NTPC Limited
(A Government of India Enterprise)
Anta Gas Power Station
Supply, Installation, Commissioning & CMC of AAQMS
(Domestic Competitive Bidding)
NIT No: 9900157793
1.0 NTPC invites on-line bids from eligible Bidders for aforesaid package, as per the scope of work briefly
mentioned hereinafter:
2.0 Brief Details
NIT Date
Document Sale Commencement Date & Time
30.06.2018 11:00:00
Document Sale Close Date & Time
23.07.2018 15:00:00
Source of IFB/NIT
Anta Gas Power Station
Contract Classification
Last Date and Time for Bid submission
23.07.2018 15:00:00
Technical Opening Date & Time
25.07.2018 15:00:00
Cost of Bidding Documents in INR
Rs 200,000.00
Qualifying Requirement for: Supply Installation and commissioning of AAQMS at NTPC –ANTA
1.0 Bidder should have supplied, installed and commissioned at least two nos. of Ambient Air
Quality Monitoring System (AAQMS) stations in the last seven (07) years reckoned from the date
of bid opening date, which must be in successful operation for a period of not less than one (1)
year as on date of bid opening. These AAQMS station shall consist of at least any of the two
types of analysers, manufactured by him or he shall be authorized representative of
manufacturer, with specific requirements indicated below:-
Type of Analyser
Working principle
Minimum detection limit
SO2 Analyser
UV Fluorescence
NOX Analyser
Dust Monitor
Beta Attenuation
2 Micrograms /M3
2.0 The Bidder who does not meet the criteria as mentioned in para 1.0, can also participate
provided he meet the following conditions:-
(A) Bidder should have executed contract of supplying, installing and commissioning at least
one no. AAQMS station consisting of at least any of the two types of analysers with
specific requirements indicated in table in Para 1.0 above and which must be in
successful operation for a period of not less than one year (1) as on the date of bid
(B) Bidder shall associate with the AAQMS system supplier who will meet all criteria
mentioned at 1.0 above for executing this contract. In such a case, the Bidder shall
furnish an undertaking, jointly executed by him and Associate for satisfactory
performance of the AAQMS as per NTPC format enclosed in bid documents. This joint
deed of undertaking shall be submitted along with the bid, failing which the bidder shall
be disqualified and his bid shall be rejected. In case of award, the associate will be
required to furnish an on–demand bank guarantee as per format enclosed with the bid
documents for a value equal to 3.5% of the total contract price in addition to the
Performance Security to be furnished by the Bidder.
3.0 The bidder should have executed any one of the following similar work during the preceding
seven years from date of techno commercial bid opening:
i) One similar order valuing not be less than Rs. 173.52 Lacs
ii) Two similar orders each valuing not less than Rs. 108.45 Lacs
iii) Three similar orders each valuing not less than Rs. 86.76 Lacs
4.0 The average annual turnover of the bidder in the preceding three financial years as on date of
Techno- commercial bid opening shall not be less than Rs. 216.9 Lacs.
A. “Similar works” means work which includes – Supply, Installation and commissioning of AAQMS.
B. Bid opening date refers to the first scheduled Techno commercial bid opening date.
C. The word “Executed” means that bidder should have achieved the progress specified in QR even
if total contract is not completed/ closed.
D. In case of orders under execution, the value of work executed till the date of opening of
Techno–commercial proposal As certified by the client shall considered.
E. While computing the annual turnover, other income shall not be considered.
F. In case where audited results for the last preceding financial year not available certification of
financial statement from a Chartered Accountant shall be considered acceptable.