NTPC Limited
(A Government of India Enterprise)
Kahalgaon Super Thermal Power Station
PO-Kahalgaon, Dist-Bhagalpur (Bihar)
(Domestic Competitive Bidding through E-tendering)
NIT Subject
SUPPLY OF Boiler Attachments and Fins with Soot Blower Spares of Boiler Stage 1 &
Document Sale start Date & Time
28.10.2017 at 12:00 Hrs.
Document Sale Close Date & Time
11.11.2017 at 17:30 Hrs.
Tender Fee: Cost of Bidding
/Tender Documents
Rs. 1328.00
Last Date of Query
Source of IFB/NIT
Kahalgaon Super Thermal Power Station
Contract Classification
Supply of Materials
Last Date and Time for Bid
04.12.2017 at 15:30 Hrs
EMD & Technical Bid Opening Date
& Time
11.12.2017 at 15:30 Hrs
Price Bid Opening Date & Time
Shall be intimated later on to all the qualified bidders
Bid Security/EMD Amount in INR
Rs. 1,60,000.00
Submission of Bid Security (EMD)/
or Request for exemption of Bid
Security (EMD)
The Bid Security (EMD) /NSIC or any other valid Document Seeking
Exemption of Bid security should preferably be sent by Registered Post/
Speed Post. Intending Bidders are advised to post their Bid Security (EMD)
/NSIC or any other valid Document Seeking Exemption of Bid security well in
advance so as to reach us before the due date & time of bid opening.
Otherwise their BIDs shall be rejected.
This will supersede any clauses regarding Bid Security/EMD submission
dead line mentioned anywhere else in the bid document/system.
If the EMD amount submitted by any agency is less than the stipulated
EMD, their offer shall be rejected.
Please refer “Special Purchase Condition/Instruction” for detail (attached in
the Bidding Document).
Package in-charge mail ID
Nos. of files attached in “C folder”
as part of bidding documents
Address for communication
Sr. Manager (C&M)
NTPC Kahalgaon Super Thermal Power Station,
Post-Kahalgaon STP,
Dist. - Bhagalpur-813214 (Bihar)
Contact No.: 9431600161/06429-272236
Fax No-06429-226644/226281
View/ Download the Bidding/
Tender document
Bidders can view/download bidding/ tender documents by paying tender
fee either On-line or Off-line. For details please refer Mode of Payment for
Tender Fee.
Mode of payment For Tender Fee/
Exemption of Tender Fee
a) On-Line:
Vendors can view/download the tender/bidding document after
logging in our e-tender site
i. by clicking on “e-Tender” in home page of www.ntpctender.com or
ii. by directly going to the e-tender site in the following address.
After logging in to our e-tender site as mentioned above, the interested
bidder can pay the tender fee. Detailed Procedure for paying Tender
Fee has been mentioned in the Bidder’s Manual (Page-9-13)which is
available on the SRM Login screen.
In case of any difficulty, please contact help desk no- 0120-2952319
b) Off-Line: In case the vendor is willing to purchase tender document
offline, DD/Banker’s Cheque should be made in favour of NTPC Ltd.
preferably payable at SBI CSTPP Area Branch Colgong (Branch
code:6949) or Allahabad Bank, Branch code:0211932, NTPC Township
Branch and should be sent to reach NTPC, Kahalgaon in the address
mentioned at Address for Communication mentioned above, before the
sale close date and time.
c) Exemption on Cost of Tender Document:
Bidders having SSI Registration of Bihar / SSI units (of other states)
registered with the National Small Scale Industries Corporation shall
be exempted from the payment of Tender Fee. Bidders seeking
exemption should submit a Photocopy of valid registration certificate
preferably attested by Notary / Gazetted Officer/ Magistrate 1st class,
giving details such as validity, stores etc. and request for exemption.
Such request letter should reach us before Tender Document Sale close
date and time. Late receipt shall be rejected.
If the validity of the certificate has expired or the stores items not
matching with the tendered items, run the risk of their tenders
being passed over as ineligible for this concession/exemption.
d) Tender fee is non-refundable.
Note: “New Vendors” or “Vendors having only SAP vendor code”
cannot download/view the tender document as per above procedure.
These vendors have to follow the following procedure.
Downloading of Bidding Document
by vendors who does not have
SRM vendor code with NTPC
Such Bidders can view/download the complete set of Bid document as per
the following procedure.
Type of
Required Document for viewing/downloading our tender
having SAP
vendor code,
but does not
have SRM
Login ID and
Step-1: The agency has to furnish Duly Filled Annexure-2
(format given below). It should reach us at least ten working
days prior to Last Date of Tender Fee Payment.
New Vendor
Who does not
have even
SAP Vendor
Other Important Conditions:
1.0 Participation in the tender does not automatically mean that the bidders are considered qualified. NTPC
shall evaluate the qualifying requirement of each bidder as per NIT after opening of technical bid and the
bids of the bidder who is not meeting the qualifying requirement shall not be considered.
2.0 NTPC reserves the right to reject any or all bids or cancel/withdraw the invitation for bids/IFB without
assigning any reason whatsoever and in such case no bidder/intending bidder shall have claim arising out
of such action.
3.0 NTPC will not be responsible for any loss/late receipt/non-receipt of applications for tender
documents/EMD Envelope due to any postal delay or delay, in any form, in transit.
If the last date of “Selling of Bid document”/ “Bid Openingcoincides with holiday, the date will be shifted
to the next working day.
Qualifying Requirements of
the Bidder
1.0 The bidder must have “manufactured & supplied” “fabricated & machined
components using “Stainless Steel/ Any other Alloy Steel” Raw Materials and should
have executed the supply of the same in any NTPC Stations/SEBs/Govt./Semi
Govt./PSU/”NSE or BSE enlisted Company” during preceding seven (07) years prior
to date of techno-commercial bid opening as per the following criteria.
Three works/orders each costing not less than Rs. 31.97 lakhs
Two works/orders each costing not less than Rs. 39.96 lakhs
One work/order costing not less than Rs 63.94 lakhs
2.0 Average annual financial turnover of the bidder during preceding three (03)
financial years prior to date of techno-commercial bid opening shall not be less
than Rs. 79.93 lakhs.
(a) The word “executed” mentioned in clause 01 means that the bidder
should have achieved the criteria specified in clause 01 with ANY of
the following conditions:
Case-I: The work/order is started earlier (prior to the period
stipulated in Clause-01) but completed within the stipulated
period as mentioned in clause 01. In such cases, entire executed
value of the relevant work vide that work order shall be
considered for evaluation.
Case-II: The work/order is started and completed within the
stipulated period as mentioned in clause 01.
Case-III: The work/order is started within the stipulated period as
mentioned in clause 01 but not completed as on the last date of
stipulated period. In such cases, “In Progress” executed value of
the relevant work vide that work order as on the last date of
stipulated period, shall be considered for evaluation.
(i) Any of the cases mentioned in Notes (a) above shall be supported
by documentary evidence issued by the owner.
(ii) In case of composite work/BOQ, the bidder shall have to furnish
Certificate from owner certifying the value of specific nature of
work, as mentioned in Clause-01.
(b) Other income shall not be considered for arriving at annual
(c) In cases where audited results for the last financial year as on the
date of the Techno-Commercial Bid opening are not available, the
financial results certified by a practicing Chartered Accountant shall
be considered acceptable. In case, Bidder is not able to submit the
Certificate from practicing Chartered Accountant certifying its
financial parameters, the audited results of three consecutive
financial years preceding the last financial year shall be considered
for evaluating the financial parameters. Further, a Certificate would
be required from the CEO/CFO as per the format enclosed in the
bidding documents stating that the financial results of the Company
are under audit as on the date of Techno-Commercial bid opening
and the Certificate from the practicing Chartered Accountant
certifying that financial parameters is not available.
NOTE: For other documents related to this tender, please refer bid details of NIT in website.