Bid Document No.- ER-1HQ/C&M/40076752
(a) The word “executed” mentioned in clause 3.0 means that the bidder should have achieved
the specified criteria with any of the following conditions:
(i) The work/order is started earlier to the stipulated period, but completed within the
stipulated period. In such cases, entire executed quantity/value of the relevant work
vide that work order shall be considered for evaluation.
(ii) The work/order is started and completed within the stipulated period. In such cases,
entire executed quantity/value of the relevant work vide that work order shall be
considered for evaluation.
(iii) The work/order is started within the stipulated period but not completed as on the last
date of stipulated period. In such cases, “In Progress” executed quantity / value of the
relevant work vide that work order as on the last date of stipulated period, shall be
considered for evaluation.
(b) (i) Certificate and other documentary evidence (Purchase Order copy/O&M work order
copy etc.) from owner of the plant or order placement agency shall be required to be
furnished by the bidder in support of the claim of meeting the qualification requirement
as per clause 1.0,clause 2.0 and clause 3.0.
(ii) Execution/Performance certificates/Commissioning reports, any of the conditions
mentioned in Notes (a), successful operation of work as per clause 1.0 (a) and
successful completion of O&M contract as per clause 3.0 shall be supported by
documentary evidence issued by the owner.
(c) “Qualified Equipment Manufacturer” (QEM) means an entity meeting the requirements
stipulated at Clause 1.0 (a).
(d) Other income shall not be considered for arriving at annual turnover.
(e) “Holding Company” shall have the meaning ascribed to it as per Companies Act of India.
9.0 As a proof of meeting the qualifying requirements, the scanned copies of the following
documents will be required to be uploaded in the C-folder.
a) (i) Award letter / Work Order with bill of quantities (ii) proof of value of work executed
as mentioned at (b) below
b) Documentary evidence issued by the employer as proof of value of work executed
clearly indicating (i) the executed value of the work and (ii) period (giving start date
and end date) during which the work has been executed, in the form of job completion
certificate / final deviation order / copies of measurement book (R/A bills). An employer
means Government / Large Industrial Organizations / Public Sector Enterprises.
c) “Copies of Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Accounts as audited by a practicing
Chartered Accountant or Certificate of Turnover issued by a Practicing Chartered
Accountant clearly indicating the Books / Records / documents on the basis of which
the Certificate is issued”.
d) The Bidder shall indicate on copies of credentials (copies of the work orders and
performance / completion certificates from Govt. / PSU / Organizations as specified in