(International Competitive Bidding)
IFB No.: CC/C&M-C-381 Date: 25.03.2015
1.0 NSPCL invites e-tenders in Two Stages (i.e. Stage-I : Techno-Commercial Bid and Stage-II: Price Bid) for EPC Package from eligible bidders for EPC Package for Durgapur Power Project-III (2x20MW)located in District Burdwan, State of West Bengal, India, as per the brief Scope of Work mentioned hereinafter.
The Brief scope of work for the subject EPC Package for Durgapur Power Project-III (2x20 MW)is as follows:
Design, engineering, manufacture / supply, erection, testing & commissioning on the basis of single point responsibility, completely covering the following activities and services in respect of AFBC Steam Generator, Steam Turbine Generator and Electrostatic Precipitator, all Balance of Plant (BOP) systems, all electrical systems including Switchyard, complete Control & Instrumentation and complete Civil and Structural works covered under the specifications.
1. AFBC Steam generator & its auxiliaries including tubular air pre heaters, coal crushing & fuel feed system, LDO firing system, ID, FD & PA Fans, ducts, dampers, soot blowing system & electrostatic precipitator (ESP).
2. Steam turbine and its auxiliaries including turbine lube oil system, turbine control fluid system, steam bypass system, steam condenser, Condenser air evacuation pumps, condensate extraction pumps, regenerative feed water heating plant consisting of LP heaters and HP heaters, Deaerator with feed water storage tank, boiler feed pumps.
3. Equipment cooling water system, DM water make up system, service water system.
4. Circulating Cooling Water System and cooling tower (IDCT type).
5. Plant compressed air system
6. HP chemical (phosphate) dosing system, low pressure chemical dosing system.
7. Ash handling plant including bottom and fly ash handling system in lean phase. Dry fly ash handling system upto the storage silos.
8. Coal handling plant having two stage crusher.
9. Make up water system.
10. Clarified water storage tank.
11. Fire Detection, Alarm & Protection System.
12. AC & Ventilation system
13. Complete Electrical system including GIS switch yard.
14. Control & Instrumentation.
15. Complete Civil & Structural works.
16. Ash dyke
17. Chimney
18. Providing engineering drawings, data/ information, instruction manual, as built drawings and O&M manuals.
19. PG tests including the test of performance demonstration after successful completion of trial operation.
20. Spares on FOR site basis.
Detailed scope of work has been specified in the bidding documents.
3.0 NSPCL intends to finance the subject Package through External Borrowings /Own Resources.
4.0 Detailed specification, scope of work and terms & conditions are given in the bidding documents, which are available for examination and sale on the website www.tenderwizard.com/NSPCL or at the address given below till the last date for requesting the bidding documents indicated herein. The salient details and schedule for the bidding is as under:
Issuance of IFB in Newspapers |
11.03.2015 |
Issuance of Detailed IFB on Websites |
25.03.2015 |
Document Download / Sale Commencement Date & Time |
10:00:00 on 31.03.2015 |
Document Download / Sale Close Date & Time |
17:00:00 on 30.04.2015 |
Pre-Bid Conference Date and Last Date & Time for Receipt of Queries from Bidders (if any) |
11:00:00 on 07.05.2015 |
Last Date and Time for Techno-Commercial Bid (Stage-I) submission |
14:30:00 on 01.06.2015 |
Techno-Commercial (Stage-I) Bid Opening Date & Time |
15:00:00 on 01.06.2015 |
Cost of Bidding Documents |
INR 22,500/- (Indian Rupees Twenty Two Thousand Five Hundred only) for Indian Bidders and US $ 500/- (US Dollars Five Hundred only) for Foreign Bidders. |
Date for opening of Stage-II (Price Bid) shall be intimated separately after opening of Stage-I (Techno–Commercial Bid) to the successful bidders of Stage-I.
5.0 A complete set of Bidding Documents is to be downloaded from NSPCL’s e-tender website “http://www.tenderwizard.com/NSPCL’’ after registration on the website and after paying the cost of bidding documents(non-refundable) as mentioned at clause 4.0 above in the form of an Account Payee Demand Draft / Bankers’ Pay Order in favour of NTPC-SAIL Power Company Private Limited or “NSPCL” payable at New Delhi or through Electronic Money Transfer into NSPCL’s Account No. 000705002031 of ICICI Bank, Connaught Place Branch, New Delhi, India (IFSC Code ICIC0000007 and Swift Code ICICINBB007) and entering its details at the appropriate place on the website. The original of the Demand Draft / Bankers’ Pay Order or printed copy of the transaction statement for the Electronic Money Transfer is to be submitted in original at the address indicated below along with the Bid Security.
5.1 Only the downloaded documents are to be used for bidding purposes. Bids shall be submitted online and opened at the address given below in the presence of Bidder's representatives who choose to attend.
5.2 All bids must be accompanied by Bid Security for an amount of INR 64,260,000/- (Indian Rupees Sixty Four Million Two Hundred Sixty thousand only or USD 1,043,200 (US Dollar One Million Forty three thousand Two hundred only) in the form as stipulated in the Bidding Documents.
5.3 The Bidder may examine the bidding documents and may request for any modification or clarification or suggestions to the bidding documents prior to the specified last date for receipt of queries. The bidders are required to send their requests to NSPCL by post or e-mail at the address indicated below for any modification or clarification or suggestions on or before the specified last date for the same.
5.4 Subsequent to last date for receipt of clarifications, NSPCL shall internally review the clarifications/ suggestions /deviations of the bidders and transmit the response (without identifying the source of query) to all prospective Bidders who have received the bidding documents. The response shall be uploaded as Corrigendum to the IFB, on the e-tender website of NSPCL i.e. www.tenderwizard.com/NSPCL in the form of amendments / clarifications to the bidding documents and the bidder shall be notified through e-mail(on the e-mail ID registered by them on the e-tender website. While making his Techno-Commercial Bid, the bidder shall take into consideration all terms, conditions and specifications of the Bidding Documents, the corrigendum(s) / amendment(s)/ clarification(s)/ addenda/errata (if any) issued by NSPCL prior to opening of Techno-Commercial Bids.
5.5 In case any modification (s) or clarification (s) or suggestion (s) of the bidders is / are not accepted in the said amendments/ clarifications made to the bidding documents; the bidders shall suitably take in to account the implication of such modification or clarification or suggestions by the bidder into their bid prices, if any, and submit their bid without any further modification or clarification or suggestions or deviation.
6.0 Qualifying Requirements for Bidders (QR):
1.0.0 The Bidder should meet the qualifying requirements of any one of the qualifying routes stipulated under clause 1.1.0 or 1.2.0. In addition, the Bidder should also meet the requirements stipulated under clause 2.0.0 together with the requirements stipulated under section ITB.
1.1.0 Route 1: Qualified Steam Generator and/or Qualified Steam Turbine Generator Manufacturer.
1.1.1 (A) The bidder should have designed, engineered, manufactured / got manufactured, erected / supervised erection , commissioned / supervised commissioning of at least one (1) number of AFBC (Atmospheric Fluidized Bed Combustion) Coal Fired Steam Generator having rated capacity of 88 tonnes of steam per hour or above. Further such steam generator should be of the type specified (i.e. drum type with natural circulation, atmospheric fluidized bed combustion type with under bed fuel feeding system) and should have been in successful operation for a period of not less than one (1) year prior to the date of techno-commercial bid opening.
1.1.1(B) The Bidder should have designed, engineered, manufactured / got manufactured, erected / supervised erection, commissioned / supervised commissioning of (i) at least one (1) number of condensing Steam Turbine, directly coupled or coupled through a gearbox to generator of 20 MW or above capacity and (ii) at least one (1) number of generator of thermal class F (1550C) winding insulation, air/water cooled stator and air cooled rotor of 20 MW or above capacity. These steam turbine and generator should have been in successful operation for a period of not less than one (1) year prior to the date of techno-commercial bid opening. Bidder shall offer only the type of arrangement i.e. directly coupled or coupled through a gearbox to generator for which it is qualified.
1.1.2 In case the Bidder meets the requirements indicated at 1.1.1 (A)/ (B) for either steam generator or steam turbine generator sets (and not for both) then the Bidder shall associate/collaborate for sourcing of the other equipment with either Qualified Steam Turbine Generator Manufacturer or Qualified Steam Generator Manufacturer, who shall in turn meet the requirements stipulated at 1.1.1(B) in conjunction with 1.1.4 (as applicable) or 1.1.1(A) above as the case may be for the respective equipment.
1.1.3 Bidder shall furnish Deeds of Joint Undertaking (DJU) as per the following table:
Executants |
BG |
The Bidder |
- |
QSGM or QSTGM (applicable if other than Bidder) |
0.3% |
Qualified Generator Manufacturer (if applicable) |
0.1% |
· In the Deed of Joint Undertaking for Steam Generator and Auxiliaries, all the executants of DJU shall be jointly and severally liable to the Employer for successful performance of the contract for the scope related to steam generator and auxiliaries as per the format enclosed in the bidding documents. · In the Deed of Joint Undertaking for Steam Turbine Generator and Auxiliaries all the executants of DJU shall be jointly and severally liable to the Employer for successful performance of contract for the scope related to Steam Turbine Generator and Auxiliaries including turbine cycle, regenerative feed heating and pumping system as per the format enclosed in the bidding documents. · Qualified Generator Manufacturer (where ever applicable) shall be liable to the Employer for successful performance of the generator and its auxiliaries as per the format enclosed in the bidding documents. · Where the Bank Guarantee (BG) amount is indicated as %, the same shall be % of the total contract price. · The Deed of Joint Undertaking shall be submitted along with techno-commercial bid, failing which the Bidder shall be disqualified and its bid shall be rejected. · Applicable BGs are in addition to the contract performance security to be furnished by the Bidder. · Applicable BGs shall be furnished in case of award. |
1.1.4 A steam turbine manufacturer who meets the requirements of clause 1.1.1(B) except for generator would also qualify if he associates/collaborates with a Generator manufacturer who meets the requirements of clause 1.1.1(B) fully in respect of generator, hereinafter referred to as Qualified Generator Manufacturer.
The Qualified Generator Manufacturer shall necessarily be one of the executants of DJU being submitted by the Bidder as per clause 1.1.3 above.
1.2.0 Route 2: Company having experience of 20 MW units on EPC basis
1.2.1 The bidder should have executed on Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) basis, minimum one (1) number of Fluidized Bed Combustion (AFBC/CFBC ) Coal fired units of at least 20 MW capacity comprising of Steam Generator and Steam Turbine Generator sets along with their associated auxiliary equipments, electrostatic precipitators, switchyard, coal handling plant, ash handling plant, condenser cooling water system including associated civil works for the above equipments and systems which is in successful operation for a period of not less than one (1) year prior to the date of techno-commercial bid opening.
1.2.2 The bidder shall associate/collaborate for the (i) Steam Generator and (ii) Steam Turbine Generator sets and shall source these equipments only from associate(s)/collaborator(s) who meet the following respectively:
(i) Qualified Steam Generator Manufacturer, who shall in turn meet the requirement stipulated at 1.1.1(A) & 2.2.0
(ii) Qualified Steam Turbine Generator Manufacturer, who shall in turn meet the requirement stipulated at 1.1.1(B) in conjunction with 1.1.4 (as applicable) above & 2.2.0.
1.2.3 The Bidder shall furnish Deeds of joint Undertaking (DJUs) as per the following table:
Executants |
BG |
For Steam Generator |
The Bidder |
- |
0.3% |
For Steam Turbine Generator |
The Bidder |
- |
0.3% |
Qualified Generator Manufacturer (if applicable) |
0.1% |
· In the Deed of Joint Undertaking for Steam Generator and Auxiliaries, all the executants of DJU shall be jointly and severally liable to the Employer for successful performance of the contract for the scope related to steam generator and auxiliaries as per the format enclosed in the bidding documents. · In the Deed of Joint Undertaking for Steam Turbine Generator and Auxiliaries all the executants of DJU shall be jointly and severally liable to the Employer for successful performance of contract for the scope related to Steam Turbine Generator and Auxiliaries including turbine cycle, regenerative feed heating and pumping system as per the format enclosed in the bidding documents. · Qualified Generator Manufacturer (where ever applicable) shall be liable to the Employer for successful performance of the generator and its auxiliaries as per the format enclosed in the bidding documents. · Where the Bank Guarantee (BG) amount is indicated as %, the same shall be % of the total contract price. · The Deed of Joint Undertaking shall be submitted along with techno-commercial bid, failing which the Bidder shall be disqualified and its bid shall be rejected. · Applicable BGs are in addition to the contract performance security to be furnished by the Bidder. · Applicable BGs shall be furnished in case of award. |
Notes for clause 1.0.0
(1) Definitions
(i) "Qualified Steam Generator Manufacturer" (QSGM) means a manufacturer meeting requirements stipulated at 1.1.1(A)
(ii) "Qualified Steam Turbine Generator Manufacturer' (QSTGM) means a manufacturer meeting requirements stipulated at 1.1.1 (B).
(iii) Wherever the term 'coal fired' is appearing above, "coal" shall be deemed to also include bituminous coal/sub bituminous coal/brown coal/lignite, mill rejects/ washery rejects
(2) Erection/Commissioning
Where erection/ supervision of erection and commissioning/ supervision of commissioning has not been in the scope of the Bidder as mentioned in clause 1.1.0, he should have acted as an advisor for erection and commissioning of the Steam Generator & auxiliaries/Steam Turbine & Generator, as the case may be. Necessary documents / certificates from the client, in support of above shall be furnished along with the techno-commercial bid.
(3) Direct /Indirect order
i) The Bidder / Qualified Steam Generator Manufacturer / Qualified Steam Turbine Generator Manufacturer / Qualified Generator Manufacturer shall also be considered qualified, in case the award for the reference works (steam generator / Turbine and generator) has been received by the Bidder / Qualified Steam Generator Manufacturer /Qualified Steam Turbine Generator Manufacturer / Qualified Generator Manufacturer either directly from owner of plant or any other intermediary organization. A certificate from such owner of plant or the intermediary organization shall be required to be furnished by the Bidder /Qualified Steam Generator Manufacturer /Qualified Steam Turbine Generator Manufacturer / Qualified Generator Manufacturer along with its techno-commercial bid in support of its claim of meeting requirement stipulated at 1.1.1(A), 1.1.1(B), 1.1.4 above as the case may be.
ii) Certificate from owner of the plant shall also be furnished by the Bidder / Qualified Steam Generator Manufacturer / Qualified Steam Turbine Generator Manufacturer for the successful operation of the steam generator I turbine generator set as specified at requirement stipulated at 1.1.1(A), 1.1.1(B), 1.1.4 above as the case may be along with the techno-commercial bid.
2.0.0 Financial Criteria:
2.1.0 Financial Criteria for the Bidder
2.1.1 The average annual turnover of the bidder, in the preceding three(3) financial years as on date of techno-commercial bid opening should not be less than INR 1674 Million (Indian Rupees One thousand six hundred seventy four million) or in equivalent foreign currency.
2.1.2 The Net Worth of the bidder as on the last day of preceding financial year as on the date of techno-commercial bid opening should not be less than 25% of its paid up share capital.
2.1.3 In case the bidder is not able to furnish its audited financial statements on standalone entity basis, the unaudited unconsolidated financial statements of the bidder can be considered acceptable provided the bidder furnishes the following further documents on substantiation of its qualification:
(i) Copies of unaudited unconsolidated financial statements of the bidder along with the copies of audited consolidated financial statements of the holding company.
(ii) A certificate from the CEO/CFO of the Holding company, as per format enclosed in the bidding documents, stating that the unaudited unconsolidated financial statements form part of the consolidated Annual Report of the company.
In case where audited results for the last preceding financial year as on the date of techno commercial bid opening are not available, certification of financial statements from a practicing Chartered Accountant shall also be considered acceptable.
2.1.4 In case any “Bidder” does not satisfy the financial criteria, stipulated at Cl. 2.1.1 and/ or Cl. 2.1.2 above on its own, its holding company would be required to meet the stipulated turnover requirements at Cl.2.1.1 above provided that the net worth of such Holding Company as on the last day of the preceding financial year is at least equal to or more than the paid up share capital of the holding company. In such an event the bidder would be required to furnish along with its bid, a letter of undertaking from the holding company, supported by Board Resolution, as per the format enclosed in the bid documents, pledging unconditional and irrevocable financial support for the execution of the contract by the Bidder in case of award.
2.1.5 The unutilized line of credit for fund based and non-fund based limits with cash and bank balances including fixed deposits of the bidder as on a date not earlier than 15 days prior to the date of techno-commercial bid opening, duly certified by the bankers shall not be less than INR 1267 Million (Indian Rupees One thousand two hundred and sixty seven million) or in equivalent foreign currency. In case certificates from more than one bank are submitted, the certified unutilized limits shall be of the same date from all such banks.
2.1.6 Where another company of the group acting as the Treasury center is responsible for Treasury Management of the bidder having combined credit/ guarantee limit for the whole group, the bidder would be required to provide a Banker’s certificate regarding unutilized line of credit for fund based and non-fund based limits together with cash and bank balances including fixed deposits available to such Treasury Centre. Further, Treasury Centre shall certify that out of the aforesaid limits certified by the Bankers, the bidder shall have access to the line of credit of a level not less than the specified amount at Cl. 2.1.5 above. In proof of this, the bidder would be required to furnish along with its techno-commercial bid, a Letter of Undertaking from the Treasury Centre, Supported by a Resolution passed by the Board of Directors of the holding company, as per the format enclosed in the bidding documents, pledging unconditional and irrevocable financial support for the execution of the contract by the Bidder in case of award.
2.1.7 In case the Bidder’s unutilized line of credit for fund based and non-fund based limits specified at Cl.2.1.5 above is not sufficient, a comfort letter from one of the bankers specified in the bid documents unequivocally stating that in case the bidder is awarded the contract, the Bank would enhance the line of credit for fund based and non-fund based limit to a level not less than the specified amount to the bidder or to the Treasury Management Centre as the case may be, shall be acceptable.
2.2.0 Financial criteria for the Collaborator(s)/Associates(s)
2.2.1 The average annual turnover of the Collaborator(s) / Associates(s), in the preceding three (3) financial years as on date of techno-commercial bid opening should not be less than the following for different Collaborator(s)/associate(s) as applicable.
Collaborator(s)/ Associates(s) |
Applicable Clauses |
Required annual turnover in Million INR or in equivalent foreign currency |
1.1.2, 1.2.2 |
INR 399 Million (Indian Rupees Three hundred and ninety nine million) |
1.1.2, 1.2.2 |
INR 225 Million (Indian Rupees Two hundred twenty five million) |
1,1.4, 1.2.2 |
INR 167 Million (Indian Rupees One hundred sixty seven million) |
2.2.2 The Net Worth of each collaborator / Associate as on the last day of preceding financial year as on the date of techno-commercial bid opening should not be less than 25% of its paid up share capital.
2.2.3 In case the Collaborator(s) / Associate(s) is not able to furnish its audited financial statements on standalone entity basis, the unaudited unconsolidated financial statements of the Collaborator(s) / Associate(s) can be considered acceptable provided the Collaborator(s) / Associate(s) furnishes the following further documents on substantiation of its qualification:
(i) Copies of unaudited unconsolidated financial statements of the Collaborator(s) / Associate(s) along with the copies of audited consolidated financial statements of the holding company of Collaborator(s) / Associate(s).
(ii) A Certificate from the CEO/CFO of the Holding Company, as per the format enclosed in the bidding documents, stating that the unaudited unconsolidated financial statements form part of the consolidated Annual Report of the company.
In case where audited results for the last preceding financial year as on the date of techno commercial bid opening are not available, certification of financial statements from a practicing Chartered Accountant shall also be considered acceptable.
2.2.4 In case a collaborator(s) / Associate(s) does not satisfy the financial criteria, stipulated at Cl. 2.2.1 and/ or Cl. 2.2.2 above on its own, its holding company would be required to meet the stipulated turnover requirements at Cl.2.2.1, provided that the net worth of such Holding Company as on the last day of the preceding financial year is at least equal to or more than the paid up share capital of the Holding Company. In such an event the Collaborator(s) / Associate(s) would be required to furnish along with its bid, a letter of undertaking from the Holding Company, supported by Board Resolution (as per the format enclosed in the bid documents), pledging unconditional and irrevocable financial support to the Collaborator(s) / Associate(s) to honor the terms and conditions of the Deed of Joint Undertaking, in case of award of the contract to the Bidder with whom Collaborator / Associate is associated.
2.2.5 The unutilized line of credit for fund based and non-fund based limits with cash and bank balances including fixed deposits of the Collaborator / Associate as on a date not earlier than 15 days prior to the date of techno-commercial bid opening, duly certified by the bankers should not be less than the following for different collaborator(s) / Associate(s) as applicable.
Collaborator(s)/ Associates(s) |
Applicable Clauses |
Required unutilized line of credit in Million INR or in equivalent foreign currency |
1.1.2,1.2.2 |
INR 111 Million (Indian Rupees One hundred eleven million) |
1.1.2,1.2.2 |
INR 68 Million (Indian Rupees Sixty eight million) |
1.1.4,1.2.2 |
INR 12 Million (Indian Rupees Twelve million) |
In case certificates from more than one banks are submitted, the certified unutilized limits shall be of the same date from all such banks.
2.2.6 Where another company of the group acting as the Treasury center is responsible for Treasury Management of the Collaborator / Associate having combined credit/ guarantee limit for the whole group, the Collaborator / Associate would be required to provide a Banker’s certificate regarding unutilized line of credit for fund based and non-fund based limits together with cash and bank balances including fixed deposits available to such Treasury Centre. Further, Treasury Centre shall certify that out of the aforesaid limits certified by the Bankers, the Collaborator / Associate shall have access to the line of credit of a level not less than the amount specified at Cl. 2.2.5 above. In proof of this, the Bidder would be required to furnish along with its techno-commercial bid, a letter of undertaking from the Treasury Centre, Supported by a resolution passed by the Board of Directors of the Collaborator / Associate’s holding company, as per the format enclosed in the bidding documents, pledging unconditional and irrevocable financial support to the Collaborator / Associate(s) to honour the terms and conditions of the Deed of Joint Undertaking, in case of award of the contract to the bidder with whom Collaborator / Associate is associated.
2.2.7 In case the Collaborator/ Associate’s unutilized line of credit for fund based and non-fund based limits specified at Cl.2.2.5 above is not sufficient, a comfort letter from one of the bankers specified in the bid documents unequivocally stating that in case of award of the contract to the Bidder with whom Collaborator/ Associate is associated, the Bank would enhance the line of credit for fund based and non-fund based limit to a level not less than the specified amount to the Collaborator / Associate or to the Treasury Management Centre as the case may be, shall be acceptable.
i. Net worth means the sum total of the paid up share capital and free reserves. Free reserve means all reserves credited out of the profits and share premium account but does not include reserves credited out of the revaluation of the assets, write back of depreciation provision and amalgamation. Further any debit balance of profit and loss account and miscellaneous expenses to the extent not adjusted or written off, if any, shall be reduced from reserves and surplus.
ii. Other income shall not be considered for arriving at annual turnover.
iii. For unutilized line of credit for fund based and non-fund based limits and Turnover indicated in foreign currency, the exchange rate as on 7 days prior to the date of techno-commercial bid opening shall be used.
iv. “Holding Company” and “Subsidiary Company” shall have the meaning ascribed to them as per Companies Act of India.
7.0 Notwithstanding anything stated above, the Employer reserves the right to assess the capabilities and capacity of the Bidder / his Collaborators / associates to perform the contract, should the circumstances warrant such assessment in the overall interest of the Employer.
8.0 NSPCL reserves the right to reject any or all bids or cancel/withdraw the Invitation for Bids without assigning any reason whatsoever and in such case no bidder / intending bidder shall have any claim arising out of such action.
9.0 Downloading of Bidding Documents by any Bidder or payment / acceptance of tender documents cost shall not construe that such Bidder is considered to be qualified.
10.0 Bids shall be submitted online and opened at the address given below in the presence of Bidder's representatives who choose to attend the bid opening.
11.0 Bidder shall furnish Bid Security, Power of Attorney, Certificate of Acceptance of Important Terms and Conditions, Certificate of Compliance for Qualifying Requirement, Integrity pact, Deed of Joint Undertaking (as applicable) in physical form offline as detailed in Bidding Documents before the stipulated bid submission closing date and time of Stage-I (Techno-Commercial Bid) at the address given below.
12.0 Transfer of bidding documents purchased by one intending bidder to another is not permissible.
4th Floor, NBCC Tower,
15, Bhikaji Cama Place,
New Delhi-110 066
Telephone No.: 0091-11-26717376 / 26105427, Fax No.: 0091-11-26717365 / 26717363
E-mails: narainmathur@ntpc.co.in or ashwanibhaskar@ntpc.co.in
Website: www.nspcl.co.in
E-tender Website: www.tenderwizard.com/NSPCL