Construction of power supply arrangement with 33/11 kV Substation and Two (2) Numbers of 33kV feeder from 132/33 kV Remja, GSS Brajrajnagar of OPTCL for NTPC Darlipali STPP in Odisha State on Turnkey basis


  NIT No: NESCL/NTPC/CS-DA-628                                                               Date: 17.02.2014


1.0 NTPC ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED (NESCL), a wholly owned Subsidiary of NTPC Ltd invites sealed bids on Single Stage Two Envelopes (Part-I: Techno commercial Bid & Part-II: Price Bid) bidding system from eligible bidders as NESCL has been entrusted by NTPC Ltd for Construction of power supply arrangement with 33/11 kV Substation and Two (2) Numbers of 33kV feeder from 132/33 kV Remja, GSS Brajrajnagar of OPTCL for NTPC Darlipali STPP in Odisha State on Turnkey basis. The proposed work on completion shall be handed over to NTPC for operation, ultimate control and maintenance.


            The execution of the project shall be funded out of the proceeds of the financial assistance to be received by NTPC Ltd and all eligible payments for the execution of the project under the intended contract shall be made by the NTPC Electric Supply Company Limited under suitable arrangement with NTPC Ltd. The ownership of the project shall remain vested with NTPC Ltd.


 2.0     The project shall be executed under the following package for which NTPC Electric Supply Company Limited invites sealed bids under domestic competitive bidding: -


        Package:DA-628:Construction of power supply arrangement with 33/11 kV Substation and Two(2) Numbers of 33kV feeder from 132/33 kV Remja, GSS Brajrajnagar of OPTCL for NTPC Darlipali STPP in Odisha State

                                                    Bid Doc. No. : NESCL/NTPC/CS-DA-628.


3.0            Brief Scope of Work :




Detailed design


Providing engineering data and drawings, as per specified format, for employer’s review, approval and records.


Complete Manufacturing including Type, Acceptance & Routine testing, as specified.


Packing and  transportation from the manufacturer’s works to the site  including transit insurance & customs clearance/ port clearance (if required), port handling, clearance for imported goods and further loading (if applicable) "As delivered at site basis".


Receipt, Unloading, Storage, Insurance and Preservation of Sub station & Transmission Line material & accessories at site.


(a)  Construction of Sub-Station and installation of equipments (including all civil works)

(b)  Transmission Line route survey of entire stretch, Settlement of all issues related to Right of Way and laying of Line (including all civil works)

(c)   Testing and Commissioning of Sub Station, Transmission Line & accessories.

(d)   Handing over of the completed system to the Owner

(e)   Satisfactory conclusion of the Contract.


4.0                The aforesaid scope of work is only indicative. The detailed scope is described in the Bidding Documents, which are available for inspection & sale, at the address mentioned at Para 17.0, as per details schedule given below:


Sl. No.


Package: DA-628


Bid Documents No.



Inspection & Sale of Bidding Documents

From: 19.02.2014 to 07.03.2014 between 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 pm on all working days.


Submission of Bids Documents (Part-I & Part-II)

Last Date & Time: 14.03.2014 up to 10.30 am (IST)


Bid Opening (Part-I) Date & time

Date : 14.03.2014 Time on 11.00 am (IST)


Cost of Bidding Documents

` 6,750/-


Bid Security

` 32,01,000/- (Ref Clause 22 of INB)


Note: Date and time of opening of Price Bids (Part-II) for above packages shall be informed to all the eligible bidders at a later date and the same shall be opened in the presence of the representatives of techno-commercially qualified bidders who choose to attend the Bid Opening.


5.0         All bids (Part-I: Techno Commercial bid) must be accompanied by Bid Security for an amount as per point 6 of above referred clause No. 4 in the form stipulated in Bidding Documents. Bids not accompanied by the requisite Bid Security, in a separate sealed cover or bids accompanied by Bid Security of inadequate value shall not be entertained and in such cases bids shall be returned to the bidders without being opened.


6.0   Qualifying Requirements of Bidders:


In addition to satisfactory fulfillment of the Qualifying Requirements stipulated in clause 2.0, Instruction to Bidder Vol.-I the following shall also apply,





a) The Bidder should have designed, constructed/erected, tested and commissioned at least one (1) Air insulated substation/ switchyard of 33 kV or above voltage class having at least two (2) bays For the purpose of qualifying requirement, one no. of bay shall be considered as 33 kV or above voltage class bay used for Line /Transformer/Reactor/Bus coupler/Bus transfer or Bus section and comprising of atleast one circuit breaker, and single phase current transformers.




b)The bidder should have constructed/erected and commissioned Transmission line projects of 11 KV or higher voltage class with a cumulative route length of not less than 44 km.


The above works mentioned at Sl.No. 6.1.1 should have been completed during last 07(Seven) years and should be in successful operation for a minimum period of 02 (Two) years as on the date of techno-commercial bid opening.




6.2.1     The average annual turnover of the Bidder, in the preceding three (3) financial years as on the Date of techno-commercial bid opening, shall not be less than Rs.  19.94 Crores (Indian Rupees Ninteen Crores and  ninty four lakh only).


6.2.2     The net worth of the Bidder as on the last day of the preceding financial year shall not be less than 25% of the paid up share capital.


6.2.3     In case the Bidder is not able to furnish its audited financial statements on the standalone entity basis, the unaudited unconsolidated financial statements of the bidder can be considered acceptable provided the bidder furnishes the following further documents on substantiation of its qualification.


a)       Copies of the unaudited unconsolidated financial statements of the bidder along with copies of the audited consolidated financial statements of the Holding Company.



b)    A Certificate from the CEO/CFO of the Holding Company, as per the format enclosed in the bid documents stating that the unaudited unconsolidated financial statements form part of the consolidated Annual Report of the company.


In case where audited result for the last preceding financial year are not available, certification of financial statements from a practicing Chartered Accountant shall also be considered acceptable.       


6.2.4     In case a bidder does not satisfy the financial criteria, stipulated at   Cl. 6.2.1 and/or Cl. 6.2.2 above on its own, the holding company would be required to meet the stipulated turnover requirements at Cl 6.2.1 above provided that the net worth of such holding company as on the last day of the preceding financial year is at least equal to or more than the paid up share capital of the holding company. In such an event, the bidder would be required to furnish along with its bid, a Letter of undertaking from the holding company, supported by board resolution, as per the format enclosed in the bid documents, pledging unconditional and irrevocable financial support of the contract by the bidder in the case of award.


6.2.5     The unutilized line of credit for fund based and non-fund based limits with cash and bank balances including fixed deposits of the bidder as on a date not earlier than 15 days prior to the date of techno-commercial bid opening, duly certified by the bankers shall not be less than Rs 9.35 Crores (Indian Rupees nine point three five Crores only). In case certificates from more than one bank are submitted, the certified unutilized limits shall be of the same date from all such banks.


6.2.6     Where another company of the group acting as the treasury centre is responsible for treasury management of the bidder having combined credit /guarantee limits for the whole groups the bidder would be required to provide a banker’s certificate regarding the unutilized line of credit for fund based and non-fund based limit together with cash and bank balances including fixed deposit available to such Treasury Centre.


Further Treasury Centre shall certify that out of the aforesaid limits certified by the bankers, the Bidder shall have access to the line of credit of a level not less than the specified amount at Cl. 6.2.5 above. In proof of this, the Bidder would be required to furnish along with its bid, a Letter of undertaking from the Treasury Centre, supported by a Resolution passed by the board of directors of the holding, company, as per the format enclosed in the bid documents, pledging unconditional and irrevocable financial support for the execution of the contract by the bidder in case of award.


6.2.7    In case the Bidder’s unutilized line of credit for fund based and non-fund based limits specified at CI 6.2.5 above is not sufficient a comfort letter from one of the bankers specified in the bid documents unequivocally stating that in case the bidder is awarded the contract the bank would enhance line of credit for fund based and non-fund based limits to a level not less than the specified amount to the bidder or to the Treasury Management Centre as the case may be, shall be acceptable.


Notes for Clauses 6.2.0 above


i)          Net worth means the sum total of the paid up share capital and free reserves. Free reserve means all reserves credited out of the profits and share premium account but does not include reserves credited out of the revaluation of the assets, write back of depreciation provision and amalgamation. Further any debit balance of profit and loss account and miscellaneous expenses to the extent not adjusted or written off, if any, shall be reduced from reserves and surplus.


ii)        Other income shall not be considered for arriving at annual turnover.


iii)      For unutilized line of credit for fund based and non fund based limits and turn over indicated in foreign currency, the exchange rate as on seven days prior to the date of techno-commercial bid opening shall be used.


7.0      Notwithstanding anything stated here in above the owner reserves the right to assess the capacity and the capability of the bidder should the circumstances warrant such assessment in the overall interest of the owner .This assessment shall inter-alia include


i)        Document verification


ii)      Bidders work/manufacturing facilities


iii)    Manufacturing capacity, details of work executed, and works in hand, anticipated in future in addition to the works involved in present bid.


iv)    Details of plant and machinery, manufacturing and testing facilities, manpower, and financial resources.


v)      Details of engineering organization & systems in place.


vi)    Details of quality systems in place.


vii)  Past experience and performance.


viii)   Customer’s feedback and banker’s feedback.


The owner reserves the right not to consider the bid in case anything is found contradictory to the above QR.


8.0      Bidding in Joint Venture/ Consortium/ Associate route is not allowed.


9.0      The owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids  or cancel/withdraw the invitation for bids without assigning any reason what so ever and in such a case no bidder/intending bidder shall have any claim arising out of such action.


10.0  In addition to above, bidder to submit documentary evidence viz. Copy of award letter proof of completion in support of similar works executed during last seven years reckoned from seven days prior to techno-commercial bid opening.


11.0  The Bidder shall furnish following documents/details with the Bid in support of:


i)                   Documentary evidence viz. copy of award letter, Approved SLD, certificate of performance in support of satisfactory execution of works in respect of Sl. No. 1 in support of meeting the ‘QR’ stipulated duly flagged/marked in the offer.

ii)                 All documents evidencing compliance to the Financial Criteria as at clause 2 above.

iii)               Complete annual reports together with Audited statement of accounts of the company for last 5 years immediately preceding date of submission of bid.

iv)                Detailed information on any litigation or arbitration arising out of the contract completed or under execution by it over the last five years. A consistent history of litigation against the Bidder may result in the rejection of Bid.

12.0      The successful Bidder will be required to furnish a Contract Performance Guarantee for Ten (10%) for the package.


13.0      NTPC Electric Supply Company Limited reserves the right to cancel/withdraw the bid without assigning any reason for such decision. Such decision will not incur any liability whatsoever on the part of NTPC Electric Supply Company limited consequently.


14.0      All bids (Part-I: Techno commercial bid) must be accompanied by a bid security as per Cl. 4.0, Para-6 and in the form as specified in the bid documents. The same   must be delivered to the address given below at the date and time given above.


15.0        Prospective Bidders from U.P. state are compulsorily required to provide TIN number at the time of purchase of bidding documents from office of NTPC Electric Supply Company Limited.


16.0        Bidding documents are non-transferable and a complete set of bidding documents may be purchased by any interested bidder on submission of a written application and payment (non-refundable) of the cost of the bidding documents as mentioned at Clause 4.0 above in the form of a Crossed Account Payee Demand Draft in favour of NTPC Electric Supply Company Limited, payable at New Delhi / Noida.  The bidding documents can also be downloaded from on registration and online payment (non-refundable) towards cost of bidding documents and the downloaded documents can be used for bidding purposes. In case the registered bidders who have downloaded the bidding documents require an additional manual copy of the documents then such bidders shall be required to purchase the manual copy of the bidding documents following the procedure detailed above.


17.0        Issuance of bid documents to any bidder shall not construe that such bidder is considered to be qualified. Bids shall be submitted and opened at the address given below in the presence of bidder’s representatives who choose to attend the bid opening.           


18.0        NTPC Electric Supply Company Limited will not be responsible for misplacement/delay in receipt of either request for issuance of Bidding Documents or Bids sent by Post/ Courier.


19.0        In the event of date specified for bid receipt and opening being declared as a closed holiday for purchaser’s office, the due date for submission of bids and opening of bids will be the following working day at the appointed times.


20.0        Address for Communication:


                AGM (Contracts & Material Services)/

                DGM (Contracts & Material Services)



                Second Floor, Room No. 221

                R&D Bldg. NESCL,

                A – 8A, Sector - 24, NOIDA - 201301,

                State of U.P., INDIA

                Tele-fax Nos.: + 91 – 120 – 2410 907

                Phone Nos.: + 91 – 120 –241 0689

                Websites: OR