NTPC Limited

(A Government of India Enterprise)


At Fatatewadi, Post - Hotgi Station

Tal.- South Solapur, Solapur 413 215

TEL: 0217-2252504/50 FAX: 0217-2252505


(Domestic Competitive Bidding)

Bid Invitation No: 40042384 Date: 17.07.2015

1.0 Solapur Super Thermal Power Project, At Fatatewadi, Post - Hotgi Station, Tal. South Solapur, Solapur, Maharashtra, a unit of NTPC Limited invites on-line tenders for the work of “Construction of Covered / Shed car parking at Solapur STPP”.


Bid Invitation No


Name of the work

Construction of Covered / Shed car parking at Township & Plant of Solapur STPP (2x660 MW)

Bidding System

Single Stage, Two Part Bidding

Cost of Tender Document (Tender fee)


Tender fee shall be submitted in the form of Demand Draft / Banker's cheque / Pay Order from any Nationalized / Scheduled Bank drawn in favour of NTPC Limited, payable at Solapur or paid through our SRM Portal payment gateway http://www.ntpctender.com/nit/listNITs.asp?srm=1

Sale of Tender Document

From 18.07.2015, 00:00 Hours to 08.08.2015, 23.59 hours

Last date and time of tender submission

18.08.2015 upto 16:00 hours

Technical Bid Opening Date and Time

18.08.2015 at 16:30 hours, after scrutiny of EMD / Bid Security Envelope

Price Bid Opening

Date and Time will be intimated separately after opening of Techno-Commercial bids.

Estimated cost (in INR)

Rs.108.27 Lakhs

Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)

Rs.2,41,000.00 (Rupees. Two Lakhs Forty One Thousand only)

Acceptable form of EMD

Demand Draft / Banker's cheque / Pay Order from any Nationalized / Scheduled Bank drawn in favour of NTPC Limited, payable at Solapur or an unconditional and irrevocable Bank Guarantee as per NTPC Format from any of the banks specified in the bidding documents.

Contract Period

Eight(08) months

Reverse Auction

Not applicable

3.0 Initial Steps for participation in our e-tender is as per the table mentioned below.

Type of Vendor

Required Document for viewing our tender document

Vendors already having SRM vendor code and Password

1. Before download/viewing our tender document, party has to pay requisite tender fee either through payment gateway by clicking on “pay tender fee” after login in our SRM site or send DD to us directly which should reach us at least two working days prior to Last Date of Tender Fee Payment /sale close

Vendors already having SAP vendor code, but does not have SRM login id and Password

1. Duly Filled Annexure-2 (format given below) should reach us at least two working days prior to Last Date of Tender Fee Payment.

2. Before download/viewing our tender document, party has to pay requisite tender fee either through payment gate way by clicking on “pay tender fee” after login in our SRM site or send DD to us directly, which should reach us at least two working days prior to Last Date of Tender Fee Payment./sale close

New Vendor neither having any vendor code in SAP nor any SRM login id and Password

1. Duly Filled Annexure-1 (format given below) and PAN card scanned/photo copy (self Attested) along with the detailed address should reach us at least three working days prior to Last Date of Tender Fee Payment /sale close

2. Before download/viewing our tender document, party has to pay requisite tender fee either through payment gate way by clicking on “pay tender fee” after login in our SRM site or send DD to us directly, which should reach us at least three working days prior to Last Date of Tender Fee Payment./sale close


1. The agency can login e-tender site (SRM login site) for participation in our tendering after complying to above. The agency can reach our e-tender site (SRM login site) directly through below mentioned address. https://etender.ntpclakshya.co.in/sap/bc/gui/sap/its/bbpstartThey can also reach our e-tender site (SRM login site) through www.ntpctender.com and clicking on Login (e-Tender).

2. Demand Draft shall be in the favour of NTPC Ltd., Payable at Solapur.

4.0 Bid Security (as per ITB clause no 11 (a)) shall be submitted in a sealed envelope separately offline by the stipulated bid submission closing date and time at the address given below. Any bid without an acceptable Bid Security (as per ITB clause no 11 (a)) shall be treated as non-responsive by the employer and shall not be opened.


Construction of covered / shed parking inside township, In front of H1 office, service building and other area as per instruction of EIC


(Bidder should meet the QR stipulated hereunder).

6.1 The bidder should have executed similar contract in last 07 (Seven) years as on the date of bid opening:

a. Single Contract of value not less than `96.23 Lakhs


b. Two contracts of value not less than `60.14Lakhs each


c. Three contracts of value not less than `48.11 Lakhs each

“Similar Contract” means: “Construction of Parking Shed/Pre fab/ Porta cabin/ Structural Work”

The word “executed “means the bidder should have achieved the criteria specified in the above qualifying requirements within the preceding seven (07) years period even if the contract has been started earlier/or is not completed/closed.

6.1.1 The bidder shall be a proprietary firm, Partnership firm, Limited Company, Registered Cooperative Society, Corporate body legally constituted possessing the required licenses, registrations etc as per law valid at least for 12 months from the date of the opening of tender.

6.2 Financial criteria:

6.2.1 The average annual turnover of the bidder, in the preceding three (03) financial years as on the date of bid opening shall not be less than `1.80 Cr. (Rupees One Crore Eighty Lakhs only). Other income shall not be considered in above.

6.2.2 In cases where audited results for the last preceding financial year are not available, certification of financial statements from a practicing Chartered Accountant shall also be considered acceptable.

6.3 The bidder should have valid PF code number from Regional Provident Fund Commissioner.

6.4 Notwithstanding anything stated above, the Employer reserves the right to assess the capabilities and capacity of the bidder / his collaborators / associates / subsidiaries / group companies to perform the contract, should the circumstances warrant such assessment in the overall interest of the Employer.


· Further, for completed similar works, agency shall submit self-attested copies of work-order along with successful completion certificate, (TDS if applicable) as a documentary proof, otherwise bid may be summarily rejected.


The scanned self-attested copy of the following documents shall be uploaded in C-Folder:

(a) Copy of PF registration Number

(b) Copy of work orders / LOAs / agreements and completion certificates / proof of completion.

(c) Up to-date copy of Profit and Loss Account and Balance sheet of last three financial Years duly audited by Chartered Accountant.

(d) Up to-date copy of latest Banker Solvency Certificate.

(e) Name and address (es) of the sole proprietor / partners / board of directors and memorandum of articles of association / photocopy of the partnership deed / affidavit for proprietorship.

(f) Copy of registration with Central Government / State Government / Public Sector Undertaking if any applicable.

(g) Details of Manpower. Also the bidder must submit the list of works in hand and percentage completed.

(h) TIN Number / Sales Tax Registration Certificate / Works Tax Registration certificate / Service Tax Registration Number.

(i) Copy of PAN Card.

(j) Satisfactory evidence of authority / Power of Attorney of the person signing on behalf of the bidder

8.0 Bidders are requested to check the Qualifying Requirements (QR) of the subject tender before buying or downloading the Tender Documents online.

9.0 Documents as a proof of meeting Qualifying Requirements shall be preferably uploaded online in our SRM Portal. However, documents which cannot be up - loaded on-line (like Annual Report, PO Copies, etc.), may be submitted offline in separate sealed envelope by the stipulated bid submission closing date and time.

10.0 The bidder should either be a company Registered under the Companies Act 1956 or a partnership / proprietorship firm.

11.0 Issuance of bid documents to any bidder shall not construe that such bidder is considered to be qualified.


The bidders should submit their offer as per the following pattern:

a) EMD or Bid Security: EMD of requisite amount in prescribed form shall be submitted in a sealed envelope. The envelope should be super-scribed as with EMD ENVELOPE and the Bid Invitation Number/NIT, date, Name of the work and Bid opening date (BOD) should be mentioned over it.

The full name, postal address with telephone number of the bidder shall be written on left hand corner of all the envelope.

b) TECHNICAL BID (Online submission): Technical (un-priced) Bid comprising of documents mentioned herein clause No: 6 and 7.0, Letter of Declaration and other documents shall be strictly uploaded online in C-folder as per instructions provided in “Instruction to Bidder-E-procurement” and Bidder’s Manual /Guidelines available on NTPC E-tender website. Bidder should submit all the relevant documents in support of Qualifying Requirements and other conditions stipulated in the tender documents and technical details including catalogues / leaflets, if applicable. However, documents which cannot be up - loaded on-line (like Annual Report, Order Copies, etc.), may be submitted offline in separate sealed envelope by the stipulated bid submission closing date and time.

Original documents for verifications shall be produced as and when called for.

c) PRICE BID (Online submission): The PRICE bid shall be submitted online by quoting prices of all the items at the relevant fields in pricing conditions only as per instructions provided in “Instruction to Bidder-E-procurement” and Bidder’s Manual /Guidelines available on NTPC E-tender website. Prices submitted / uploaded elsewhere shall not be considered for evaluation.

The online bidding system will not allow bid submission after the respective specified expiry date and time. Bidders are advised to make sure that the bid submission is completed well in advance before the stipulated time for bid submission.


Bids shall be opened online as follows.

a) First Part of Opening:

EMDwill be opened on the time and day set for opening of respective bids.

Technical Bid (QR documents / Technical offer) shall be opened online on the same day only of the bidders whose EMD / Bid Securityis found in line with our requirements as mentioned in the tender documents.


i. All the supporting documents should have at least certified / attested by the bidder.

ii. After opening of Technical-bids (with acceptable EMD), the documents submitted by the bidders against QR conditions will be scrutinized. NTPC reserves the right to seek clarifications / confirmations on Technical Bid during the evaluation of same (i.e. before opening the Price Bid) and the bidders shall furnish the details within a short period of time.

The bidders shall produce the original documents for verification of NTPC, as & when called for.

iii. In case the bidder fails to submit the documents in support of meeting the qualifying requirement (QR), the offer shall be liable for rejection. Offer of the bidder not fulfilling the QR shall be rejected and the bid security shall be returned.

b) Second Part of Opening:

The price bids of only those parties shall be opened who are found meeting the Qualifying requirements after evaluation of the first part bid for which separate intimation will be sent to such qualified bidders.

14.0 NTPC reserves the right to reject any or all bids or cancel / withdraw the Notice Inviting Tender without assigning any reason whatsoever and in such case no bidder / intending bidder shall have any claim arising out of such action. In such circumstances, EMD only shall be returned without any additional financial liability to NTPC Limited.

15.0 Tender documents are not transferable.Issuance of tender documents does not automatically mean that the bidders are considered qualified. NTPC shall evaluate the qualifying requirements of each bidder as per NIT after opening of Technical Bid and the Price bid of the bidder who is not meeting the qualifying requirements shall not be opened.

16.0 If the date of bid opening coincides with a holiday, the date of bid opening shall be shifted to next working day.

17.0 NTPC shall not be responsible for any postal delay / loss / damage or non-delivery of EMD / Bid Security.

18.0 Prospective bidders from Uttar Pradesh state are compulsorily required to provide TIN number at the time of purchase of bidding documents from office of NTPC.

19.0 MSME's registered with National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) under single point registration scheme, in respect of tenders for the items for which such NSIC units are registered, are eligible for issue of bid documents free of cost, exemption from Earnest Money Deposit and exemption from payment of Security Deposit for contracts awarded up to the monetary limit for which the unit is registered. Tenderers seeking exemption should enclose a photocopy of valid registration certificate as a proof, giving details such as validity, stores and monetary limits for above purposes. Above benefits cannot be availed by an NSIC unit in case of failure to produce a photocopy of valid registration certificate.

Such bidders will not be able to download the bidding documents.

20.0 Other terms and conditions of tender shall be as contained in Bid Documents

21.0 Address for Communication:




AtFatatewadi, Post - Hotgi Station

Tal South Solapur, Solapur – 413215

PHONE: 0217 - 2252504 / 2252550 FAX: 0217 - 2252505

Email: rdjayawant@ntpc.co.in

Alternate Email:shobapattabhiraman@ntpc.co.in; bnarasimha@ntpc.co.in; anithamr@ntpc.co.in

Websites: https://etender.ntpclakshya.co.in/sap/bc/gui/sap/its/bbpstart

(or) www.ntpctender.com (or) www.ntpc.co.in


RequestforLogin IDonNTPCe-Tender

If you are not a supplier/Contractor of NTPC, and interested in participating in e-tenders in NTPC, please fill in the following form:


ForProspective / New Venders:

Name of the Agency: ________________________

Address: ________________________________________


State: __________________

City: ________________

Country: ______________________________

Pin: ______________________________

TelephoneNo: _________________

Mobile: _____________

FaxNumber: _________________________


PAN No:_____________

Otherdetails :

ContactPerson's Name: ________________________

Designation: ______________________________

TelephoneNo: _________________




Copy of PAN card of the Firm / Company to be enclosed with this.


Requestfor loginmaybesentthroughE-mail to anithamr@ntpc.co.inorthrough fax on 0217-2252505.


RequestforLogin IDonNTPCe-Tender

Ifyouarealreadyasupplierof NTPC,andinterestedinparticipatinginE-tendersof NTPC,pleasefillinthe following form:



Existing Vendor code with NTPC: _____________

PhoneNumber:__________ Mobile:____________


ContactPerson's Name:_______________________



Name: ___________________________________

Address: ________________________________________


State: __________________

City: ________________

Country: ______________________________

Pin: ______________________________

TelephoneNo: _________________





Requestfor loginmaybesentthroughE-mail to anithamr@ntpc.co.inorthrough fax on 0217-2252505.