Manufactures / Supplier/ Vendors who do not meet the stipulated qualifying requirement in totality shall not be
considered for enlistment.
b. Even though an applicant may satisfy the above requirements he would be liable for disqualification if he has
made misleading or mis-representation or deliberately suppressed information in the forms, statements and
enclosures required in the application. Any information / data furnished by the Applicant found to be incorrect
or misleading at any point of time would render him liable to be debarred from the Enlistment & subject to
further action as deemed fit by NTPC.
5. The bidders, who are presently banned from business by NTPC- Corporate Centre/ NTPC-RHQ /JGGPP, as on
29.09.2017, shall not be considered for enlistment. They shall be considered for enlistment only after expiry of their
banning period & revoking of the banning order, and shall have to apply against future enlistment notices issued by
NTPC, Jhanor.
6. Business dealings with enlisted vendors shall be suspended, if prima-facie it is found in course of investigation that
the vendor is involved in an offence of unethical business dealings with NTPC.
NTPC, has in place a Vendor Performance Review mechanism. The enlistment of the vendor shall also be liable for
cancellation if the performance of the vendor is not found to be satisfactory by NTPC.
The applicant shall strictly adhere to the “Fraud Prevention Policy” of NTPC as well as Policy & Procedure for
withholding and Banning of Business Dealings displayed on its tender website
7. All cost incurred by applicants for preparing and submitting the application, providing clarification or any other
expenses whatsoever shall be borne by applicants themselves.
8. Manufactures/ Supplier/ Vendors desirous for “Enlistment at NTPC-Jhanor for Procurement of Cement at NTPC-
Jhanor” (Details as per Annexure-A), will have to submit filled application form attached at Annexure-B, along with all
enclosures & supporting documents indicated.
Validity of the Enlistment of Vendors for Cement procurement at NTPC-Jhanor against this press advertisement will
remain valid for the period of 03 (three) years from the date of approval.
During the period that the applications are under consideration, the applicant is advised to refrain from contacting by
any means, the employer and /or his employees/representatives on matters related to the applications under
consideration. Any effort by an applicant to influence the evaluation of application or processing of applications for
enlistment may result in the rejection of the Applicant’s application for enlistment.
NTPC reserves the right to cross check and confirm the information /details furnished by the Applicant.
9. For all contracts, mode of tendering adopted by NTPC, Jhanor shall be through E-tendering module only. The
“Request form for Registration/ Login id on NTPC e-tender (SRM)”, duly filled in has to be submitted mandatorily
along with the application form.
10. NTPC, Jhanor reserves the right to accept/reject any application, and to annul the enlistment process and reject all
applications at any time without incurring any liability, to the affected Applicant(s) or any obligation to inform the
Applicant(s) of the grounds for this action.
Please acknowledge the receipt of the Application form. This letter shall for a part of the Application form.
Thanking you,
Yours Faithfully,
(1)Annexure-A: Summary List of Packages for which vendor enlistment in currently envisaged at NTPC Jhanor and Package Qualifying
Requirement, along with category & Package description.
(3)Annexure-I: Request form for Registration/ Login id on NTPC e-tender (SRM)
(4)Annexure-II: E.F.T FORM
(5)Annexure-III: Form of Acceptance of Prevention of Fraud Policy