NTPC Limited
(A Government of India Enterprise)
Ramagundam Super Thermal Power Station
(Domestic Competitive Bidding)
NIT No: 40087526 Date: 09.06.2018.
1.0 NTPC invites on-line bids from eligible Bidders for aforesaid package, as per the scope of
work briefly mentioned hereinafter.
2.0 Brief Scope of Work & other Specific details: Providing consultancy works for
preparation of Detailed Project Report and Detailed Engineering for passing 2nd
raw water conduit through Box push culvert / other suitable method below the
existing operational rail tracks of NTPC & SCCL at NTPC Ramagundam / Telangana
3.0 Brief Details:
Bid Invitation No.
NIT Date
Document Sale Commencement Date & Time
09.06.2018, 10:00:00
Document Sale Close Date & Time
26.06.2018, 17:00:00
Source IFB/ NIT
Ramagundam Super Thermal Power
Contract Classification
Last Date and Time for Bid Submission
06.07.2018, 15:00:00
Technical Opening Date & Time
06.07.2018, 15:30:00
Cost of Bidding Document in INR
4.0 Bid Security and Integrity Pact (if applicable) shall be submitted in a sealed envelope
separately offline by the stipulated bid submission closing date and time at the address
given below. Any bid without an acceptable Bid Security and Integrity Pact (if
applicable) shall be treated as non-responsive by the employer and shall not be opened.
All credential filled up formats & supporting documents as asked by NTPC are to be
given online as attachments with the bid.
5.0 Any document submitted by the agency in hard copy other than EMD and Letter of
Undertaking before bid opening, will not be considered. In spite of this condition, if any
document is submitted by the agency in hard copy other than EMD and Letter of
Undertaking, before bid opening shall be ignored and the offer submitted through the e-
tendering shall be binding on the agency.
6.0 A complete set of Bidding Documents may be downloaded by any interested Bidder on
payment (non-refundable) of the cost of the documents as mentioned above in the form
of a crossed account payee demand draft in favour of NTPC Ltd., Payable at STATE BANK
OF INDIA, FCI X Road Branch (IFSC Code: SBIN0021330), DISTRICT: PEDDAPALLI. Standing EMD
shall also be accepted or directly through the payment gateway at our SRM Site
a) Small Scale Industries registered for similar work with the NSIC shall be exempted from
payment of tender cost / Earnest Money Deposit. SSI units registered with TSSSIDC are
also entitled for exemption of EMD / Tender Cost. Such parties can sent the request for
Tender Documents along with copy of certificates self attested.
b) Small Scale Industries registered with NSIC / TSSSIDC shall be exempted from payment
of Security Deposit up to the monetary limit for which the unit is registered with NSIC /
c) Tenderers seeking exemption should enclose a photocopy of valid Registration
Certificate giving details such as validity, stores and monetary limits to the Package
Coordinator / AGM (CS) at the address given below at least three working days prior to
the last date of tender fee payment for getting the authorization for participating in the
d) Registered Cooperative Societies of Land Oustees recognized by NTPC, Ramagundam are
exempted from submission of EMD / Bid Security for tenders with estimated value of
upto Rs. Twenty (20) Lakhs Only.
e) Tenderers who are submitting MSME/Udyog Aadhaar for exemption of EMD/Tend Fee
should submit Udyog Aadhaar Acknowledgment & Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum before
3.00 PM of BOD for EMD & 5.00PM of Tender document sale close date.
8.0 Award shall be made as follows:
a) Award shall be given to L1 bidder if L1 bidder is MSE.
b) In case L1 bidder is not MSE, then all the MSE vendor(s) who have quoted within the
range of L1+15%, shall be given the opportunity in order of their ranking (starting
with the lowest quoted MSE Bidder and so on ) to bring down its price to match with
L1 bidder. Award for the full quantity shall be placed on the MSE Vendor who
matches its price with L1 bidder at the price quoted by L1 bidder.
c) If no MSE vendor who has quoted within the range of L1+15% accepts the price of
L1 bidder then the award shall be made on the L1 bidder.
9.0 Initial steps for participating in our E-tender is as per the table mentioned below:
Type of Vendor
Required Document for viewing our tender document
Vendors already having
SRM Vendor Code and
Before download/ viewing the tender document, bidder
has to pay requisite tender fee either through payment
gate way by clicking on “pay tender fee” after login in our
SRM site or send D/D to us directly, which should reach us
at least three working days prior to Last Date of Tender
Fee Payment.
Vendors already having
SAP Vendor Code, but
does not have SRM login
1. Duly filled Annexure-2 (format given below) should
reach us at least five working days prior to Last Date of
Tender Fee Payment.
ID and Password
2. Before download/ viewing the tender document,
bidder has to pay requisite tender fee either through
payment gate way by clicking on “pay tender fee” after
login in our SRM site or send D/D to us directly, which
should reach us at least five working days prior to Last
Date of Tender Free Payment.
New Vendor neither
having any vendor code
in SAP
any SRM login ID and
1. Duly filled Annexure-1 (format given below) and PAN
card scanned / photo copy (Self Attested) along with
the detailed address should reach us at least seven
working days prior to Las Date of Tender Fee Payment.
2. Before download/ viewing the tender document,
bidder has to pay requisite tender fee either through
payment gate way by clicking on “pay tender fee” after
login in our SRM site or send D/D to us directly, which
should reach us at least seven working days prior to
Last Date of Tender Fee Payment.
1. The agency can login e-tender site (SRM login site) for participation in our tendering
after complying to above. The agency can reach our e-tender site SRM login site)
directly through below mentioned address.
They can also reach our e-tender site (SRM login site) through www.ntpctender.com
and clicking on Login (e-Tender)
2. Digital Certificate (Class III) is a must for vendors to participate in this tender. For
further details regarding this please visit “GUIDELINES TO BIDDERS” in NTPC E-
Tender Website. NTPC won’t be responsible for any vendor not having a suitable
valid digital certificate.
10.0 Qualifying Requirements:
Bidder should:
1. Have an average annual turnover not less than `.56,50,000 during the last three (03)
financial years as on the date of Bid opening.
2. Bidder should have executed at least one "consultancy work related to crossing below
live track" during last seven (07) years as on the date of Bid Opening.
3. Bidder should have executed consultancy work(s) during last seven (07) years as on
the date of bid opening for the contract values mentioned below:
One (01) work of value not less than `.45.20 lakhs.
Two (02) works of value not less than `.28.25 lakhs each.
Three (03) works of value not less than `.22.60 lakhs each.
4. Bidder should have certification of south central railways as railway approved
vendor/consultant as on the date of bid
(i) Word "executed" means the bidder should have achieved the progress specified in the QR
even if the total contract is not completed/ closed. In cases where audited results for the
last preceding financial Years are not available, certification of financial statements from
a practicing charted accountant shall also be considered acceptable.
In case where audited results for the last financial year as on the date of Techno-
commercial bid opening are not available, the financial results certified by a
practicing Chartered Accountant shall be considered acceptable. In case, Bidder is
not able to submit the Certificate from practicing Chartered Accountant certifying
its financial parameters, the audited results of three consecutive financial years
preceding the last financial year shall be considered for evaluating the financial
parameters. Further, a Certificate would be required from the CEO/ CFO as per the
format enclosed in the bidding documents stating that the Financial results of the
Company are under audit as on the date of Techno-Commercial bid opening and
the Certificate from the practicing Chartered Accountant certifying the financial
parameters is not available.
11.0 As a proof of meeting the qualifying requirements, the scanned copies of the following
documents will be required to be uploaded in the C-folder.
a) (i) Award letter / Work Order with bill of quantities (ii) proof of value of work
executed as mentioned at (b) below
b) Documentary evidence issued by the employer as proof of value of work executed
clearly indicating (i) the executed value of the work and (ii) period (giving start date
and end date) during which the work has been executed, in the form of job
completion certificate / final deviation order / copies of measurement book (R/A
bills). An employer means Government / Large Industrial Organisations / Public
Sector Enterprises.
c) “Copies of Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Accounts as audited by a practicing
Chartered Accountant or Certificate of Turnover issued by a Practicing Chartered
Accountant clearly indicating the Books / Records / documents on the basis of which
the Certificate is issued”.
d) The Bidder shall indicate on copies of credentials (copies of the work orders and
performance / completion certificates from Govt. / PSU / Organisations as specified
in the Qualifying requirements, The conditions (a, b, c & d) qualifying Requirements
against which the credential is being submitted may be indicated on the document.
Original documents for verifications shall be produced as and when called for.
Other Income shall not be considered for arriving at annual turnover
NOTE: The bidder should have achieved the progress specified in the Q.R. even if the
total contract is not completed/ closed. The same shall be supported by
documentary evidence issued by the owner.
I. Partnership deed/ affidavit for proprietorship/ certificate of incorporation/
articles of association etc with latest changes, if any.
II. Copy of Power of Attorney of Authorized Signatory (if applicable)
III. The bidder should have independent P.F. code number allotted by Regional
Provident Fund Commissioner. Copy of PF code allotted by RPFC must be
submitted with technical bid.
IV. Copy of GST registration.
V. The bidder should possess GST registration number or must furnish an
undertaking to furnish GST registration number within one month of award of
12.0 Participation in the tender does not automatically mean that the bidders are considered
qualified. NTPC shall evaluate the qualifying requirements of each bidder as per NIT
after opening of technical bids and the bids of the bidder who is not meeting the
qualified requirement shall be treated as non-responsive.
Tender document is not transferrable.
Notwithstanding anything stated above, the owner reserves the right to assess the
bidder’s capability and capacity to perform the contract, should the circumstances
warrant such assessment in the overall interest of NTPC Ltd, and decision of NTPC in
this regard shall be final.
13.0 Issuance of Bidding Documents to any bidder shall not construe that bidder is
considered qualified.
14.0 NTPC reserves the right to reject any or all bids or cancel/withdraw the NIT for the
subject package without assigning any reason whatsoever and in such case no
bidder/intending bidder shall have any claim arising out of such action.
15.0 Prospective bidders from U.P. State are compulsorily required to provide TIN number at
the time of purchase of bidding documents.
16.0 Address for Communication
NTPC Limited,
Ramagundam STPS
Jyothinagar # 505 215. Peddapalli (Dist) T.S.
Phone: 08728-272505, 264215, 264260 & 264265
Websites: https://etender.ntpclakshya.co.in/sap/bc/gui/sap/its/bbpstart
(or) www.ntpctender.com (or) www.ntpc.co.in
e-mail: sreekumarv@ntpc.co.in & mohdhameeduddin@ntpc.co.in
Annexure No 1
Request for Login ID on NTPC e-Tender
If you are not a supplier/Contractor of NTPC, and interested in participating in e-tenders
in NTPC, please fill in the following.
Form A
New Vender (prospective):
Name: ___________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________
State: _________________ City: _______________________
Country: ______________ Pin: _______________
Telephone NO: _______________ Extn: ________
Fax Number: _______________
Email ID: _________________________________________________
Your Company’s Bank Name _______________________________________
Account Number: ____________________________________
Branch: _____________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________
PAN number: ___________________________________________________
CST number: ___________________________________________________
Excise Regn Number: _____________________________________________
SSI Number: ___________________________________________________
Contact Person’s Name: ___________________________________________
Designation: _____________________________________________
Bid Invitation number interested in: __________________
DD details as tender fee: Issuing Bank: _____________________________
No: _____________ Date of Issue: __________
Amount: _________ DD Valid till:__________
Note: Please download, print and fill up this form. Submit it to the Package in charge/
Contact person as mentioned in the Bid Invitation along with the DD of required amount.
DD should be in favor of “NTPC Ltd” payable at the ordering location mentioned in the
Bid Invitation.
Request for Login may be sent through E-mail or manually sent to Package in charge /
Contact person as mentioned in the Bid Invitation.
Annexure No 2
Request for Login ID on NTPC e-Tender
If you are already a supplier / contractor of NTPC, and interested in participating in e-
tenders of NTPC, please fill in the following form:
Form B
For Existing Venders:
Existing Vender Code with NTPC: ______________ Pre ERP Post ERP
Phone Number: ____________________ Extn: _________________
Email ID: ________________________________________________
Contact Person‘s Name: ____________________________________
Designation: _____________________________________________
Bid Invitation number interested in: _________
DD details as tender fee: Issuing Bank: _____________________________
No: _____________ Date of Issue: __________
Amount: _________ DD Valid till: __________
Address and other detail (Only in case of change)
Name: ___________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________
State:___________________________ City:_______________________
Country:____________________ Pin:_________________
Telephone No: ____________________ Extn: ________________
Fax Number:______________________
Email ID: ___________________________________________________
Your Company’s Bank Name:
Account Number:____________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________
Note: Please tick the appropriate box in front of vender code to indicate whether the
vender code given is Pre-ERP or Post ERP.
Tender fee payment can be given through DD or payment Gateway. In case the option of
DD is opted should be in favor of “NTPC Ltd” payable at the ordering location mentioned
in the Bid invitation.
Request for Login may be sent through E-mail or manually sent to Package in charge /
Contact person as mentioned in the Bid Invitation.