NTPC Limited
(A Government of India Enterprise)
Anta Gas Power Station
Gas turbine Blade ROW1 and Vane ROW1 reconditioning
(International Competitive Bidding)
NIT No: 9900157587
1.0 NTPC invites on-line bids from eligible Bidders for aforesaid package, as per the scope of work briefly mentioned
2.0 Brief Details
NIT Date
Document Sale Commencement Date & Time
11.06.2018 09:00:00
Document Sale Close Date & Time
09.07.2018 15:00:00
Source of IFB/NIT
Anta Gas Power Station
Contract Classification
Last Date and Time for Bid submission
09.07.2018 15:00:00
Technical Opening Date & Time
11.07.2018 15:00:00
Bid Opening Date & Time
24.07.2018 15:30:00
Cost of Bidding Documents in INR
Rs 200,000.00
1.0 Bidder should be a Gas Turbine Manufacturer / Manufacturer of Gas Turbine Blades and
vanes / Refurbishment Agency of Gas Turbine Blades and Vanes and Should have carried
out / got carried out Refurbishment & Coating / Manufacture of at least one (1) set each
of Blades and Vanes for Gas Turbine having Minimum rating of 80 MW ISO at Turbine Inlet
Temperature (TIT) of 990 Deg. Centigrade minimum, which should have completed
successful operation of at least one Hot Gas Path Inspection (HGPI) or Major Overhaul
(minimum 15000 EOH).
Bidder must either himself possess or have legitimate access for the necessary technology
of refurbishment / coating of air cooled Blades and Vanes of Alstom make Gas Turbine
Model No. 13D2 of Anta Gas Power Station having ISO Rating of 88 MW at TIT of 1005
Deg. C. The bidder at his option can also outsource any of the activities required for
refurbishment / coating of above Blades and Vanes subject to the condition that chosen
outsourcing agency by the bidder also have the necessary technology for refurbishment
/ coating of air cooled Blades and Vanes of Alstom make Gas turbine model No. 13D2 of
Anta Gas Power station having ISO Rating of 88 MW at TIT of 1005 Deg. C.
2.0 The bidder can be a licensee or Authorised Agent of Gas turbine Original Equipment
Manufacturer (OEM). In such case, the bidder can be considered qualified based on the
experience of their Principal who meets the requirements mentioned at 1.0 above.
3.0 The bidder should have executed any one of the following similar work during the
preceding seven years from date of techno commercial bid opening:
i) One similar order each valuing not be less than Rs. 101.59 Lacs
ii) Two similar orders each valuing not less than Rs. 63.50 Lacs.
iii) Three similar orders each valuing not less than Rs. 50.80 Lacs
4.0 The average annual turnover of the bidder in the preceding three financial years as on
date of Techno-commercial bid opening shall not be less than Rs. 126.99 Lacs.
a. “Similar works” means work which includes reconditioning of Gas Turbine blade ROW#1
and vane ROW#1.
b. Bid opening date refers to the first scheduled Techno commercial bid opening date.
c. The word “Executed” means that bidder should have achieved the progress specified in
QR even if total contract is not completed/closed.
d. In case of order under execution, the value of work executed till the date of opening of
Techno-commercial proposal As certified by the client shall be considered.
e. While computing the annual turnover, other income shall not be considered.
f. In case where audited results for the last preceding financial year not available
certification of financial statement from a Chartered Accountant shall be considered
g. In case of submission of bid by a licensee or authorized agent of gas turbine original
equipment manufacturer (OEM)/ authorized refurbishment agency, a joint under-taking
signed by the bidding agency and original equipment manufacturer (OEM)/authorized
refurbishment agency is required for further support, which will be valid throughout the
period of contract as well as warranty period.
8.0 Issuance of Bidding Documents to any bidder shall not construe that bidder is considered qualified.
9.0 NTPC reserves the right to reject any or all bids or cancel/withdraw the NIT for the subject package without
assigning any reason whatsoever and in such case no bidder/intending bidder shall have any claim arising out of such
10.0 Address for Communication
AGM (C&M),
Contracts & Materials Department,
Administrative Building,
Anta Gas Power Station,
NTPC Limited,
Anta # 325209,
Dist. Baran (Rajasthan).
Tel No. : 9414070281/ 07457246034