1. Application form: The prescribed Application Form enclosed herewith should be
furnished by all the applicants for the applicable/ relevant clauses.
2. Application fee : Application form to be submitted by the vendor alongwith non
refundable application fee as specified against the item/ contract above in the form of
a crossed account payee Demand Draft from a nationalized Bank/ scheduled Bank
drawn in favour of ‘NSPCL Durgapur’. No other mode of payment is acceptable.
2.1 All eligible NSIC / SSI / MSME units with proper certificates from the appropriate
authority shall be exempted for payment of application fee. Bidders seeking
exemption have to enclose a copy of valid Registration Certificate giving details
of Stores, Monetary limit & Validity; failing which their application may not be
3. Qualifying Requirements (QR) : ‘QR’ for the package has been mentioned bellow.
Applicants have to meet the QR of the package for which application is submitted. All
necessary documents as mentioned in the QR have to be submitted alongwith
4. How to Apply :
a) Interested applicant should submit application form as prescribed duly filled in
and signed alongwith covering letter in the letter head of the company.
b) Application must accompany with necessary application fee (Non refundable)
as instructed in detail.
c) Applicants registered with NSIC / SSI / MSME must furnish copy of the valid
certificate to avail exemption of application fee, as elaborated in 2.1 above.
d) Applicant must meet qualifying requirements as specified for the package. All
supporting documents as mentioned in the QR shoule be submitted alongwith
application & Q.R. Format duly filled in details as enclosed.
e) The application for vendor enlistment complete in all respect should be sent in
a sealed envelope super-scribing “ Application for vendor enlistment for (Pkg
Code) ____________, Name of Package ___________________________ “.
f) The application should be addressed to AGM(C&M), NSPCL, CPP-II, DSP
Complex, Durgapur-713203, West Bengal.
5. General Note:
a) Any information/data furnished by the Applicant found to be incorrect or false of
misleading at any point of time would render him liable to be debarred from the
b) NSPCL reserves the right to cross check and confirm the information /details
furnished by the Applicant.
c) Notwithstanding anything contained in this application for Enlistment, NSPCL
reserves the right to accept or reject any application and annul the process and
reject all applications at any time without any liability or any obligation for such
acceptance, rejection or annulment without assigning any reasons.
d) NSPCL will process all future procurements / contracts through e-procurement /
e-tender only. All the interested applicants should have required facility e.g.
Digital Certificate (Class-III), Broadband/Internet Connection etc. for the same.