6.0 Delivery shall be made against advance payment
6.1 Buyer shall pay the form of Demand Draft/ RTGS/ Bank Transfer
6.2 The amount of advance shall be equivalent to value of one month of off-take quantity.
Advance shall be adjusted against delivery on daily basis.
6.3 Buyer will be required to deposit the advance payment by 20
of every month for
deliveries of the next month.
6.4 All bank charges shall be borne by the buyer.
7. Commencement of first off take
Commencement of first off take for bidders of fly ash should not exceed beyond 15 days
from the date of issue of award letter unless specifically agreed by the Supplier.
8. Weighment for invoicing
Fly ash shall be issued based on actual weighment. Weight so recorded shall be considered
9. Compensation against shortfall during regular off take
a. After commencement of first off take, buyer will be required to lift fly ash on regular
basis in accordance with agreed quantity as per contracted schedule. The buyer
shall have to lift at least 90% of annual contracted quantity / annual adjusted quantity
(in case of short supply). In case buyer fails to lift the minimum quantity (90% of
annual contracted quantity / annual adjusted quantity), compensation amount @
Rs.75/MT will be charged on the shortfall quantity (90% of annual contracted /
annual adjusted quantity – Actual quantity lifted for the year).
b. For the purpose of calculation of provisional compensation, quarterly breakup of the
total contracted quantity or the adjusted quarterly quantity (in case of short supply)
will be done and compared with actual quantity lifted by the buyer.
Final compensation will be calculated after final reconciliation and adjustments, if
any will be made. However, gross compensation amount will be limited to the CPG
Compensation due on a buyer, if not deposited separately will be deducted from the
advance available or recovered from the CPG of the buyer.
c Quarterly quantity shall be considered from the scheduled date of start till completion
of quarter and subsequently so on till expiry of contract.
10. Review and Termination of Contract
a) In case, fly ash off take falls below 80% of the contracted or adjusted quantity
(whichever is lower), during any consecutive three months on cumulative basis, NTPC
BADARPUR will have the right to review the continuance of the contract. Reasons /
justifications for lower offtake is to be explained by the awardees and shall be assessed by
NTPC BADARPUR. If the same is not acceptable, NTPC BADARPUR may at its option
terminate the same by giving one month notice in writing of their intentions to do so and in such
an event the buyer shall not be entitled to any compensation from the supplier. In the event of
termination of contract, the liquidated damages will be payable by the buyer at the aforesaid
rate mentioned in Clause 9 i.e @ Rs.75/- PMT for the short fall quantity below 90% of the
contracted / adjusted quantity and the gross amount of liquidated damages / compensation
shall be limited to the CPG amount.