(A Joint Venture of NTPC & SAIL)
Captive Power Plant -II, D.S.P. Complex, Durgapur-713203, Dist- Burdwan(W. B.)
Phone: 0343-2970034 / 9800704994 / 9800706353
Contracts & Materials Management Department
Notice Inviting e-Tender
NIT No. NSPCL/DGP/ C&M / OT/e-Tender / 02 / 2017 Dt. 03.04.2017
NSPCL, a joint venture of NTPC & SAIL, at Durgapur, invites E- tenders from the eligible parties / agencies for
the following Works. The detailed Scope of Work & Tech.Specifications etc. are given in the Tender Documents.
Cost of
Paper (Rs)
Pond Ash Evacuation and
Transportation at different Location of
NH-2 road expansion
Tender Documents sale closing date 15.05.2017 from our e-tender (SRM Portal) website
Abridged NIT along with Qualifying Requirement may be viewed at www.ntpctender.com ,
www.ntpc.co.in, www.nspcl.co.in. The details of tender for e-bidding shall be available at
Instruction for e-bidding:
1. The bidder must have Digital Signature Certificate (Class-III).
2. The bidders who already have valid SRM User ID:
a) Login the SRM Portal and click on RFx and Auction button.
b) Rfx will be available to view for all the bidders which are already having valid SRM User ID’s.
c) Interested bidders have to register first against the Bid invitation by clicking on “Register” button placed into Rfx
header segment.
d) Tender document fee and EMD also needs to be submitted offline to NSPCL, Durgapur.
e) Once Registration step & Tender fee submission is done by bidder and the tender fee received by the NSPCL
and updated into the system then Bidder could able to “Create Response” and submit the bids against the Bid
invitation into the system.
3. New Bidders which are not having SAP/ERP Vendor Code and or SRM User ID:
a) In case a new bidder wants to participate for a particular Bid invitation in SRM portal, the bidder first of all has
to submit the filled Registration Form & NEFT Form along with required supporting documents e.g. as specified
in forms and Tender document cost, till 10th May 2017 to C&M department, NSPCL Durgapur in hard copy
or scanned copy through e-mail at: nspcldgp.cm@gmail.com, ajoykumar.gupta@nspcl.co.in,
b) C&M department will initiate the process for vendor ID creation in SAP & send the bidders SRM Credentials
(User ID along with initial Password)
c) After creation of SRM Credentials the step 2 ( above ) shall be followed by the bidder.
Tender cost and EMD to be paid through Demand Draft in favour of “NSPCL” payable at Durgapur, West
Bengal. Original D/D (for Tender Cost) and EMD documents to be sent to AGM(C&M), NSPCL/Durgapur -713203, Dist-
Burdwan, W.B. & confirmed by e-mail,so as to reach the site before Technical Bid Opening date.
All eligible MSME, NSIC / SSI units with proper certificates from the appropriate authority shall be exempted for
payment of Tender Document Fees & EMD. Bidders seeking exemption have to enclose a copy of valid Registration
Certificate giving details of Stores, Monetary limit & Validity and send to us; failing which their bids may not be
Addl. General Manager ( C & M )