Annexure - B
To Do List
(A) Instructions to Audit Firms:
1. Format of Application must be completely filled in. Incomplete applications will be outrightly
2. Please ensure that date of opening of Registered Office, Branch Office(s), entrance dates of
all Partners into the firm, date of joining firm as qualified & semi- qualified assistants are
invariably indicated in the application.
3. A declaration has to be submitted by each audit firm that none of its partner(s) or qualified
employee(s) is a partner in any other audit firm which is applying for the current
empanelment in NTPC. Any EOI without such declaration in this regard shall be summarily
All EOIs will be evaluated on the basis of the documents furnished along with
applications only.
5. Since, all the applications will be evaluated strictly on the basis of Selection Criteria as per
please avoid attaching unsolicited information/ documents for processing
applications expeditiously.
6. All the documents submitted should be signed by a Partner with his / her name and under
the seal of the firm.
7. Applications must be submitted under sealed cover superscribing the EOI Notice No. __ &
date and the words “Application for Empanelment of Internal Auditors for
Financial years 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20”. The name and address of the firm
must also be indicated on the body of the envelope.
8. Application must be addressed to General Manager (Finance) - Internal Audit, NTPC
Limited, Core -7, Scope Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi – 110003. It may be delivered in
person also at reception Core -7, Scope Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi – 110003. NTPC
does not take any responsibility for the loss of application in-transit. Applications sent
through Fax or E-mail will not be considered.
9. Any application received after the stipulated date & time, due to any reason whatsoever,
will be rejected.
(B) List of documents to be submitted along with the applications/ EOIs:
Interested firms are advised to go through the contents of the EOI documents carefully
and submit self attested copies of the following documents in proper sequence along with
the EOIs as described hereinafter:
1. Latest registration certificate of the firm issued by The Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India / The Institute of Cost Accountants of India w.r.t the information
related to the year of establishment of Head Office, Branch Office(s), address (es),
details of partners along-with their membership nos. etc. Particulars as indicated in the
Certificate(s) will be treated as conclusive and used for the purpose of evaluation of
2. Certificates of DISA/ CISA, if any, issued by the respective Institutes.