7B, Pretoria Street, 3rd & 4th
DATE: 29/8/14 |
(Domestic Competitive Bidding)
NTPC invites sealed tenders from eligible bidders/parties for the following work,
1.Name of work: Running and Maintenance of Guest House & Medical Transit Camp of NTPC Kolkata.
2.Duration of contract: 24 months
3.Date & time for sale of bid document: 01/09/2014 to 15/09/2014 (10hrs. to 17hrs.)
(Monday to Friday)
4.Cost of bid document: Rs.900/- (Rupees nine hundred only)
5.Last date and time of bid deposit:22/09/2014, 15.00hrs.
6.Bid opening date & time:22/09/2014, 15.30hrs.
7.Earnest Money Deposit:Rs.2,00,000/- (Rupees two lakhs only)
8.Contact person: AGM (T&CC/CS)
9.Website for tender: www.ntpctender.com
1.Cost of bid documents as stated to be submitted along with request for issuance of bid documents shall be in the form of bank DD/pay order drawn at a nationalized schedule bank in favour of "NTPC Ltd" payable at Kolkata.
2.NTPC will not be responsible in any way for late receipt of request for bid documents.
3.The bids shall be opened on the date & time mentioned in the bid documents in presence of bidders who intent to attend.
4.NTPC reserves the right to reject any or all request or cancel/withdraw the invitation for bid without assigning any reason. Whatsoever and in such case bidder/intending bidder shall have no claim arising out of such action.
5.A complete set of bid documents may be purchased by any interested bidder on submission of written application and copies of credentials in prima facie and payment of the cost of the bid documents as mentioned above.
6.Issuance of bid documents to bidders shall not construe that such bidder (s) is considered to be qualified.
7.Prospective bidders shall offer their bid along with supporting documents as per qualifying requirement or any other credentials which may they feel dim fit for this tender.
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Name & Stamp of vendor |
7B, Pretoria Street, 3rd & 4th
DATE: 29/8/14 |
1.All bids must be accompanied by EMD for an amount of
2.The bidders shall read the detail tender specifications very carefully and understand the meaning of every sentence of all the chapters to avoid any post bid ambiguity. Bidders may ask for any technical/commercial clarification either verbally or in writing from the NTPC Kolkata Office, Contract Dept.
3.The bidder shall submit their offer in the following modes:
Two envelope bids:-
A:Envelope 1: Requisite EMD and all supporting documents for Qualifying requirements.(EMD detail to be super scribed on envelope)
B:Envelope 2: Commercial Bid as per BOQ stated in tender specification. The date of opening of the commercial bid will be intimated to all successful bidders who shall meet our Qualifying requirements.
4.Both the envelope shall be super scribed with tender name and bid opening date.
5.At any point of time, in case offer is found not satisfying the minimum qualifying requirement as stated in
6.Address of communication: AGM (T&CC/CS)
NTPC Ltd, 3rd & 4th floor,7B, Pretoria Street,Kolkata – 700071
7.Contact Person: Sri.K Maity, AGM(T&CC/CS)
Ms.C Sarkar, Dy.Mgr(T&CC/CS)
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Name & Stamp of vendor |
7B, Pretoria Street, 3rd & 4th
DATE: 29/8/14 |
1.General Requirements
1.1.The bidder may be a proprietary firm, partnership firm, Limited Company, registered
1.2.The bidder must have experience of running , maintenance and catering services of Guest House/Transit camp/management Training Institute of Central Govt. Depts./PSUs/large organisations of repute/2star(or above star) Hotels for last 3years ending 31st March 2014.
1.3.The average annual financial turnover during the last 3years, ending 31st March of the previous financial year, should be at least Rs.30,00,000/- (Rupees thirty lacs only)
1.4.Experience of having successfully completed similar works during last 7 years ending last day of month previous to the one in which applications are invited should be either of the following:
(a)three similar completed works, each costing not less than the amount equal to Rs.40,00,000/- (Rupees forty lacs only)
(b)two similar completed works, each costing not less the equal amount to Rs.50,00,000/- (Rupees fifty lacs only)
(c)one similar completed work costing not less than the amount equal to Rs.80,00,000/- (Rupees eighty lacs only)
(“Similar completed works” means “ Running, maintenance & catering services of Guest
House / Transit camp/ Training Institute of Central Govt. Depts/PSUs/large organisations of repute/2stars(or above star) Hotels having minimum 17 nos. of rooms during the last seven years)
(a)Further, for completed similar works, agency shall submit copies of
(b)The completed cost of the work may be updated @8% compounded for each completed year ending March 31st.
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Name & Stamp of vendor |
7B, Pretoria Street, 3rd & 4th
DATE: 29/8/14 |
(c)Bidders should attach
(d)The bidder should submit documentary proof related to minimum requirements as stated above in separate envelope along with the bid.
(e)It may also be noted that lowest bidder has to produce original certificates for verification before award of the work.
1.5.Bidder shall provide documentary evidence of Service Tax, VAT registration, PF registration, ESIC registration (wherever applicable) and power of attorney at the time of bidding. Necessary registration with local bodies under Shops and Establishment Act or other applicable acts of State / Central Govt. authorities for providing catering / Guest house related activities, if applicable, shall be obtained by the agency before commencement of work and submitted to Engineer In charge for verification.
1.6.Bidders shall provide such evidence of their continued eligibility, satisfactory to the Company, as the Company shall reasonably demand any time within the currency of the contract.
1.7.The bidder shall submit attested copies of original documents defining the constitution or legal status, place of registration, and principal place of business; written power of attorney of the signatory of the bid to commit the bidder; along with the bid.
2.Contract Eligibility Criteria
Further, the contract eligibility criteria includes the followings;
2.1.Experience on similar completed works executed during the last seven years and details like monetary value, clients, proof of successful completion.
2.2.Documentary evidence of adequate financial standing, certified by bankers, audited profit & loss account and balance sheet, annual turnover in last three years, access to adequate working capital. In case where an audited result of last (preceding) financial year is not available, certificate of financial statement from a chartered accountant shall also be considered acceptable.
2.3.On the Guest House contract works of NTPC, the agency shall deploy its own regular employees and no subcontracting, in any form is allowed. Key personnel available and proposed to be engaged for management and supervision of the Guest House/ Transit camp, their qualifications and experience – Valid certificates by a recognized University, technical Board or Ministry of Government of India would only be taken cognizance of.
2.4.The minimum qualification and experience (experience should be in Guest House/Transit camp/Management training Institute of Central Govt. Depts./PSUs/large organisations of repute/2star or above Hotels) personnel proposed to be engaged may be as under-
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Name & Stamp of vendor |
7B, Pretoria Street, 3rd & 4th
DATE: 29/8/14 |
Supervisor - Graduate and min 2 years of experience OR 12th pass and min 5years of experience.
Cook – 8th pass and min five years of experience
Bearer – 8th pass and min 2years of experience
Sweeper/Cleaner/Housekeeping staff- Literate (atleast should be able to speak and read local languages)
Further, the character and antecedent report of the personnel proposed to be engaged should be clean. It shall be the responsibility of the agency to submit to NTPC, such verification report in respect of the staff proposed to be engaged, from a Statutory Authority, before deployment of the person on the work.
2.5.Information regarding projects in hand, current litigation, orders regarding exclusion / expulsion or black listing, if any.
Note: Requisite details as above may please be filled in the format as provided hereafter.
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Name & Stamp of vendor |