“Expression of Interest”( EOI)
Name of work: For Coal Liaisoning and Loading Supervision at CCL sidings, ensuring no coal shortage/transit loss at NTPC, Badapur (BTPS).
1.INTRODUCTION : NTPC Badarpur is a coal based thermal power station situated at Badarpur in Delhi. NTPC Badarpur has FSA of 40 and 2 Lakh Metric Tons with CCL and ECL respectively. NTPC Badarpur receives Coal from CCL & ECL through Indian Railways transportation system. Presently, two units of 210 MW are in service with annual coal requirement of 16 LMT supplied from CCL.
2.OBJECTIVES : NTPC Badarpur is planning to award a contract for coal transit loss minimization for coal loaded from various sidings of CCL and transported through Railways to NTPC Badarpur yard.
•Agency will
•Linked mines in CCL – NK, SK & Jharia areas. However, majorly coal is supplied from NK area of CCL.
3.SCOPE OF WORK :. Coal is loaded at different sidings of CCL for NTPC Badarpur. After loading, the same is weighed at weighbridges installed at or near various sidings. The RR is generated based upon this weight. The coal rake, when reaches stations, are being weighed again. The main focus of the scope is to reduce the gap in the weight of coal received at station end to that of RR weight.
•Supervision of Loading and weighment of all the rakes loaded for NTPC Badarpur and ensuring quantity of coal billed by coal company to reach NTPC station with no loss.
•Ensuring weighment of all rakes loaded for NTPC Badarpur and actual weight is recorded in RR and coal bills.
•Ensuring no loss of coal during transportation of rakes from coal company siding to NTPC Badarpur.
•Ensuring that the difference between RR/billed weight and weight measured at NTPC Badarpur end is minimal.
•Ensuring calibration of weighbridges at colliery end on regular basis and proper sealing as per requirement.
•Assisting in arranging test wagon/standard weights for calibration of weighbridges at NTPC Badarpur.
•Monitoring various activities of weighbridges at colliery and Badarpur end.
•Updating NTPC on status of weighbridges at colliery end on regular basis and present during repair/calibration of weighbridges.
•Taking up with Coal Company regarding difference in weight of coal at loading and unloading
•Communicating with NTPC Badarpur by email/SMS/reports on real time basis regarding the above issues and any other
•Party will supervise the coal loading process ensuring that coal is properly sized not above 100x100 mm, free from excessive moisture, lumps, stones, shale, clay, mud and other foreign materials and coals are loaded as per permissible carrying capacity of wagon. If the coal companies load the inferior quality of coal or overload the wagons then the agent will lodge complaints/protest and will maintain a record for such observations and will arrange for rectification at the earliest. They will give information to NTPC/Badarpur regarding complaints lodged, action taken and resumption of coal supplies after rectification.
•Agency will assist NTPC/Badarpur Authorities for taking up various issues time to time with Coal Companies and Railway Authorities regarding matters related to supply of coal and to resolve disputes if any, in this regard.
•Party will intimate the NTPC/Badarpur regularly for the actions taken for achieving desired results under this contract. They will intimate, following information through fax/courier/telephone:-
i)Daily forecast / pipeline position of coal rakes.
ii)Daily position of rakes offered, allotted, under loading, under movement etc.
•Agency will provide monthly statement of particulars of all the rakes dispatched during a calendar month in the format to be prescribed by NTPC/Badarpur Coal Coordination group.
•Agency will render general services such as liaison with coal suppliers (CIL subsidiaries), carriers (Railways) and other agencies in connection with dispatch of coal.
•Agency will supervise the loading of coal in wagons in proper quantity in such a way that penalties on account of overloading (POL) / backward movement for removing excess loading or idle freight are minimized, keeping in view that Railways revise permissible chargeable weight of wagons from time to time irrespective of the load capacity of wagons.
•Agency will
•Agency will pursue with Coal Companies ensuring that the crushing and screening arrangement at the collieries are in order, in the event of non working of such arrangements, the firm will lodge complaint with the concerned Authorities of collieries for getting faults rectified under intimation to the power station.
•Agency will help NTPC/Badarpur for the selection of collieries for coal supplies to the plant whenever required and would arrange for supply of coal from collieries producing requisite quality of coal.
•Agency will make effort (by liaisoning with Railway) to avoid rake diversion until unless they get any written consent from NTPC.
•Agency will be responsible for compliance of all labour laws, EPF, ESI and safety rules as applicable from
•The payment under the contract will not be applicable on the diverted IN or OUT rakes of NTPC/Badarpur and including the missing, unconnected coal rakes/wagons.
•The total coal quantity to be loaded in twelve months is approx. 16 LMT from CCL ( based on yearly requirement) & this coal quantity may vary depending upon the requirement as per schedule given & availability of coal at mine end.
•Agency will also follow other related activities as instructed by EIC.
•Contract period: 12 months.
•The rate to be quoted in BOQ shall be per Metric Tonne.
1.The agency should have full fledged office in various sidings of CCL . They should deploy at least one supervisor round the clock to monitor the complete process from the start of coal loading into wagon till the release of rake after weighment.
2.Agency shall ensure that all wagons dispatched to NTPC are weighed at Loading Point’s weighbridge and print out is available for such weighments. A copy of the printout along with RR is to be send to NTPC Badarpur in advance.
3.In case of
4.In case the weigh bridges at sidings are out of order, the weighment shall be done at the nearest available
1.The prime responsibility of the agency is to ensure that the quantity of coal billed by Coal Company reaches NTPC station without any difference.
2. The agency shall
3.For the purposes of payment of running bills to the agency, the weighment at weighbridges installed at station end or RR weight whichever is less shall be considered.
4.In case any rake is not weighed at station end, then the average weight of the same type weighed rakes supplied from same siding in the preceding fortnight shall be considered as the basis for weighment of such
5.In case any wagon is not weighed at station end then the average weight of the weighed wagons at station end in that particular rake shall be considered as the basis for weighment of such
6.The agency should monitor the difference in weighment siding wise/ machine wise so that the overall scenario can be presented to the coal co for rectification.
1.The agency should monitor the route of the rake movement. The agency should identify the critical locations where such theft occurs. If any theft is observed, the same should be eliminated with the help of local administration and Railways.
2.It will be mandatory on part of the firm to have adequate infrastructure required to prevent loss of coal
The agency should closely monitor the various activities of weigh bridges.
1.The agency shall coordinate and witness the calibration of weighbridges located at the colliery siding and produce the certificates issued by Weights & Measurement Department from time to time.
2.They should monitor the healthiness of the weighing machine and any abnormalities should be brought into the notice of NTPC and Coal Company immediately. Also Agency shall present at the time of weigh bridges repair at loading end.
3.The agency should see whether the weighbridges are as per RDSO norms or not. If any deviation from RDSO is observed, the same should be brought into the notice of NTPC Badarpur and Coal Company.
4.The agency should ensure that the rakes are not weighed by weigh bridges whose performance is not satisfactory or whose calibration certificate has expired.
5.The agency should update NTPC regularly about various activities related to weigh bridges i.e., installation of new weigh bridges, track renewal work at or near weigh bridges, weighbridge repair, visit of Railway/Coal co or other officials for weigh bridges etc.
Static weighbridges (03 no.s) are installed for coal weighment at station end. The agency would assist NTPC Badarpur in arranging test wagons/standard weights for calibration of weighbridges.
Payment shall be made per MT basis of the coal supplied by CIL subsidiaries and released subject to the recovery on account of coal shortage / transit loss.
1. For the payment of running bills to the agency for its services, the weighment at weighbridges installed at station end or RR weight of complete rake whichever is less shall be considered.
2.For transit loss during transportation, the amount equal to cost of coal (including taxes, dutes and other charges) of the quantity of coal shortage or transit loss in the rake shall be recovered from the agency. In case coal quantity at station is equal or more than RR quantity, then no recovery or additional payment shall be made.
3.Coal transit loss or coal shortage of rake shall be calculated by the difference between RR quantity as billed by Coal Company and weighment at Badarpur weighbridge.
4.For the determination of quantity at station end, difference in weight of loaded rake and empty rake on weighbridge shall be considered. In case empty rake is not weighed in the weighbridge, difference in loaded rake weight and stencil tare weight shall be considered for quantity at station end.
5.In any case no extra payment shall be made to agency other than awarded value for its service.
6.In a condition when the wagons are not weighed for any reason at loading end, the agency (on behalf of NTPC/Badarpur) will intimate Area Manager of Coal Company for
7.In case no weighment at station end, the particular rake shall not be considered for any penalty due to transit loss.
8.Payment under the contract will not be applicable for diverted in and out rakes of NTPC Badarpur.
Through this EOI, NTPC intends to identify the probable agencies who are interested for the subject work to minimize the transit loss of coal.
•To minimize the shortage in coal quantity received at NTPC/ Badarpur by ensuring proper loading/weighment at siding and no loss of coal during transportation by railways. In case of coal shortage/loss, the amount of cost of total coal shortage quantity to be deducted from the bill of the agency.
Agency(s) of repute to meet any of the following criteria are invited to submit their application for EOI:
•Experience of providing services for dispatch of coal from various mines by Railways only.
•The bidders should have established offices at site such as CCL (Ranchi area)
•Bidders should have executed similar type of work.
It may be noted that NTPC Badarpur reserves the right, solely at its discretion to modify or annul the process without assigning any reason whatsoever.
Subject: Inviting Expression of Interest (EOI) for Coal Liasioning and loading supervision for NTPC Badarpur r at CCL & ECL loading end.
Details of Applicant Agency/Party:
1.Name of the Agency
2Full Address:
Telephone, Fax, email etc.
i.Registered office
ii.Regional offices
5Details of relatives employed in NTPC(giving full particulars i.e. name, designation and the deptt/unit in which working)
6If already enlisted (either as individual or partnership) with any NTPC power station/Regions/Units, give details & enclose copy of Enlistment Certificate.
Year of enlistment
7Turn Over : - Turn over for the last 3 financial years to be given
IT return submitted/ IT assessment order and audited balance sheet for last three (03) financial years (i.e.
8IT return submitted / IT assessment order and audited balance sheet/ profit & loss account
8(a) FY
8(b) FY
8(c) FY
Copy of Latest Income Tax Return – Mandatory
9Documents in support of QR Clause “coal liaisoning and loading supervision work at mines end during the last 07 years ending last day of the month”
I certify that all the information and data furnished by me in this application form are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and all required certificates as per list at Note below have been enclosed, Declaration form (Annexures) regarding the authenticity of information furnished by me is filled in and enclosed along with this application form.
Signature of applicant / Authorized person
1.All applications shall be super scribed with “Expression of Interest for Coal Liasioning and loading supervision for Transit Loss Minimisation at NTPC Badarpur”.
2.NTPC Badarpur reserves the right to accept, reject any or all the applications without assigning any reasons and to seek extra information, if required.
3.Last Date for issuing of application: 14.09.2016
4.Last Date for any queries/Clarification: 16.09.2016
5.Completed form in all respects along with necessary documents to be submitted by 26.09.2016; 15:00 Hrs at above mentioned address
6.The applications shall be opened on 26.09.2016; 15:30 hrs
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Correspondence may by addressed to :
Additional General Manager (C&M), NTPC Ltd, Unit: BTPS, Badarpur – 110044, New Delhi.
Phone: 011- 26949161 FAX:
Note – EOI document can either be downloaded from the website: www.ntpctender.com or can be
obtained from the office of the Additional General Manager (C&M), NTPC Ltd, Unit: BTPS, New Delhi, during office
hours (9:00 HRS TO 17:00 HRS) upto 14.09.2016 by submitting an application for the same.
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