(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
2nd Floor, MeghMallahar Building, Mission Road, Sundargarh, Odisha – 770001; Ph: 06622- 272049 Fax: 06622 – 275178
Notice Inviting Tender
(Domestic Competitive Bidding)
Date:24.01.2015 |
Dulanga Coal Mining Project, at Sundargarh District, Odisha a unit of NTPC Limited, invites tenders for the work of “Running and Maintenance of Guest House / Transit Camp” at Sundargarh, Odisha for a duration of 2 Years”.
Bid Invitation No
Name of the workRunning and Maintenance of Guest House / Transit Camp at Sundargarh, Odisha for duration of 2 Years.
Rs.900.00 + Bank Charges |
Cost of Tender |
Document |
Tender fee shall be submitted in the form of Demand Draft / |
(Tender fee) |
Banker's cheque / Pay Order from any Nationalized / Scheduled |
Bank drawn in favourof NTPC Limited, payable at Talcher - Kaniha. |
Bid documents |
From 28.01.2015, 9:30 Hours |
sale start date |
Bid documents |
18.02.2015, 17.00 Hours |
sale close date |
Last date and |
time of tender |
04.03.2015 up to 15:00 Hours |
submission |
Technical Bid |
04.03.2015 at 15:30 hours, after scrutiny of EMD / Bid Security |
Opening Date |
Envelope. |
and Time |
Price Bid Opening Date and Time will be intimated later on only to Technically qualified bidders.
Estimated cost |
Rs. 30 Lakhs |
(in INR) |
Earnest Money |
Rs. 60,000.00 (Rupees. Sixty Thousand only) |
Deposit (EMD) |
Contract Period Twenty Four (24) months |
1.1The Bidder may be a proprietary firm, Partnership firm, Limited Company, Registered Cooperative Society, Corporate body legally constituted possessing the required licenses, registrations etc. as per law valid at least for 12 months from the date of the opening of tender.
1.2The bidder must have experience of Running, Maintenance and catering Services of Guest House / Transit Camp / Management Training Institute of Central Govt. Deptts/ PSUs/Large Organizations of repute/ 2 Star (or above star) Hotels for last 3 years ending 31st March 2014.
1.3Average Annual financial turnover during the last 3 years, ending 31stMarch of the previous financial year, should be at least 30% of the estimated cost (Rs.
1.4 Experience of having successfully completed similar works during last 7 years ending last day of month previous to the one in which applications are invited should be either of the following:
a)Three similar completed works, each costing not less than the amount equal to 40% of the estimated cost (Rs
b)Two similar completed works, each costing not less the amount equal to 50% of the estimated cost (Rs. 14,85,630.9) or
c)One similar completed work costing not less than the amount equal to 80% of the estimated cost (Rs. 23,
“Similar Completed Works’ means “Running, Maintenance and catering Services of Guest House / Transit Camp / Training Institute of Central Govt. Dept./ PSUs/Large Organizations of repute/ 2 Star (or above star) Hotels having minimum 6 no of rooms during the last seven years”.
Further, for completed similar works, agency shall submit copies of
The completed cost of the work may be updated @ 8% compounded for each completed year ending March 31, 2014.
Bidders should attach
The Bidder should submit Documentary proof related to minimum requirements as stated above in separate envelop along with the bid.
It may also be noted that lowest bidder has to produce original certificates for verification before award of the work.
1.5 Bidder shall provide documentary evidence of Service Tax, VAT registration, PF registration, ESIC registration (wherever applicable) and power of attorney at the time of
bidding. Necessary registration with local bodies under Shops & Establishment Act or other applicable acts of State / Central Govt. authorities for providing Catering /Guesthouse related activities, if applicable, shall be obtained by the agency before commencement of work and submitted to EIC for verification.
1.6Bidders shall provide such evidence of their continued eligibility, satisfactory to the Company, as the Company shall reasonably demand any time within the currency of the contract.
1.7The Bidder shall submit attested copies of original documents defining the constitution or
legal status, place of registration, and principal place of business; written power of attorney of the signatory of the Bid to commit the Bidder; along with the bid.
2. CONTRACT ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Further, the contract eligibility includes the following:
2.1Experience on similar completed works executed during the last seven years; and details like monetary value, clients, proof of successful completion.
2.2Documentary evidence of adequate financial standing, Certified by Bankers, Audited Profit& Loss A/c and Balance Sheet, Annual turnover in last three years, access to adequate working capital. In case where audited results of last (preceding) financial year is not available, certificate of financial statement from a Chartered Accountant shall also be considered acceptable)
2.3On the Guest House contract works of NTPC, the agency shall deploy its own regular employees and no subcontracting, in any form is allowed. Key personnel available and proposed to be engaged for management and supervision of the, Guest House/Transit Camp, their qualifications and experience
2.4The minimum qualification and experience* of the personnel proposed to be engaged may be as under-
Manager - Diploma in Hospitality Management or Hotel Management with minimum 3 years of experience
Graduate with minimum 7 years of experience
12th pass with minimum 10 years of experience.
12th pass and with minimum 5 years of experience
verification report in respect of the staff proposed to be engaged, from a statutory authority, before deployment of the person on the work.
2.5Information regarding projects in hand, current litigation, orders regarding exclusion/expulsion or black listing, if any.
Brief scope of work of the contract is mentioned below. However, it shall not limit or alter the detail scope of work and services covered in bid documents of subject work. Detailed provisions in regard of scope of work and technical features/specification of services, contained in bid documents shall be final and binding.
The Transit camp / Guest house at Sundargarh, Odisha consists of 07 rooms, One Kitchen room, two Dinning hall & a common corridor.
Provision of Caretaking of Guest House including reception, facilitating accommodation and allied services for comfortable stay of employees/guests of NTPC Limited and catering are the main activities of this contract. The job includes briefly the following activities:
a). Reception Services: ManagetheTransit Camp by a professional and experienced person to attend theguest(s),telephonecalls/enquirieswithdecentand hospitablemanner.
b). Maintenance / Operation:Regular maintenance and cleaning of area under the scope of this contract by using proper tools, tackles & equipment’s and catering are the parts of this contract along with other related work.
c). Readiness of room for guests: The agency shall be responsible to keep room/s ready in all respect within 01 hr. of the vacation of the room/s by the guest/s and ensure cleanliness of rooms.
d). Special Event Arrangements: There may be special arrangements need to be organized besides regular activities in which, the agency may be asked to provide the services to meet the requirement.
e). Catering Services: It is prime responsibility of the Service Provider to provide excellent catering services as per detailed scope of work mentioned in bid documents.
f). Cleaning Services: Cleaning of kitchen, guest rooms and all the toilets at Guest house, washbasins in Dining hall, store and equipment’s used by agency shall be the responsibility of the agency. The following jobs are to be carried out under Cleaning Service:
i) Daily Cleaning ii) Weekly Cleaning and iii) Monthly Cleaning
g). Washing/dry cleaning of linen: The agency shall be responsible for washing/dry cleaning of linen including curtains / blankets.
h). Provision of toiletries: Theagencywillprovidetoiletriesasperstandardchecklist as given in
General Conditions:
1.Tender documents shall be issued to indenting bidders on payment of bid document fee (in the form of DD), from the office of Deputy General Manager (C&M),
2.NTPC reserves the right to reject any or all bids or cancel / withdraw the Notice Inviting Tender without assigning any reason whatsoever and in such case no bidder / intending bidder shall have any claim arising out of such action. In such circumstances, EMD only shall be returned without any additional financial liability to NTPC Limited.
3.Tender documents are not transferable. Issuance of tender documents does not automatically mean that the bidders are considered qualified. NTPC shall evaluate the
qualifying requirements of each bidder as per NIT after opening of Technical Bid and the Price bid of the bidder who is not meeting the qualifying requirements shall not be opened.
4.If the date of bid opening coincides with a holiday, the date of bid opening shall be shifted to next working day.
5.NTPC shall not be responsible for any postal delay / loss / damage or
6.Prospective bidders from Uttar Pradesh state are compulsorily required to provide TIN number at the time of purchase of bidding documents from office of NTPC.
7.MSME's registered with National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) under single point registration scheme, in respect of tenders for the items for which such NSIC units are registered, are eligible for issue of bid documents free of cost, exemption from Earnest Money Deposit and exemption from payment of Security Deposit for contracts awarded up to the monetary limit for which the unit is registered. Tenderers seeking exemption should enclose a photocopy of valid registration certificate as a proof, giving details such as validity, stores and monetary limits for above purposes. Above benefits cannot be availed by an NSIC unit in case of failure to produce a photocopy of valid registration certificate.
8.Other terms and conditions of tender shall be as contained in Bid Documents
9.Address for Submission of Tender Documents &Communication:
DeputyGeneral Manager
(Contracts & Materials)
Ph: 06622- 272049 Fax: 06622 – 275178 Email: scdash@ntpc.co.in
Alternate Email: sandeepkonda@ntpc.co.in Websites: www.ntpctender.com (or) www.ntpc.co.in