5 Bid Security and Power of Attorney (as per ITB clause no 11.2(b)) shall be submitted in a sealed
envelope separately offline by the stipulated bid submission closing date and time at the address
given below. Any bid without an acceptable Bid Security shall be treated as non-responsive by the
employer and shall not be opened.
The Bidder who wishes to participate in the bidding shall satisfactorily establish that it fulfills the
Qualifying Requirements stipulated hereunder:-
The bidder should have executed/completed Civil Construction/Civil Maintenance Work/Painting of
Residential Buildings or Public Places or Industrial Establishments during the last seven years from
the date of bid opening.
i) The bidder should have successfully executed similar works during the last SEVEN years,
reckoned from the date of bid opening, as any of the following:
Three orders of value not less than ` 25.98 Lakhs each
OR .
Two orders of value not less than ` 32.48 Lakhs each
OR .
Single order of value not less than ` 51.96 Lakhs
‘Similar work’ means Civil Construction/ Civil Maintenance Works/Painting of Residential
Buildings or Public Places or Industrial Establishments.
ii) The average annual turnover of the bidder in the preceding three financial years as on the
date of bid opening shall not be less than ` 64.95 Lakhs.
The relevant documents such as Letter of Award, proof of completion etc., shall be submitted
along with the bid. All claims need to be supported by documentary evidence and necessary
contact details including names and telephone numbers of customers.
LAST THREE FINANCIAL YEARS – FY 2016-17, FY 2015-16 & FY 2014-15
iii) Notwithstanding anything stated above, the Employer reserves the right to verify any
information/ document furnished; inspect the works carried out by the bidder and also to carry
out assessment of the capabilities and capacity of the Bidder to perform the contract, should
the circumstances warrant such assessment in the overall interest of the Employer.
iv) Other income shall not be considered for arriving at annual turnover. In case where audited
results for the last preceding financial year are not available, certification of financial
statements from a practicing Chartered Accountant shall also be considered acceptable. In
case Bidder is not able to submit the Certificate from practicing Chartered Account certifying
its financial parameters, the audited results of three consecutive financial years preceding the
last financial year shall be considered for evaluating the financial parameters. Further, a
Certificate would be required from the CEO/CFO as per the format enclosed in the bidding
documents stating that the financial results of the Company are under audit as on the date of
Techno-Commercial bid opening and the Certificate from the practicing Chartered
Accountant certifying the financial parameters is not available.
v) The word “executed” means; Bidder should have achieved the criteria specified in above QR
even if the total contract is not completed/ closed.
vi) The value of the work completed in the preceding seven (7) years reckoned as on date of
techno commercial bid opening, even if it has been started earlier, will also be considered as
meeting the qualifying requirements.