(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
NIT No: |
Date: 10/09/2015 |
(Domestic Competitive Bidding)
NTPC invites sealed tenders from eligible bidders/parties for the following work,
1.Brief description of work: Empanelment of agencies at Kolkata Office for deployment of vehicles for use of senior officials of NTPC
2.Duration of contract:24 Months
3.Date & time for issue of bid document: 10/09/2015 to 24/09/2015 (10.00 hrs. to 17.00 hrs.)
(Monday to Friday)
4.Cost of bid document:
5.Last date and time of bid deposit: 06/10/2015, 15.00hrs.
6.Bid opening date & time:06/10/2015, 15.30hrs.
7.Earnest Money Deposit:Rs.1,26,000/- (Rupees one lakh twenty six thousand only)
8.Contact person: AGM(T&CC/CS)
General Terms & Conditions :
1.Cost of bid documents as stated to be submitted along with request for issuance of bid documents shall be in the form of bank DD/ pay order drawn at a nationalized schedule bank in favour of "NTPC Ltd" payable at Kolkata.
2.NTPC will not be responsible in any way for late receipt of request for bid documents.
3.The bids shall be opened on the date & time mentioned in the bid documents in presence of bidders who intent to attend.
4.NTPC reserves the right to reject any or all request or cancel/withdraw the invitation for bid without assigning any reason whatsoever and in such case bidder/intending bidder shall have no claim arising out of such action.
5.A complete set of bid documents may be purchased by any interested bidder on submission of written application and payment of the cost of the bid documents as mentioned above.
6.Issuance of bid documents to bidders shall not construe that such bidder (s) is considered to be qualified.
7.Prospective bidders shall offer their bid along with supporting documents as per qualifying requirement or any other credentials which may they feel dim fit for this tender.
1Name sign & stamp of vendor
(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
NIT No: |
Date: 10/09/2015 |
1.All bids must be accompanied by EMD for an amount of Rs.1,26,000/- (Rupees one lakh twenty six thousand only) in the form of DD/Pay order from an Indian Nationalized bank/schedule bank in favour of NTPC Ltd. payable at Kolkata. Bids not accompanied by requisite EMD in separate sealed envelope or bid accompanied by EMD of inadequate value shall not be entertained and in such cases bids shall be returned to the bidders without being opened.
2.The bidders shall read the detail tender specifications very carefully and understand the meaning of every sentence of all the chapters to avoid any post bid ambiguity. Bidders may ask for any technical/commercial clarification either verbally or in writing from the NTPC Kolkata Office, Contract Dept.
3.Type of bidding: Single stage, two envelope
The bidder shall submit their offer in the following modes: Two envelope bids:-
A: Envelope 1(Techno commercial bid): Requisite EMD
B. Envelope 2(Price bid): Price bid as per BOQ stated in tender specification. The date of opening of the price bid will be intimated to all successful bidders who shall meet our Qualifying requirements.
4.Both the envelope shall be super scribed with tender name, bid opening date.
5.Evaluation criteria: Since it is a rate contract, L1 position will be determined on the basis of use in km & hrs of use in the ratio 40:60 respectively in case of need.
6.At any point of time, in case offer is found not satisfying the minimum qualifying requirement as stated in
7.Address of communication: AGM(T&CC/CS)
NTPC Ltd, 3rd & 4th floor, 7B, Pretoria Street, Kolkata – 700071
2Name sign & stamp of vendor
(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
NIT No: |
Date: 10/09/2015 |
In addition to the requirements stipulated in “Instructions to Bidder”, the following shall also apply.
The bidder shall submit relevant documents in support of meeting the QR along with their bid.
1.0.The bidder should have successfully executed the work of “Supplying vehicles in PSU/Govt./Large Industrial establishment” within the preceding seven(7) years prior to the date of
(a)One work of value not less than Rs.50.304lacs OR
(b)Two works of value not less than Rs.31.44lacs each, OR
(c)Three works of value not less than Rs.25.152lacs each.
2.0.The bidder must have at least 10cars in its fleet, out of which minimum 5(five) cars must be in the name of the bidder/firm.
3.0.The average annual turnover of the bidder in the preceding three financial years as on the date of opening of
1.Notwithstanding anything stated above, the Employer reserves the right to assess the capabilities and capacity of the bidder/his associates/subsidiaries/group companies to perform the contract, should the circumstances warrant such assessment in the overall interest of the Employer.
2.The work “executed” mentioned above means the bidder should have achieved the criteria specified above, even if the total contract is started earlier and / or is not completed / closed. The same shall be supported by documentary evidence issued by the owner.
3.In case of orders under execution, the value of work executed till the date of opening of
4.While computing the annual turnover, other income shall not be considered.
5.In the cases where audited results for the last preceding financial year are not available, certification of financial statements from a practicing Chartered Accountant shall also be acceptable.
3Name sign & stamp of vendor