a) EMD or Bid Security: EMD of requisite amount in prescribed form. The
envelope should be super-scribed as with EMD ENVELOPE and the Bid
Invitation number, date, Name of the work and Bid opening date (BOD)
should be mentioned over it.
The full name, postal address with telephone number of the bidder shall be
written on left hand corner of all the envelopes.
b) TECHNICAL BID (Online submission): Technical (un-priced) Bid
comprising of documents mentioned herein clauses 7.0, Deviation
Statement, Letter of Declaration and other documents shall be strictly
uploaded online in C-folder as per instructions provided in “Instruction to
Bidder-E-procurement” and Bidder’s Manual /Guidelines available on NTPC
E-tender website. Bidder should submit all the relevant documents in support
of Qualifying Requirements and other conditions stipulated in the tender
documents and technical details including catalogues / leaflets, if applicable.
However, documents which cannot be up - loaded on-line (like Annual Report,
PO Copies, etc.), may be submitted offline in separate sealed envelope by
the stipulated bid submission closing date and time.
Original documents for verifications shall be produced as and when called for.
c) PRICE BID (Online submission): The PRICE bid shall be submitted online
by quoting prices items wise as per instructions provided in “Instruction to
Bidder-E-procurement” and Bidder’s Manual /Guidelines available on NTPC
E-tender website. Prices submitted / uploaded elsewhere shall not be
considered for evaluation.
The online bidding system will not allow bid submission after the respective
specified expiry date and time. Bidders are advised to make sure that the bid
submission is completed well in advance before the stipulated time for bid
Bids shall be opened online as follows.
a) First Part of Opening:
EMD will be opened on the time and day set for opening of respective bids.
Technical Bid (QR documents / Technical offer) shall be opened online on
the same day only of the bidders who’s EMD / Bid Security is found in line
with our requirements as mentioned in the tender documents.
i. All the supporting documents should have at least certified / attested by
the bidder.
ii. After opening of Technical-bids (with acceptable EMD), the documents
submitted by the bidders against QR conditions will be scrutinized. NTPC
reserves the right to seek clarifications / confirmations on Technical Bid
during the evaluation of same (i.e. before opening the Price Bid) and the
bidders shall furnish the details within a short period of time.
The bidders shall produce the original documents for verification of NTPC,
as and when called for.
iii. In case the bidder fails to submit the documents in support of meeting the
qualifying requirement (QR), the offer shall be liable for rejection. Offer of