NTPC Limited, the largest power utility of India, intends to empanel professionally managed Advertising Agencies for its various jobs at the Corporate Centre, Regional Offices, Projects, Station etc. located all over India.

For detailed Advertisement, Bid Documents and Eligibility Criteria, please visit our websites at https://www.vendor.ntpc.co.in, www.ntpctender.com or www.ntpc.co.in on January 16, 2017 onwards. The interested agencies who are prima-facie qualified, can apply online by registering at https://www.vendor.ntpc.co.in,.

Online applications for empanelment of advertising agencies can be submitted till February 15, 2017 at https://www.vendor.ntpc.co.in.

1.Eligibility Criteria:

(i)Category A: Corporate Campaign, all display advertisement of Corporate Centre & all other units of NTPC, such as Chairman speech, UFR / AFR, various advertisements related to event, Goodwill, Recruitment, MOP etc, Digital Campaign, Spots, Films etc.

I.Agencies with annual average turnover above ₹ 40 crores during last three financial years ending March 2016;

II.Having full INS accreditation since preceding three years i. e, 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 without any interruption, valid as on the date of the advertisement;

III.Empanelment of minimum three years with PSU/ Public Limited Company/ Central/ State Govt. / Ministry / Autonomous Bodies/ Statutory Bodies as on date of advertisement; and


Agencies having offices in at least four States / UTs, out of which at least one in NCR


since preceding three years as on date of advertisement.

(ii)Category -B: NITs, Notices, Exhibition, Designing & printing work to be carried out by Corporate Centre.

I.Agencies with annual average turnover above ₹ 25 crores during last three financial years ending March 2016;

II.Having full INS accreditation since preceding three years i. e, 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 without any interruption, valid as on the date of the advertisement;

III.Empanelment of minimum three years with PSU/ Public Limited Company/ Central/ State Govt. / Ministry / Autonomous Bodies/ Statutory Bodies as on date of advertisement; and

V.Agencies having offices in at least four States / UTs, out of which at least one in NCR since preceding three years as on date of advertisement.

(iii)Category C: NITs, Notices, Exhibition, Designing & printing work to be carried out by other Units of NTPCs, i.e. regional headquarters, projects, stations etc.

I.Agencies with annual average turnover above ₹ 15 crores, for last three financial years ending March 2016;

II.Having full INS accreditation since preceding three years i.e, 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 without any interruption, valid as on the date of the advertisement;

III.Empanelment of minimum three years with PSU/ Public Limited Company/ Central/ State Govt. / Ministry / Autonomous Bodies/ Statutory Bodies as on date of advertisement; and


Agencies having offices in at least four States / UTs, out of which at least one in any


of the following cities i.e. NCR, Lucknow, Dehradun, Mumbai, Raipur, Patna,


Bhubaneswar, Hyderabad as on date of advertisement

The work relating to NITs, Notices shall be assigned to all agencies on rotation basis in Category B (by Corporate Centre) and Category C (by Projects, Stations, RHQs) and all other jobs shall be finalised on creative / financial bid basis as per job requirements.

The empanelment process will be a two part process consisting of Stage-I & II. For qualifying under stage-I, the agency is required to get minimum 25 out of 50 marks, otherwise, it will not be considered as qualified for Stage – II.

Approximately, the top 10, 20 & 30 agencies in Categories-A, B & C respectively in stage-I will be considered as qualified for stage-II evaluation as per recommendation of Stage I Committee. These agencies should also fulfill the above criteria of scoring a minimum of 25 marks out of 50 during stage-I evaluation. The agency short listed on the basis of stage-I will be called to submit the documents for stage-II.

The agencies have option to apply under more than one category as per the Eligibility Criteria. The agencies will be evaluated based on evaluation criteria as per for each category. In case the agency is applying for more than one category, they can do so, however separate EMD 0f ₹90,000/- will be required to be submitted for each category.

How to apply: Interested agency can apply by login in www.vendor.ntpc.co.in. Please go through the lists of documents required in support of fulfilling each criterion. Keep the scanned copy of documents ready in pdf format for uploading.

The important dates are as follows:


Bid cycle will be open for participation

:16.01.2017 to 15.02.2017

The DD for EMD with EFT form, cancelled cheque, copy of PAN card with covering letter to be sent to

Addl.General Manager (CC)

NTPC Ltd., NTPC Bhawan, SCOPE Complex, Core-7, 1st Floor, Lodi Road, New Delhi -110 003




Category A

S. N.

Eligibility Criteria




Documents required to be produced / submitted


Agencies with annual average



Photo copy of audited Balance Sheet (BS)with Profit & Loss A/c for


turnover above ₹40 crores, for last


FY 2013-14, 2014-15 & 2015-16 duly authenticated by CA who has


three financial years ending March


audited the account with stamped clearly having his membership











# While computing the annual turnover other income shall










not be considered.



Having full INS accreditation since


A self-certificate in the prescribed format (Annexure “2D”), for


preceding three years i. e, FY 2013-


preceding three years i e FY 2013-14, 2014-15 & 2015-16 and


14, 2014-15 & 2015-16 without


valid as on the date of the advertisement.


any interruption, valid as on the date






of the advertisement













Empanelment order having validity for last three years from the


years with PSU/ Public Limited


date of bid opening (with continuation certification from the issuing


Company/ Central/ State Govt. /














Statutory Bodies as on date of
















Agencies having offices in at least


Any document to establish existence of the office. (one from


four States / UTs, out of which at


starting three months

& other from last three months for each FY).


least one in NCR since preceding


∑ Copy

of landline/ post paid mobile in the name of the agency; or


three years as on date of


∑ Copy of Registration under Shop & Establishment Act with








renewal; or











∑ Copy of registration by Local authority with renewal etc or










∑ Lease agreements or any other proof

Category B











S. N.

Eligibility Criteria




Documents required to be produced / submitted


Agencies with annual average



Photo copy of audited Balance Sheet (BS)with Profit & Loss A/c


turnover above ₹25 crores, for last


for FY FY 2013-14, 2014-15 & 2015-16 duly authenticated by CA


three financial years ending March


who has audited the account with stamped clearly having his










membership number.

# While computing the annual turnover










other income shall not be considered. .


Having full INS accreditation since


A self-certificate in the prescribed format (Annexure “2D”), for


preceding three years i. e, FY 2013-


preceding three years i e FY 2013-14, 2014-15 & 2015-16 and


14, 2014-15 & 2015-16 without


valid as on the date of the advertisement.


any interruption, valid as on the






date of the advertisement













Empanelment order having validity for last three years from the


years with PSU/ Public Limited


date of bid opening (with continuation certification from the


Company/ Central/ State Govt. /


issuing organisations)











Statutory Bodies as on date of
















Agencies having offices in at least


Any document to establish existence of the office. (one from


four States / UTs, out of which at


starting three months & other from last three months for each FY)


least one in NCR since preceding


∑ Copy

of landline/ post paid mobile in the name of the agency;


three years as on date of












∑ Copy of Registration under Shop & Establishment Act with










renewal; or











∑ Copy of registration by Local authority with renewal etc or










∑ Lease agreements or any other proof


Category C

S. N.

Eligibility Criteria

Documents required to be produced / submitted


Agencies with annual average

Photo copy of audited Balance Sheet (BS)with Profit & Loss A/c


turnover above ₹15 crores, for last

for FY 2013-14, 2014-15 & 2015-16 duly authenticated by CA


three financial years ending March

who has audited the account with stamped clearly having his



membership number. # While computing the annual turnover



other income shall not be considered.


Having full INS accreditation since

A self-certificate in the prescribed format (Annexure “2D”), for


preceding three years i. e, FY 2013-

preceding three years i e FY 2013-14, 2014-15 & 2015-16 and


14, 2014-15 & 2015-16 without any

valid as on the date of the advertisement. .


interruption, valid as on the date of



the advertisement



Empanelment of minimum three

Empanelment order having validity for last three years from the


years with PSU/ Public Limited

date of bid opening (with continuation certification from the


Company/ Central/ State Govt. /

issuing organisations)


Ministry / Autonomous Bodies/



Statutory Bodies as on date of






Offices in at least four States/UTs,

Any document to establish existence of the office. (one from


out of which at least one in any of

starting three months & other from last three months for each FY)


following cities ie NCR, Lucknow,

∑ Copy of landline/ post paid mobile in the name of the agency;


Dehradun, Mumbai, Raipur, Patna,



Bhubaneswar , Hyderabad as on

∑ Copy of Registration under Shop & Establishment Act with


date of advertisement

renewal; or



∑ Copy of registration by Local authority with renewal etc or



∑ Lease agreements or any other proof








Category A (Stage-I):



Documents Required (Copies to be submitted by the agency)


Average Annual Turnover for

Photo copy of audited Balance Sheet (BS)with Profit & Loss A/c for FY


last three financial years

FY 2013-14, 2014-15 & 2015-16 duly authenticated by CA who has


ending March 2016

audited the account with stamped clearly having his membership number.



(While computing the annual turnover other income shall not be





Print Campaigns

Any documentary proof for each advt of Campaign:


( A series of linked ads.

∑ Tear sheets of publications in which the advts appeared with by-line


minimum 2 with a single idea

∑ Copies of release order & execution certificates from the issuing


or theme)




∑ Any other documentary proof





Financial Advertisements

Any documentary proof for the advertisement:



∑ Tear sheets of publications in which advertisements such as Financial



Results, Advertising. for IPO/FPO, FD, and Chairman Speech etc with



by-line of the agency;



∑ Release order & execution certificates from the organisation



∑ Any other documentary proof


VIP Event based Advt

Any documentary proof for the advertisement:



- Tear sheets of publications in which advertisements such as


dedication of projects)

inauguration, foundation laying ceremony etc having by-line of the



agency appeared;



- Release order & execution certificates from the organisation



- Any other documentary proof


Production of TV spot / film/

Copies/ link TV Spot/film/Jingles:



∑ having by-line of the agency; or



∑ copies of release order with completion Certificates from client; or



∑ or any other documentary proof


Digital Advertising/

∑ Copies/link for the digital advertising with by-line, or


Web site/Social media

∑ designing & hosting website with credit line or



∑ Purchase orders with completion certificates from the organisations,


Manpower in NCR as on date of

Copy of any of following documentary proof to establish



∑ Copy of challan of PF contribution deposit of employees. or



∑ Copy of pay roll for each office duly certified by its CEO or



∑ An affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper cover of appropriate value



duly notarised by a notary public mentioning details of manpower



engaged by the agency on regular basis


Offices at regional headquarters

Copy of any documentary proof to establish bonafides of the office (one


of NTPC i.e. NCR, Lucknow,

from starting three months & other from last three months for each FY) i.e.


Mumbai, Raipur, Dehradun,

∑ Landline/ mobile bill in the name of the agency as official proof ; or


Patna, Bhubaneswar ,

∑ any proof for registration under Shop & Establishment Act, local


Hyderabad as on date of

authority with its renewal etc



∑ Lease agreements or any other proof

Category B (Stage-I):



Documents Required (Copies to be submitted by the agency)


Average Annual Turnover

Copy of audited Balance Sheet (BS)with Profit & Loss A/c for FY 2013-


for last three financial years

14, 2014-15 & 2015-16 duly authenticated by CA who has audited the


ending March 2016

account with stamped clearly having his membership number. (While



computing the annual turnover other income shall not be considered.


Designing of House Journal

Copies of publications:




having by-line of the agency; or




copies of purchase orders with completion certificates from client; or



- any other documentary proof


Designing of Coffee table

Copies of publications:


book/ Brochure (minimum 8


having by-line of the agency; or




copies of purchase orders &completion certificates from the client; or




any other documentary proof


Designing of Annual Reports

Copy of annual report having by-line of the agency, or




Copies of purchase orders with execution certificates from the










Designing and Installation of


Photo of exhibition/ tableau with Purchase orders and its execution


Exhibitions / Tableau / Fairs


certificate from client ;




any other documentary proof:


Manpower in NCR as on

Copy of any of following documentary proof to establish


date of advertisement

∑ Copy of challan of PF contribution deposit of employees. or



∑ Copy of pay roll for each office duly certified by its CEO or



An affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper cover of appropriate value




duly notarised by a notary public mentioning details of manpower




engaged by the agency on regular basis


Offices at regional

Copy of any documentary proof to establish bonafides of the office (one


headquarters of NTPC i.e.

from starting three months & other from last three months for each FY) i.e.


NCR, Lucknow, Dehradun,

∑ Landline/ mobile bill in the name of the agency as official proof ; or


Mumbai, Raipur, Patna,

any proof for registration under Shop & Establishment Act, local


Bhubaneswar , Hyderabad as


authority with its renewal etc


on date of advertisement.

∑ Lease agreements or any other proof

Category C (Stage-I):



Documents Required (Copies to be submitted by the agency)


Average Annual Turnover

∑ Photo copy of audited Balance Sheet (BS)with Profit & Loss A/c for FY


for last three financial years


2013-14, 2014-15 & 2015-16 duly authenticated by CA who has audited


ending March 2016


the account with stamped clearly having his membership number.




(While computing the annual turnover other income shall not be






Designing of House Journal

Copies of publications:



having by-line of the agency;



copies of purchase orders/Completion Certificates from the organisation;



or any other documentary proof


Designing of Brochure/ other

Copies of publications:


publications (minimum 8

having by-line of the agency;



copies of purchase orders/Completion Certificates from the







or any other documentary proof


Designing and installation of


Photo of exhibition/ tableau with Purchase orders and its execution


Exhibitions / Tableau /

certificate from client ;



any other documentary proof:





Manpower in offices at

Copy of any of following documentary proof to establish


sl.nos. 6 as on date of

∑ Copy of challan of PF contribution deposit of employees. or



∑ Copy of pay roll for each office duly certified by its CEO or



An affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper cover of appropriate value




duly notarised by a notary public mentioning details of manpower




engaged by the agency on regular basis


Offices at regional

Copy of any documentary proof to establish bonafides of the office (one


headquarters of NTPC i.e.

from starting three months & other from last three months for each FY) i.e.


NCR Lucknow, Dehradun,

∑ Landline/ mobile bill in the name of the agency as official proof ; or


Mumbai, Raipur, Patna,

any proof for registration under Shop & Establishment Act, local


Bhubaneswar, Hyderabad as


authority with its renewal etc


on date of advertisement,

∑ Lease agreements or any other proof
