E-tender website. Bidder should submit all the relevant documents in support of Qualifying
Requirements and other conditions stipulated in the tender documents and technical
details including catalogues / leaflets, if applicable. However, documents which cannot be
up - loaded on-line (like Annual Report, PO Copies, etc.), may be submitted offline in
separate sealed envelope by the stipulated bid submission closing date and time.
Original documents for verifications shall be produced as and when called for.
c) PRICE BID (Online submission): The PRICE bid shall be submitted online by quoting
prices items wise as per instructions provided in “Instruction to Bidder-E-procurement” and
Bidder’s Manual /Guidelines available on NTPC E-tender website. Prices submitted /
uploaded elsewhere shall not be considered for evaluation.
The online bidding system will not allow bid submission after the respective specified expiry
date and time. Bidders are advised to make sure that the bid submission is completed well in
advance before the stipulated time for bid submission.
Bids shall be opened online as follows.
a) First Part of Opening:
EMD will be opened on the time and day set for opening of respective bids.
Technical Bid (QR documents / Technical offer) shall be opened online on the same day
only of the bidders who’s EMD / Bid Security is found in line with our requirements as
mentioned in the tender documents.
i. All the supporting documents should have at least certified / attested by the bidder.
ii. After opening of Technical-bids (with acceptable EMD), the documents submitted by
the bidders against QR conditions will be scrutinized. NTPC reserves the right to seek
clarifications / confirmations on Technical Bid during the evaluation of same (i.e.
before opening the Price Bid) and the bidders shall furnish the details within a short
period of time.
The bidders shall produce the original documents for verification of NTPC, as and
when called for.
iii. In case the bidder fails to submit the documents in support of meeting the qualifying
requirement (QR), the offer shall be liable for rejection. Offer of the bidder not fulfilling
the QR shall be rejected and the bid security shall be returned.
b) Second Part of Opening:
The price bids of only those parties shall be opened who are found technically qualified
after evaluation of the first part bid for which separate intimation will be sent to such
qualified bidders.
14.0 NTPC reserves the right to reject any or all bids or cancel / withdraw the Notice Inviting Tender
without assigning any reason whatsoever and in such case no bidder / intending bidder shall
have any claim arising out of such action. In such circumstances, EMD only shall be returned
without any additional financial liability to NTPC Limited.
15.0 Tender documents are not transferable. Issuance of tender documents does not automatically
mean that the bidders are considered qualified. NTPC shall evaluate the qualifying
requirements of each bidder as per NIT after opening of Technical Bid and the Price bid of the
bidder who is not meeting the qualifying requirements shall not be opened.
16.0 If the date of bid opening coincides with a holiday, the date of bid opening shall be shifted to
next working day.
17.0 NTPC shall not be responsible for any postal delay / loss / damage or non-delivery of EMD /
Bid Security.
18.0 Prospective bidders from Uttar Pradesh state are compulsorily required to provide TIN number
at the time of purchase of bidding documents from office of NTPC
19.0 Small Scale Industries (SSI) registered with National Small Scale Industries Corporation (NSIC)
and Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) registered with District Industries Centres or Khadi and
Village Industries Commission or Khadi and Village Industries Board or Coir Board or National
Small Industries Corporation or Directorate of Handicrafts and Handloom or any other body
specified by Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises as per MSMED Act 2006,for