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(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
NOTICE INVITING TENDER Nature of work : Works Contracts
NTPC- Farakka Super Thermal Power Station is interested in getting the following works executed through reputed agencies having experience in the relevant field. Interested agencies are requested to apply for the tender documents with requisite application money. The qualifying requirements and brief work details for the jobs are indicated below:
1.The tendering is being done through
2.The “EMD and letter of Undertaking” & “QR & Technical Bid (Hard copy)” shall be submitted in 02 separate envelopes: one for “QR & Technical Bid” & the other for “EMD and letter of Undertaking”. EMD, letter of Undertaking, QR & Technical bids shall be opened on Bid
Opening Date (BOD). Date of Price Bid opening shall be intimated later on to all qualified bidder in due time. Price Bid to be submitted online only.
3.For detailed NIT and bidding documents, please visit at (through link of
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Qualifying Requirement
In addition to the requirements stipulated in section ITB (Instruction to Bidder), the Bidder should also meet the qualifying requirements stipulated hereunder:
1.0Technical Criteria:
The Bidder should have executed (a) Civil construction work or (b) Civil maintenance work or (c) Filling and compaction of “earth / ash/ sand or any combination of earth, ash and sand”, in any NTPC station/SEB/Govt./Semi Govt./PSU/ “NSE or BSE enlisted Company” within the preceding seven (7) years prior to the date of Techno- Commercial bid opening as per the following criteria:
One work of value not less than Rs. 951.52 Lakh
Two works of value not less than Rs. 594.70 Lakh each
Three works of value not less than Rs. 475.76 Lakh each
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Notes for Technical Criteria:
(a)In Clause 1.0 above, the word executed means the Bidder should have achieved the criteria specified in the qualifying requirements within the preceding seven (7) year period even if the contract has been started earlier and/or is not completed/closed.
(b)Reference works executed by the Bidder as a member of joint venture consortium /Associate can also be considered provided:
The allocation of scope of work between the partners of the Joint Venture / Consortium/ Associate is clearly defined in the executed Joint Venture agreement/
Consortium Agreement/ Deed of Joint Undertaking and Bidder’s scope of work and
In case the reference work has been executed by the Bidder in an integrated Joint Venture wherein allocation of scope of work and
(c)Reference work executed by the Bidder as a
2.0Financial Criteria
a)The average annual turnover of the Bidder, in the preceding three (3) financial years as on the date of
In case a Bidder does not satisfy the annual turnover criteria, stipulated above on its own, its Holding Company would be required to meet the stipulated turnover requirements as above, provided that the Net Worth of such Holding Company as on the last day of the preceding financial year is at least equal to or more than the paid- up share capital of the Holding Company. In such an event, the Bidder would be required to furnish along with its
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b)The Net Worth of the Bidder as on the last day of the preceding financial year, of the date of
their respective paid up share capitals. For Consortiums/Joint Ventures, wherever applicable, the Net Worth of all Consortium/Joint Venture members in combined manner should not be less than 100% of their paid up share capital. However individually, their Net Worth should not be less than 75% of their respective paid up share capitals. Net worth in combined manner shall be calculated as follows:
Net worth (combined) = [(X1+X2+X3) / (Y1+Y2+Y3)] x 100
Where X1, X2, X3 are individual net worth which should not be less than 75 % of the respective paid up share capitals and Y1,Y2,Y3 are individual paid up share capitals.
(c)In case the Bidder is not able to furnish its audited financial statements on
i)Copies of the unaudited unconsolidated financial statements of the Bidder along with copies of the audited consolidated financial statements of the Holding Company.
ii) A certificate from the CEO/CFO of the Holding Company, as per the format enclosed in the bidding documents, stating that the unaudited unconsolidated financial statements form part of the consolidated financial statements of the Holding Company.
In cases where audited results for the last financial year as on the date of Techno- Commercial bid opening are not available, the financial results certified by a practicing Chartered Accountant shall also be considered acceptable. In case, Bidder is not able to submit the Certificate from a practicing Chartered Accountant certifying its financial parameters, the audited results of three consecutive financial years preceding the last financial year shall be considered for evaluating the financial parameters. Further, a Certificate would be required from the CEO/CFO as per the format enclosed in the bidding documents stating that the financial results of the Company are under audit as on the date of
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Notes for Financial Criteria:
(i)Net worth means the sum total of the paid up share capital and free reserves. Free reserves means all reserves credited out of the profits and share premium account but does not include reserves credited out of the revaluation of the assets, write back of depreciation provision and amalgamation. Further any debit balance of Profit and Loss account and miscellaneous expenses to the extent not adjusted or written off, if any, shall be reduced from reserves and surplus.
(ii)Other income shall not be considered for arriving at annual turnover.
(iii)“Holding Company” and “Subsidiary Company” shall have the meaning ascribed to them as per Companies Act of India.
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(a)All the documentary evidence like Possession of P.F.Code, GSTIN , concerned work order copies / completion certificate, supporting documents, documents of annual turnover e.g. balance sheet or profit & loss account sheet etc. are to be enclosed with the Technical Bid to fulfill all the above mentioned Q.R.
(b)NTPC shall not responsible for any delay in receipt or
(c)The bidder has to submit application along with DEMAND DRAFT
(d)The application envelope must be super scribed with tender Ref.No. & Name of the work. In case a bidder desires to participate in more than one tender, separate application is required to be made against each work accompanying a separate DEMAND DRAFT as mentioned above.
(e)Tender documents shall be issued to all the agencies, which have applied with relevant Application Money. However, issuance of tender documents shall not automatically construe qualification of the firm for award of work, which will actually be determined during evaluation of qualification requirement documents for each tender as specified and bid evaluation after receiving of completed Tender documents from the agencies.
(f)The EMD value for each tender as specified should be given in the tender documents, which is to be submitted along with Technical & Price Bid.
(g)The Bid Opening date (LOU, EMD, QR & Technical Bid) is stated in the above with individual work details and will also be mentioned in the tender documents. The Price Bid opening date shall be intimated to the agency, which has qualified after scrutiny of the Technical Bid.
(h)The above specification is only indicative and details will be available in the tender documents.However, interested parties are advised to visit the site and familiarize themselves with actual site conditions, wherever applicable.
(i)If last date of receipt of application is a closed holiday for
(j)NTPC reserves the right to assess the capacity and capability of bidders after scrutiny of the applications and reserves the right to reject any or all applications.
(k)Application with all relevant documents should reach in the office of AGM (CS) as per above mentioned individual job detail. (Last date receipt of request for issue of tender documents)
(l)Address for communication: AGM (C&M) [Ph. No.
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Details of Earnest Money Deposit:
1. Earnest money shall be submitted in one of the following forms:
i.Crossed Demand Draft,
ii.Pay Order.
iii.Banker’s Cheque ;
iv.An irrevocable Bank Guarantee in our format as in annexure (B.G. as EMD shall only be acceptable if the EMD value exceeds Rs.50,000.00.)
All the above financial/bank documents shall be drawn in favour of NTPC LIMITED from any Nationalized or Scheduled Banks payable at SBI, Andua (Code No. 7099)/ UBI, Khejuria (Code No. C/69)
2.EMD shall accompany with Letter Of Undertaking on
3.Earnest Money shall be made payable to NTPC `On Demand’ without any condition/demure to the owner. The bid guarantee shall be valid for a period of Six calendar months from the bid opening date, however for bid security in the form of bank guarantee, validity of the security shall be for Seven months. If the bid opening date is on 1st January, then bid guarantee shall be valid upto and inclusive of following 31st July of the year for bank guarantee.
4.The EMD/ Bid guarantee of all unsuccessful tenders will be returned within 30 days after the award of the contract, on production of a certificate to our department that all tender document have been returned to us by the tenderer.
5.No interest will payable for the EMD/ Bid guarantee amount. EMD of successful bidders will be converted to Security Deposit after Award of Contract.
6.The earnest money shall be forfeited on the following grounds:
(i)On revocation of the tender OR
(ii)On refusal to enter into a contract after award to a contractor OR
(iii)If the work is not commenced after the work is awarded to a contractor.
7. In case successful bidder submits Bank Guarantee (B.G.) against Earnest Money Deposit (EMD), bidder has to furnish Contract Performance Security for 10% value of contract within 21 days from issue date of Letter of Award, covering the entire period of contract.