NTPC Limited
(A Government of India Enterprises)
Annual Contract for Management of Transit Camp at NTPC
NIT No. : 40055051 |
Date : 08.04.2016 |
1.0NTPC invites
2.0 Brief Details
Bid Invitation No. |
40055051 |
NIT Date |
08.04.2016 |
Document Sale Commencement Date |
12.04.2016 |
Document Sale Close Date & Time |
03.05.2016 |
17:00 Hrs |
Source IFB/NIT |
WR1HQ Mumbai |
Contract Classification |
Works & Services |
Last Date and Time for Bid Submission |
26.05.2016 |
14:30 Hrs |
Technical Bid Opening Date & Time |
26.05.2016 |
15:00 Hrs |
*Price Bid Opening Date & Time |
To be intimated later. |
Cost of Bidding Document in INR |
1,182/- |
EMD in INR |
1,49,000/- |
Not Applicable. |
Last Query Date (if any) |
18.05.2016 |
3.0Bid Security shall be submitted in a sealed envelope separately offline before the stipulated bid submission closing date and time at the address given below. Any bid without an acceptable Bid Security shall be treated as
4.0A complete set of Bidding Document may be downloaded by any interested Bidder on payment
Prospective bidders are compulsorily required to provide TIN number at the time of purchase of bidding documents.
5.0Brief Scope of Work & other specific detail : The Scope of Work is for providing caretaking of Transit Camp including reception (front desk) , facilitating accommodation and allied services for comfortable stay of employees / guests of
NTPC , providing catering services on daily basis / as per occasions / events, Maintenance / operation and upkeep of common areas of Guest House / Transit Camp / Bachelor Accommodation, providing regular cleaning services in these areas , making arrangements for special events etc as detailed in the “Special Instruction to Tenderers” and “Scope of Work” enclosed herewith. Other terms and conditions are placed in Important Conditions of Contract (ICC) as part of NIT.
6.0The date & time for opening of Price Bids shall be intimated separately to the bidders whose
7.0Qualifying Requirements
The bidders are required to fulfill the following:-
7.1The Bidder may be a proprietary firm, Partnership firm, Limited Company, Registered Cooperative Society, Corporate body legally constituted possessing the required licenses, registrations etc. as per law valid at least for 12 months from the date of the opening of tender.
7.2 The bidder must have experience of Running, Maintenance and Catering services of Guest House/Transit Camp/Management Training Institute of Central Govt. Depts. / PSUs / Large Organizations of repute/ 2 star (or above star) Hotels for last 3 years ending 31st March 2015.
7.3The Average Annual Turnover of the bidder in the preceding three (03) financial year as on the date of
7.4Experience of having successfully completed similar works during last 7 years ending last day of month previous to the one in which applications are invited should be either of the following :-
a)Three similar completed works, each costing not less than Rs. 29,74,764.00
b)Two similar completed works, each costing not less than Rs. 37,18,455.00
c)One similar completed work costing not less than Rs. 59,49,527.00
“Similar Works” means “Running, Maintenance and Catering services of Guest House / Transit Camp / Training Institute of Central Govt. Deptts./ PSUs / Large Organizations of repute/ 2 star (or above star) Hotels having minimum 26 nos. of rooms during the last seven years”.
Notes :
•The completed cost of the work may be updated @8% compounded for each completed year ending March ’31’2015.
•Documentary evidence of adequate financial standing, Certified by Bankers, Audited Profit & Loss A/c and Balance sheet, Annual Turnover in last three years, access to adequate working capital. In case where audited results of last (preceding) financial year is not available, certificate of financial statement from a Chartered Accountant shall also be considered acceptable.
7.5Bidder shall provide documentary evidence of Service Tax, VAT registration, PF registration, ESIC registration and power of attorney at the time of bidding. Necessary registration with local bodies under Shops & Establishment Act or other applicable acts of State /Central Govt. authorities for providing Catering / Guesthouse related activities, if applicable, shall be obtained by the agency before commencement of work and submitted to EIC for verification.
7.6The agency shall deploy its own regular employees and no subcontracting, in any form is allowed. Key personnel available and proposed to be engaged for management and supervision of the Guest House/Transit Camp, their qualification and experience – Valid certificates by a recognized University, technical Board or Ministry of Government of India would only be taken cognizance of.
7.7The minimum qualification and experience * of the personnel proposed to be engaged may be as under -
Manager : Diploma in Hospitality Management or Hotel Management with minimum 03 years of experience.
Graduate with minimum 07 years of experience. or
12th Pass with minimum 10 years of experience.
Supervisor – Graduate and minimum 02 years of experience. or
12th pass and minimum 5 years of experience.
Cook – 8th pass and minimum 05 years experience. Bearer – 8th pass and minimum 02 years experience.
Sweeper/Cleaner/Housekeeping Staff – Literate (At least should be able to speak and read local languages/Hindi).
* experience should be in Guest House / Transit Camp / Management Training Institute of Central Govt. Depts. /PSUs/Large Organization of repute / 2 star (or above star) Hotels.
8 Issuance of Bidding Documents to any bidder shall not construe that bidder is considered qualified.
9.0NTPC reserves the right to reject any or all bids or cancel/withdraw the NIT for the subject package without assigning any reason whatsoever and in such case no bidder/intending bidder shall have any claim arising out of such action.
10.0 Address for communication :
Additional General Manager/ Manager (Contracts & Materials)
NTPC Limited, Western Region
2nd Floor, Samruddhi Venture Park,
MIDC, Marol, Andheri (E),
Mumbai- 400 093 (India)
Fax No. :
11.0REGARDING TENDER FEES (This is in continuation of sl. No. 4 above) : -
1.Exemption from furnishing of EMD / Tender Fee shall be granted to the firms registered for similar work with NSIC or with Small Scale Industries or as MSMEs on submission of proof of eligibility i.e NSIC / SSIDC / MSME certificate (if any).
Small Scale Industries registered for similar work with NSIC shall be exempted from payment of tender cost / Earnest Money Deposit. Such parties can sent the request for Tender Documents along with copy of certificates self attested.
1.If the bidder (s) fails to submit the above NSIC / SSIDC / MSME Certificate in hard copy in sealed envelope, well in advance so as to be received by the concerned officer before the scheduled date of submission / opening of bids as described in the time schedule in notice inviting tender, bid is liable for rejection, due to
2.Bid documents are not transferable.
Websites : https://etender.ntpclakshya.co.in/sap/its/bbpstart or www.ntpctender.com or www.ntpc.co.in