(A Joint Venture of NTPC & SAIL)
Ph. 2520644/2510355, Fax –
(Contract & Materials Department)
DATE: 28.02.2017 |
NSPCL, Rourkela invites online Tender for the following works from reputed Agencies:
Tender No / RFX No |
1607145 / 2800001313 |
Works Description |
Deployment of back HOE Exavator |
Estimate Value : |
Rs. 12,42,000/- |
Completion Period : |
12 Months. |
EMD in Rs. |
Rs.25,000/- |
Tender Fee |
Rs. 1185/- |
Tender sale |
start Date |
07.03.2017 / 9:00 Hrs |
Tender sale |
close Date |
27.03.2017 / Time 17: 00 Hrs. |
Last Query Date if any |
03.04.2017 |
Date of Technical bid |
11.04.2017 |
opening |
Date of price bid |
Will be intimated to successful bidder |
opening |
afterwards. |
Abridged NIT along with Qualifying Requirement may be viewed at www.ntpctender.com, www.ntpc.co.in, www.nspcl.co.in. The details of tender for on line bidding shall be available
at http://srmportal.nspclsrijan.co.in:50000/irj/portal
Instruction for on line bidding:
1.The bidder must have Digital Signature Certificate
2.The bidders who already have valid SRM User ID:
a)Login the SRM Portal and click on RFx and Auction button.
b)Rfx will be available to view for all the bidders which are already having valid SRM User ID’s.
c)Interested bidders have to register first against the Bid invitation by clicking on “Register” button placed into Rfx header segment.
d)Tender document fee and EMD also needs to be submitted offline to NSPCL, Rourkela .
e)Once Registration step & Tender fee submission is done by bidder and the tender fee received by the NSPCL , Rourkela and updated into the system then Bidder could able to visualise entire tender document , down load it and “Create Response” and submit the bids against the Bid invitation into the system.
3.New Bidders which are not having SRM User ID:
a)In case a new bidder wants to participate for a particular Bid invitation in SRM portal, the bidder first of all has to submit the filled registration ( form available in the website, www.nspcl.co.in under / below the SRM Link ) to C&M department, NSPCL Rourkela in hard copy or scanned copy through
b)C&M department will initiate the process for vendor ID creation in SAP & send the bidders SRM Credentials (User ID along with initial Password)
c)After creation of SRM Credentials the step 2 ( above ) shall be followed by the bidder.
Tender cost ( non refundable ) and EMD to be paid through Demand Draft in favour of “NSPCL” payable at Rourkela, . Original D/D (for Tender Cost) and EMD documents to be sent to AGM(C&M), CPP- II, Administrative building, NSPCL/ Rourkela
All eligible NSIC / SSI/ MSME units with proper certificates from the appropriate authority shall be exempted for payment of Tender Document Fees & EMD. Bidders seeking exemption have to enclose a copy of valid Registration Certificate giving details of Stores, Monetary limit & Validity and send to us; failing which their bids may not be considered.
For CS- 1607145 / RFX- 2800001313
Technical Criteria
1. The bidder shall posses vehicle like Back Hoe Excavators Model - 3DX/ 4DX or higher model maximum of 4 years old as on date of scheduled BOD, in their own name
The agency should submit an agreement with any vehicle owner having model and year as mentioned above that to deploy a vehicle at NSPCL against the tender CS- 1607145 if the said tender is awarded in favor of the agency.
the bidder shall submit an under taking in a non judicial stamp paper in original duly notarized along with bid that they will purchase a new Back Hoe Excavators Model - 3DX/ 4DX within a period on 15 days from the date of issue of LOI.
2. The bidder must have executed similar works during last 7 years of scheduled BOD , either of the following :-
i)Three similar completed works costing not less than the amount equal to Rs.4.97 Lakhs
each(Rupees four lakh ninety seven thousand ) “OR”
ii) Two similar completed works costing not less than the amount equal to Rs.6.2 Lakhs each(Rupees six lakh twenty thousand ). “OR”
iii)One similar completed work costing not less than the amount equal to Rs. 9.94 Lakhs
(Rupees nine lakh ninety four thousand ).
Financial Criteria
3. Financial Criteria:
The average annual Turnover of the bidder, in the preceding three (3) financial years as on the date of schedule technical bid opening, shall not be less than Rs. 12.42 lakhs (Rupees twelve lakh forty two thousand only ).
1. For QR number 2 , bidder must submit documentary evidence in support of meeting QR like copy of works completion certificate from the client /last running bill / measurement book of last bill paid / protocol jointly signed by owner and contractor/works bills along with the LOA copy.
2.For QR No.3, the bidder shall submit the Audited Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account for the specified period. In case where Audited results for the last preceding FY are not available, certificate of financial statements from a practicing Chartered Accountant shall also be considered acceptable. Other income shall not be considered for arriving annual turnover.
3.The word “Executed” means that the bidder should have achieved the progress specified in the PQR even if the total contract is not completed/closed. The same shall be supported by documentary evidence issued by the owner.
4.Similar Works means : Deployment of Back Hoe Exavator in any power plant / process plant/ Govt. dept. or doing any earth work / dam work / road or ash handling work involving Back hoe Excavator / .
General Notes:
1.The participated bidders if found qualified in QR , may be eligible for vendor enlistment for the work " as stipulated against each tender "" at NSPCL Rourkela.
2.A complete set of Bidding Documents may be downloaded ( Click on RFx No. RFx menu bar will display at the top . Click Technical RFx . Then Click tab 'Folders' . Then three sub folders (i) COLLABORATION , (ii) EXTERNAL AREA and (iii) INTERNAL AREA will appear. Click on EXTERNAL AREA . Required document folder will appear on RHS . It can be down loaded. ) by any interested Bidder on payment
3.The Bids shall be opened at the time and date as mentioned in tender . If the date of opening happens to be a closed holiday, bids shall be opened at any time on next working day.
4.Notwithstanding anything stated above, NSPCL reserves the right to assess bidder’s capability and capacity to perform the contract, should the circumstances warrant such
assessment in the overall interest of NSPCL and decision of NSPCL in this regard shall be final.
5.The qualification status shall be examined by the tender committee only during the process of evaluation. However, receipt of tender documents will not automatically mean that bidders are considered qualified.
6.In addition to fulfilling specific qualifying requirement the bidders must submit the following documents in physical form along with their technical bid (All the photocopies should be attested by the bidder himself) towards meeting general qualifying requirement. Failing which their bids will not be considered. (a) PAN No. copy, (b). Service tax registration proof, (c) Firm's documents like Proprietary Affidavit / Partnership Deed / Memorandum & Articles of Association / Certificate of Incorporation etc. (d) Copy of Power of Attorney (if applicable). (e) PF code , (f) independent 17 digit ESI code certificate.
7.Bidder may note that as per provision of bidding documents, two separate envelopes (sealed/closed) with following documents in only Physical Form is required to be submitted at the address for communication mentioned in NIT prior to the deadline for bid submission. :
(a) ENVELOPE NO. 01: (To be submitted off line only) (i) NO DEVIATION CERTIFICATE (Bidders shall be required to furnish a No Deviation Certificate (as per format enclosed) confirming full compliance to the terms, conditions and Technical Specifications of Bidding Documents and Amendment(s)/Clarification(s) (if any) failing which bids shall be rejected and returned to the bidder without being opened (ii) EARNEST MONEY in prescribed form , (iii) Letter of Undertaking on
(b)ENVELOPE NO. 2: (To be submitted off line only) (i) Qualifying requirement data details, (ii) All technical credentials (one sets and all other documents issued with this tender. All the documents ( except price bid ) to fulfil NIT QR.
(c) * PRICE BID: (To be submitted on- line only)
The detail BOQ with its displayed rates has been provided in tender documents. The agencies will have to quote Discount or Premium percentage in SRM- e tender.
8.The credentials of the parties shall be examined by NSPCL with reference to QR & the price bid of only successful bidders i.e. who fulfill QR criteria and submits EMD, LOU, ESI undertaking and Qualifying Requirement Data details .
9.NSPCL reserves the right to assess independently the capacity and capabilities of the bidders to carryout the work.
10.NSPCL reserve the right to accept or reject late / delayed tenders and also to reject
any or all tenders without assigning any reason thereof.
11.In case the registered bidders who have downloaded the bidding documents require an additional manual copy of the document then such bidders shall be required to purchase the manual copy of the bidding documents following the procedure detailed above.
12.Issuance of Bidding Documents to any bidder shall not construe that bidder is considered qualified.
13.NSPCL reserves the right to reject any or all bids or cancel/withdraw the NIT for the subject package without assigning any reason whatsoever and in such case no bidder/intending bidder shall have any claim arising out of such action. Price Bid shall be submitted online only and opened at the address given below in the presence of Bidder's representatives who choose to attend the bid opening.
14 Tenderers seeking exemption should enclose a photocopy of valid Registration Certificate giving details such as validity, stores and monetary limits to the addresses as mentioned, at least three working days prior to the last date of Technical Bid Opening date for getting the authorization for participating in the on line tendering.
15 .Any bidder who is having vendor code in SAP but not in SRM, they should contact with following details immediately in above address just after publication of NIT, which should reach us at least 5 working days prior to Last date of issuance of bid .
16.New Vendor neither having any vendor code in SAP nor any SRM login ID and Password :- Any bidder who is not having vendor code in SAP (also in SRM) should contact with following details immediately in the address just after publication of NIT, which should reach us at least 7 working days prior to Last date of issuance of tender . They have to submit copy of PAN CARD, CANCELLED CHEQUE, ADDRESS PROOF , EFT FORM or can submit the filled up form available in the website, www.nspcl.co.in
under / below the SRM Link .
17. Digital Certificate (Class III) is a must for vendors to participate in this tender. NSPCL won't be responsible for any vendor not having a suitable valid digital certificate.
Address for communication: |
Addl.General Manager (C&M) |
Fax : 0661- 2513179 |
Contact Person. (i) Sri S C Tripathy, Sr. Manager( C&M)
Mob:- 9437480792, email: sc.tripathy@nspcl.co.in
Office : 0661- 2520644 , 0661- 2510355