial bid opening.
6.2 The bidder should have designed, supplied, erected/supervised erection and
commissioning of Sewage treatment plant during the last seven (07) years
reckoned as on the date of Techno Commercial Bid Opening, as any one of the
Three orders having value not less than Rs. 156.00 Lacs each.
Two orders having value not less than Rs. 195.0 Lacs each
One order having value not less than Rs. 311.0 Lacs.